Rogues needs a buff right now!

i dont care about M+ , but m8 your top argument was that rogues were op casue of shroud :smiley: ? That is really top end value every rogue is dreaming about to give in pve

btw you talking BFA performance look at the Nyalotha ranks mages lock DH all the way . Warlocks and Mages have always sinca vanilla at least 1 top 4 performing raiding spec. Every single expansion.


it was not an argument, reality like it was, i don’t care too, but what is the thing you care about? The only thing i care now is the poorest assa spec.

RMX was top tier in 3s
RM / RP was top tier in 2s
Pirate was top tier in M+
assa was pretty ok in raids


p.s i mean cuz of shroud some keys didn’t finished fast w/o rogues
don’t worry, we will rise again, patience

Rogues don’t need buff rogues need big buff. Rogues also need raid buff. But probaby buffs never comes. I am CE player. No rogues take CE in nathria. You must sell boost for this. Today i send a ticket for refund gametimes and Shadowlads. Shadowlands really trash for rogues. Really bad legendaries and covenants.


Wait they can refund you game time ?

sure rogue needs buff :smiley: you must be very bad rogue if you want to buff them :smiley:


Very simple bro. Blizz is a company they let top guilds stack DKs for Anti Magic Zone to get their progress and removing almost any other melees. Problem is Melee sucks in this expansion. I gave them 2 weeks if they won’t fix anything simply i ll unsub and wait i don’t know may be i ll leave the game and wait for Path of Exile 2. Regards. And yes Assa needs serious tunning and Balance Team Dev attention.


Noob rogues


Said skilled DK where 50% of his dmg is passive either from autoattacks or from pet/army mmuhauhauh


I requested a refund but it was denied for shadowlands and my gametimes. I am waiting New Worlds. If you are playing rogue you mustn’t play world of warcraft.


yo i’ve noticed that as well and it has to be the stupidest thing wow had to offer in its entire history.
could you imagine assa doing 60% of the damage though bleeds/dots that you only have to refresh every minute or so, and forget about the builde3r/spender mechanics, nono, simply press button.

rogues have been nerfed over time, more and more. cloak 2 min cd instead of the historical 1. feint no longer spammable. now mediocre damage, compared to mongo classes.

is sad


To be honest, someone has to be last. It’s Rogue turn in raids. If it was buffed another class would be last and the complaint would just be shifted to their subforum.

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With this post you guarenteed you have 10iq not higher. Rogue is PURE DPS class and like them Mage,Hunter and Wlock should never ever fall behind dps of HYBRIDS. Before you post use your brain please. Dismissed.


Oh I guess I did pretty well with such a low number then. How does it feel to be worse than someone you insult ?

But then again, in a DPS check situation the hybrids will not spend their GCDs and resources on healing. The healing is simply part of their defensive arsenal just like we have stuff like Feint, which they lack.

If you play a DPS spec in the current game, hybrid or not, you play to deal damage. You don’t play to deal half the damage and a bit of extra healing on allies when you have healers healing your group. A Shadowpriest in raid will NEVER hardcast Shadowmend on an ally, for instance. Never. And so, on the DPS rankings one spec has to be last.

I’m also sad that it’s a Rogue spec there, especially one that it as good for progress as Assassination by its design (suffers little from downtime, easy rotation, little CD management), but it’s how it is.

Also you don’t have to insult people, it only displays you as an imbecile.


The real hybrid specs and classes were left behind in the pre-cata era. Using this argument in SL is plain idiotic. Every dps spec is a pure dps spec atm. Whether you have a heal to recover from damage taken or use a defensive to dodge it doesn’t matter. Potato, potáto.


Can you exactly tell me which pure dps classes were behind pre-cata? Let’s see, Fire Mages were OP in ICC and RS. Wlocks they were great mostly 10/13 bosses in ICC and Hallion again. Hunters they were not the top but atleast they were in first 5 on 25 men raids. So tell me what was it?


Ok your wall of text crited me 9999 dmg. Gz you are now 11 iq.

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I do not think you completely understand what I said. At least your question makes no sense regarding to what I said.

Don’t talk about IQ when you have the comprehention skills of a turtle yourself.


Oh you were here to make comment for protecting your friend. I get it.

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First, I don’t (need to) protect anyone. Secondly, I don’t even know the other poster.

But when you refer to someone’s IQ, you better make sure you are above average yourself (and I don’t mean in inches…).

Ehh… I don’t know about that one.

Although I think Outlaw is doing alrightish for itself in PvE. Its far from great.
But the problem isn’t that someone else is on top, or that we are “last”. The problem is the differences being so monumental.

I can only agree with people when they bring up arguments that specs with very heavy AoE capabilities are also doing top of the line ST damage. That kind of goes against the idea of having to choose a spec for the job. You shouldn’t be having singular specs doing everything. Doing either/or encourages people to make choices and thats kind of been the idea of specs for the longest time. But its a bit lost now…

I don’t agree with a hybird “tax” perse. As you can’t be 2 specs at once.
But specs individually should have strongpoints AND weaknesses. Not just strongpoints.

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