Remove the double vanish from the Rogue tree, add it to the Sub tree only
Remove Subterfuge from the Rogue tree, add it to the Sub tree only
Remove Double Shadowstep from the Rogue tree, add it to the Sub tree only
Currently this SHOULD be the counter to the following rogue speccs:
Sublety: Stun the rogue when he pops his go. Its that easy. Sublety is then subpar for 2min.
Outlaw: Stun the rogue when he gets his procs going. You can see this by the large amount of Ambush and Pistol Shots. Stunning him stops his procs and he must start over. Outlaw needs to build up to the damage so resetting him punishes his damage a lot.
Assassination: Pop defenses when you see Deathmark and make sure you dont go below 35% health without a defensive ready. You cant stop this rogue once he unloaded on you, but you can delay it by popping trinket and stopping his opener.
In general I think Assassination can easily become OP with all the Sublety utility such as Subterfuge, double vanish, double shadowstep. I dont think this spec needs all that utility. Let the Sub rogue be unique.
Nothing just want all monk specs to be nerfed or their utility reduced.
kicks me in the air follow up crackling lightning 2x knockbacks then freaking ring of piss.
What’s funny is that at the release of Legion, blizzard said that classes talent trees weren’t unique enough. Now they are going towards a route of one has more damage than the other…
You can argue that specs are more alike one-another than they were prior to Legion, release. Including healer and dps lol.
Assassination has become way too mobile. It’s ridiculous.
Sublety plays Deathmark (I mean Deathstalker the hero talent tree) and Rupture now. So Sublety and Assassination are almost identical in playstyle. The difference is essentially cleave pressure vs single target burst, but otherwise no difference.
its only sub that needs nerf and u cant stun rogue in evasion bro but whatever. Subterfuge should be removed permanently, double vanish either removed or given a forbearance mechanic. Stealth given a CD perhaps 1 minute.
I have seen Paladins play Ray of Frost the other day, too.
Of course you can stun a Rogue in Evasion. Severals stuns can’t be dodged and for others you can in the back, or if you hit the Rogue with something else like Fear to negate dodge score while Evasion is up.
As Monk for example you can press Paralysis, which can’t be dodged, and because the Rogue can’t dodge in CC you can use Leg Sweep while he is still in Paralysis, and boom, he is stunned despite Evasion !
im aware of this. however if you waste paralysis instantly when a rogue burst you, you wont have it to survive later. And the rogue WILL trinket the stun. Rogue is and always have been the most braindead overpowered class in the game.
I think you are very biased in saying this. I get it, you hate the class. But know this; the class has clear counterplays, and the most obvious is Sublety. Assassination is actually the hardest to counter
You do realise that Blizzard is simplifying the Rogue class for 11.0.5 because the class is less played, right? According to DataForAzeroth, Rogue is the second least played max level character, next to Evoker.
Subterfuge? How is subterfuge a problem? As a rogue, I tend to forget I even have subterfuge. It is becoming an irrelevant talent…
Thing is, as a rogue, you are pretty much never in stealth anymore. So much aoe and bugs that stealth breaks all the time. And because you don’t notice it breaks, those 3 seconds of subterfuge is not useful.
Also, what the… do you mean by this:
So you don’t want to waste paralysis when a rogue bursts you, because then you don’t have it ready for when the rogue bursts you is pretty much what you are saying. And your argument with trinket doesn’t make sense. Trinket is 2 min cd. You force a trinket from rogue, then you can take him out next burst, which is what? 45 sec later? You got two bursts yourself.
I am aware that monks are quite feeble against rogues. But your arguments are honestly a big facepalm.
Tbh I’d totally be in favour of removing double vanish and subterfuge for a huge damage buff on ST damage considering both Assa and Outlaw currently rely on stealth to do their main sources of damage.
im talking about when subterfuge actually was useful and its brokenly op to be able to spam cheapshot on demand. I’ve played a rogue alt i know how brokenly oppressive it is.
Stealth needs to be fixed i see rogues myself getting thrown out of stealth randomly.
The incap thing is in a 1v1 scenario in the actual relevant bracket ie blitz where you face sub rogues alot 1v1 since its fotm and giga overpowerered. In this scenario the sub rogue can remove karma, burst you to 10%, if you trinket the burst and try to port assuming you have your port already set up. The rogue will just vanish and reset and win anyway. If you karma he’ll cloak it, if you sweep him he’ll trinket it. Point is you wont survive 45 seconds, most good sub rogues can kill a ww in his first burst ie about 10 seconds. And reset multiple times if the first failed. Even in a 3v3 scenario rogues are very oppressive to monks.