Role playing questions

It was arcane and what it did was give her an addiction to magic, which she previously didn’t have. Despite the Sunwell having been destroyed and not restored yet.

Lor’themar is said to have brown eyes in Tides of Darkness. It’s probably a reference to their actual eye colour rather than the colour of the glow surrounding their eyes.

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And I think Alleria was said to have Green eyes. I guess back then they wanted them to appear Human like or LOTR like, and modern Warcraft depicts them having eye colors based on powers. Very interesting!

There are indeed references that Elves have normal, human looking eyes underneath the glow - we even see them in the Sylvanas warbringer short, because they are easier to show emotion with. Its the most visible way of showing how deeply magic affects Elves in Warcraft and something you can do quite a lot with. A brief flash of a different colour can be used as a show, don’t tell story device when your character starts experimenting with other types of magic.

She did. Funny thing is Tides of Darkness was released in 2007, same year as TBC. So they already knew what WoW elves were supposed to look like. You’ve got to all the way to Warcraft 2 for Tolkien-esque elves.

Shadows Rising, though, describes her eye colour as pale blue and void-touched, so it would seem as though void = light blue eyes.

1.: The Windrunner family name is most likely, not as common as others, and should maybe not be played out in a role - then again, I am not here to tell people what they may or may not do.

2.: Worgen can utilize the light without issues, they are not affected, nor harmed by using it.

3.: Violet eyes are commonly connected to that of the void/shadow arts.

Most likely arcane.
Arcane spells all seem to be violet and blue.

Arcane beings are also blue or violet

That would be light blue, looking at Alleria’s description and the void elves themselves.

I’d avoid it personally, as mentioned, claiming to be a relation to a lore character is not generally regarded well. Now you -could- be of a family that has a long standing connection to the Farstriders, like the Windrunners, but the Farstrider order was only really codified 500 years ago (Rangers have obviously been around longer, Alleria fought in the Troll Wars apparently) Ranger-General was always the title of the commander of all Quel’thalas’ military, not necessarily the Farstrider’s, hence we are uncertain of the ages of the Windrunners, save that Alleria must have been at least 2,820 years old (Elves are confirmed to be adult at 20 at the latest (Source, Edge of Night, the Sylvanas short story) and only that young if she only saw service for a year or so. Vereesa we know was too young to serve in the Farstriders in the Second War, making her pretty young, like, within a human lifespan, probably about 40, but we have no idea of Sylvanas’ age at the point of her death (Edge of Night does not state that, just that she was adult aged 20, given that she is the middle sister, we just know she is younger than Alleria, but older than Vereesa)

I’d make up your own family, and just have them be long standing Rangers as a family, not linking them to the Windrunners.

They absolutely can. They do not have Paladin as a class, but that is because they were largely walled off from the Alliance after the Second War, so may never en masse have learned those methods. Individuals maybe, but it being an established thing, no. Faith in The Light however, predated Paladins. Their culture does seem to include other elements such as Harvest Witches, but yes, Gilneans can use the Holy Light. No reason Worgen can’t unless the individual feels that the Curse prevents them. (It doesn’t, but belief is always a personal thing.)

Probably Arcane, to be honest. Yes there is an example of an Elf getting purple eyes from a Naga Trident, but Purple is different to Violet (Subtle difference, I know) but Blue and Purple seem to be interchangeable when it comes to eye colour, Equally it could be Purple in relation to the Void. We don’t know the exact lore to be honest, as that eye colour has never really been explained.

We do know that without the glowy eye effect, Blood and High Elves have a natural colour to their irises, I think the only ones we know are Lor’themar, Brown, and Liadrin, Hazel, and Alleria, Green.

Hope that helps!

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im curious where to create the family tree, Argent Archieves in my profile?

No, definitely do not do that

You don’t need to create an entire family tree, having a family name and a rough idea of their history is enough. But if you do wish to go the extra mile for your character’s family, then I suggest using familyecho (just google it) as an easy to use tool to create family trees.

I will give you a bit of a warning: writing family trees for Elves can be tricky because there is no solid lore on the maximum lifespan of Blood/High Elves; there is some community conscensus that 3,000-4,000 is their max natural lifespan but even there you will find some people disagreeing and coming up with other theories.

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I second that familyecho is a very good tool if you’re trying to do a family tree, be it your own or characters in any universe.

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This is true, there are a few guidelines that Blizz have given us…
We know that Elves, or certainly Blood and High Elves, seem to mature to adulthood at the similar rate to humans. The source for this is the Sylvanas story ‘Edge of Night’ where in a reminiscence she is described as a fully fledged Ranger at 20 summers of age, and I’m pretty sure Quel’thalas does not have a policy of using child soldiers!

Good job they have Calendars, as how would she know that, Quel’thalas is in a Permanent Spring season!

Secondly Blizzard have said that all Elves (including Night Elves now they are no longer immortal, cheers Nozdormu!) have a lifespan of ‘Several Thousand years’. The use of language is important there, because the word ‘several’ always means ‘more than two, but less than ten’. We know that Anasterian -reigned- for 3,000 years, but we don’t know how old he was when he became King. It is also stated that Alleria (as I mentioned earlier) fought in the Troll Wars, and they ended 2,800 years before the opening of the Dark Portal, she still seems fairly spry. (I think her time away from Azeroth in ‘A Thousand Years of War’ may mean time was a bit weird, sort of like Faerieland in Celtic legend, else she would be 3,800 and a bit on top as years go.
Bear in mind this may not cover Nightborne (though I suspect they got a similar thing to the Night Elves) and it may not cover Void Elves (because they did after all get infused by a power of Entropy and Destruction…Entropy would shorten your lifespan, not increase it!), but those are just suppositions on my part, not canon like the other Elven types, purely because both races were released after Blizzard established Elven lifespans.

There are examples of Night Elves dying of old age since Immortality was removed, but it does not look like it is ‘The years catch up with them and they crumble to dust’ else Tyrande, Malfurion and I believe Thalyssra would all be dead.

So it is nebulous, but gives us a rough idea…

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Well I already created the family Tree and I added you on Argent Archives. Let me know what you think. I also added you on Discord if you want to have the conversation there (much preferred)

Doesn’t seem that out of place as of BfA.

Blizzard never did anything like it, and if they did, it’s immediately contradicted afterwise.

blood oath of the Horde flashback

The whole Lorash Sunbeam thing doesn’t make any sense. I mean there is no way he is THAT old and still alive, even for elf years.

On top of that there was also a Thalassian Dark Ranger (also in BFA) who claimed she knows Shandris feathermoon from many years ago. Another lore mistake I think.

shivers at the mention of the forbidden name

That character just has to be an oversight. It’s so absolutely ridiculous this can’t have been intended as an actual retcon of everything established prior.

Wowpedia states Alleria’s activity in the Troll Wars as an oversight on Blizzard’s part and I am inclined to agree with them; it doesn’t make much sense for her and her other two sisters to be born almost 3,000 years apart. Even Elves would note that kind of age difference between siblings, so I prefer to err on the side she isn’t that old and Blizzard meant to say she fought against the Trolls in a big campaign but erroneously gave it the name Troll Wars, which implied events thousands of years before that are actually unconnected.


Not only that, if she fought in the Troll wars it means she fought with her Ancestor Talanas Windrunner. I mean…. Does that make any sense to anyone? It’s similar to saying Kael’thas was present when his ancestor founded Quel’thalas.

I’m sure when she got her “troll killer” title it was about the second war or sometime before that. But her fighting or even existing in the troll wars makes no sense even for Elven years

Going by Blizzard short stories and books Genn and worgen have tails too :thinking:

And she would’ve fought alongside a night elf!

That said, the forest trolls and high elves where in a state of constant warfare, so she could easily have fought against trolls!

As is tradition, Blizzard timelines are an absolute horrendous mess that often makes no sense whatsoever. We just have to try to make it sensible somehow :pensive:

Yup which is very likely where the confusion comes from. It’s problematic the name “Troll Wars” refers to only one very specific part of their constant back and forth, which is a name that is confusing at best and ridiculous at worst when you have been in a state of war for millenia with each other and still are, with no peace ever having been declared.

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