Rogues, which class is biggest problem for you it Mage Frost ?

Hello, I decided to play Dwarf Rogue. Main meaning of this choice was that worst enemy will be my mirror (another Rogue), so I wanted clean poisons and of course bleeds from devastating Warrior and bonus one Disease from Undead Priest Shadow dot.

But now Im lvl 22 and its probably not too late to start play Gnome, because I started recognize that my next big enemy is Mage frost. I will absolutely miss Shadowstep from TBC and Im afraid that I will have to go Sub/Combat for improved Sprint to remove Frost Nova. I wanted go Sub/Assa for Cold Blood. I am PvP player, but I didn´t play Vanilla before. It looks like huge difference, when Mage has almost everything from TBC except Water Elemental.

So what do you guys think about this, should I stay as Dwarf and try handle somehow with Stoneform or Gnome for Escape ? Thanks

Frost mages are scary up until you have a FAP in front of them.
Then it’s their turn to run away screaming.


Free Action Pots.

Rogue is the worst class there is until level 30ish or so when you can get Prep for 2ble vanish/sprint and have some crucial assassination talents. Until prep you are inifinitely kiteable like a warrior with no charge.

I levelled up as full Sub and only switched to Combat at 60. Couldn’t stand being useless in PvP as Combat.

FAPs are great. But this thing is also an underrated gem imo.
classic DOT wowhead DOT com/item=4328/spider-belt#comments

I ain’t afraid of no rogue

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“You will beeee”

  • Master Yoda, c.1980

Play with imp sprint/prep/dagger build but that is for level 60 spec.

Dwarf rogue is the best, stoneform is so overpowered but since you are at low lvl, you can find ton of mages aoeing farming in hillsbrad

Here you can use ambush on them when they aoe pull, guaranteed death even if you failed cause the mob would finish them and i have ganked over 100 players in the farm area but too bad honor system is not implemented.

Well, Frost Mage is not that big a deal in my experience, but then I am already sporting that delightful racial that you were asking about. If I had to say, my biggest problems right now are basically things that have instant cast hard CC (Warlocks at lv42+, Shadow Priest), so it’ll be interesting to see what happens once PvP trinkets are in. Even if you’re expecting to lose, there’s currently very little that can catch you if you just blind, escape artist and sprint.

I did once accidentally delete myself when a Warrior popped Retaliation, but that’s not really something you can fix with a racial…

Yeah you need to pay taxes to kill mages. Faps. Strongest enemies are the ones with tons of surviveability like palas and druids.

The biggest problem is probably not being a mage to get “Spellcleave” groups

As a rogue, i can confirm mages were a turn 180 and avoid class till i got the FAP potion. Now they fall like flies, one after another.

Besides that one mage the other day that somehow blinked and disappeared. I wonder what happened to that gnome…

My guess… he layered

It’s hunter.

Hunter’s Mark, Flare, dots, pet to keep you in combat.

Not even a contest, the only think that’s in the same tier of hard-countering is prot pally, but you can at least run away from that.

That has to be the most unfortunate innuendo I’ve ever read on these forums.

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Frost mage. Fap and Engi level’s this out a bit.

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