Roleplay as a dragon?

Hi all,

probably a question that will annoy some people straight off the bat but I was wondering what the consensus on this is. I find the idea interesting personally as long as it isn’t something that is taken as a way to bully people around with the justification of being a dragon.

What are your thoughts on it, and why should/shouldn’t it be done on the server? With the war campaign showing the situation of some of the Flights I wondered if maybe it could be compelling RP for some.

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I haven’t seen a single dragon RP character on Argent Dawn who was done with all seriousness and approximately 100% of them seem to be low key ERPers.



Go for it. I’ve actually recently made one myself and it’s been pretty enjoyable to do so. She often goes around collecting shiny trinkets or objects of power to keep as a sort of trophy. I tend to be secretive about what she really is around others and just pass her off as a travelling mage/relic seeker. I can also confirm there are others and they’ve been fun to interact with too without intentions to bonk.


The problem with being a dragon is that if you’re doing it well no one knows you’re a dragon.

So you have to ask yourself why you’re doing it and what rp you hope to gain.


Me being the PCU contrarian, I disagree. An odd misconception that dragons have to necessarily be in hiding. If anything, most of the canonical ones (besides Onyxia and black dragon gang) haven’t been really hiding their status as dragons.

They’re pretty open about it, if anything. The problem is that even if the concept was taken seriously by someone besides “hehe hoho haha am a drgaon!” they’d have been busy with the Dragonflight business, not hanging around Shady Lady in SW and flirting with random Illidari.


Damn you contrarian.
summons the other one

In all honesty, the only Dragons I can see being ‘Roleplayed’ are Blue Dragons due to the legendary staff. Apart from that, what are you going to do? Get on a green dragon flying mount?

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There’s been cases of dragons going about their own business too, just to put it out there. Dragonflight business whilst a prominent thing, I don’t feel needs to be the entire basis of your roleplay for them. Whilst your example is a bit on the ‘hmm’ end. I can imagine some dragons taking an interest in certain races (not in the bonking sense), just to see their way of life, culture and so on.

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But what do you gain narratively from being a dragon that you wouldn’t get as a “Not part of that culture but interested in it”

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Gonna back Crowton on this being wrong. Hiding yourself isn’t a necessity (and indeed I kinda question why you’d bother with the dragon aspect at all if no one’s ever gonna know about it).

Play a whelp->summon a whelp battle pet->pet mirror would work.

There’s also a tiny drake battle pet but it looks very silly.


If you’re creative enough about it, your character can pick up certain aspects or even individual characters along the way (both NPC/PC) and it can eventually formulate into a story. Something that may require your capabilities as whatever aspect you might be roleplaying to intervene perhaps? It’s really more of a development situation through interaction/story.

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So being completely blunt, ultimately it just boils down to flexing ones draconic powers. Which is also why I tend to be ehh about dragon RPers.


It’s not out the ordinary for any character to flex when it comes to their time to shine really. I know when it comes to Myrmidon roleplay, we often lack healing characters for example and with how bad our luck is we come back with all sorts of broken bones or during fight. So when there is one healing character present, well with the emotes/presence they tend to ontop of it.

Probably a bad example but I don’t have a problem with it personally in other words, so long as they’re not smothering you with it.

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Hehe let me just sit in mage district in my dragon form

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Dragon lore is pretty vast and interesting. Don’t necessarily see anything wrong with RPing it, but the ERPers, RPers that RP it to flex power level kind of ruined it. In addition, they lost their appeal to me after becoming sidekicks for the mighty mortals and written as completely incompetent since wotlk. Lastly, we lack the tools to depict their dragon form in RP.

Roleplaying a dragon has never been done well on Argent Dawn beyond plot-specific NPCs

It adds very little to most concepts and is literally a way to say “Ah, I am a very powerful human / elf mage … but did you know I’m also an even more powerful sandstone drake mount form?”

I couldn’t name a single memorable (in a good way) dragon RPer even if I was offered extremely good money for it


It’s probably fine if you do it well. Most people don’t do it well.

I don’t think “dragons are too powerful” is a good reason to be leery of dragon RP, though. The dragonflights lost most of their power in Cataclysm, and since then the player characters have stacked up a bunch of ludicrous achievements. Your average member of any of the Legion order halls could probably beat up a dragon without too much trouble.

Legion even explicitly features the blue dragonflight being essentially helpless without the PC’s assistance and protection. Like, Senegos is in a bad way, mana junkies are hunting his kids, and dragons are so middling a presence now that he can’t deal with a bunch of skinny elves fiending for a mana hit on his own. Kalecgos is the inheritor of Malygos’ power, and he spends most of his time in half-elf form helping out a mortal archmage who’s more powerful than he is.

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Lots of assumptions about power level and a ridiculous understatement by calling the amount of withered “a bunch”.

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That was a large number of withered.

ive heard whispers on the streets that they call elyrius “the dragon of eversong”. thats my dragon rp…