Roleplay Initiative - Suggestion Index and Wishlist

That should legitimately be a slogan for a movement to make the areas feel movely lively and immersive.
‘Putting the world back into world of warcraft’.


The fact that Blizzard generally treats roleplayers like a red-headed stepchild is something I will never understand. RPers tend to be very loyal yet low-maintenance customers, and normally I would expect a company to try and cultivate that kind of playerbase. :pensive:


I don’t think most developers actually trust people with freedom and letting them tinker around to find their own way to play something.
Partially because I don’t think they give players enough credit to find their own way to begin with, partially because they are probably afraid they’ll break or exploit something.


You’d think so yeah… it’s not like people are asking for a lot. But something to remind you that you’re also part of the playerbase and matter.
Getting a bit of validation would be pretty nice ngl…

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If your game becomes so big that you got millions of players you cant hear them all out, and you’re not gonna please everyone either, but that doesn’t mean that ignoring them is an option either.
You don’t have to create a massive new feature and slap everything full of content for everyone every patch, that’s just not entirely feasable… but you can give people at least some little things when the majority of work is focussed on something else.
That way everyone gets a little something while you can work through the things that simply need more work than others and you don’t alienate parts of your playerbase cause they feel completely abandoned.

I feel that should be basic knowledge for game design… surely?.. err… right?..

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Not sure how hard it is to separate the pieces from the models but some are really nice and I’d love to have them.
They give a lot more options for a heritage armor kinda feel due to being pretty thematic, maybe that’s why we don’t have them yet.

I could see that perhaps, maybe because heritage armor is the flashy way of getting you a set so theme-fitting to the race you play there aren’t a lot of other sets like it, cause that would take away from their appeal as a big selling point.
And maybe its just to much work, I don’t really know how long rigging an armor piece would take to be honest.

Either way it’s another thing on the long list of things people have frequently asked for in the past.
I don’t like repeating myself so often and sounding like a broken record, but when it comes a mmo and chars you spend so much time with, immersion is a big factor that plays a huge part in player enjoyment cause it changes how you perceive what’s in front of you.
Without adding those options that can add the finishing touch / sparkle on top for players to really make moments pop for em, things feel kinda grey and bland after a while.
As it’s been said, you can only do so much with the tools you’re given.
And I play wow because it gives me option to visualize a bunch of things, just not nearly enough.


Customizations i wish we could have for immersion:

  • More unique accessories/aspects for each race, say like headpieces, rings, bracelets, ankle-bracelets, tattoos (like Kul-tiran sailing tattoos). Separate face and age, so you can choose any face with one of four or five ages (it would basically be just like wrinkle tattoes). Let freckles be a skin tattoo, that way any face could have scars/freckles. It’s stupid and just makes it difficult to have faces and age/freckles/scars linked like on humans. That way, creating more race specific tattoos or scars would be easier in the future.
  • (OKAY! This one is a stretch and a lot of work… but) Armor. Please, let hunters wear leather again, mail doesn’t suit them. Also, let the classes wear different types of armor. Let some mages be battle-mages with plate over their robes, or some warriors be berserkers clad in leather, or a rouge sneaking through back alleys in cloth. There is so much class immersion in this, and letting people do stuff like this would not only engage the RP and Transmog community, but let people be more creative and have more collecting to look forward to. It would also change the economy on the AH. There could be buffs and debuffs, and set bonuses, but people could wear cloth robes and plate gauntlets and greaves. It would not only be cool to look at, but people could be creative.
  • The heritage armour gives us so many unique, amazing armor pieces. I mean have you seen the belt on dwarf heritage? It’s my ranger’s wet dream to drape a bearskin around her waist. I wish they would focus on more than just sets, but create individual pieces that can be combined to create really unique sets :slight_smile:

Yeap would be nice for sure. On the leather and hunter part, honestly I wish you could cross-mog… I know some people might disagree but only having access to cloth for casters is SUPER restrictive and while you could potentially wear everything on the others it’s tedious to farm every piece as it’s not mogable.


Same, honestly it sucks that my character can’t look the way i always thought her. :frowning:


Agreed, it’s a big letdown when you have a look in mind and can picture it but then you can’t make it work ingame cause the pieces aren’t available due to armor class restrictions or otherwise.

On a sidenote, I added another point to the list I remembered yesterday.
Warriors and rogues can still equip ranged weapons and collect the mogs for them, but are unable to fire them cause they removed the ‘shoot’ skill from everyone.
For the sake of rp usability, I don’t see anything wrong with giving them the ability back to fire them. Wouldn’t cause any issues because you can’t use the majority of your skills while they are equipped anyway.


Easing up transmog restrictions would be fantastic. I hate being forced to use a 2h to use half my skills.

Most of what you said in the first post could be turned into toys. All of which are simple toggles for on and off. All disabled in raid combat for obvious reasons.

Gnomish size mogrification device. (Change your characters size)
Goblin menagerie modifier (Changes your pet/comanion pet’s size)
Confounded communication collar. (toggle for potion of tongues)
Whacky weather warper (Acts like a personal weather changer)
Super neural silencer XL (don’t see any toys or toy effects)

But one of the biggest gripes is duration and cooldown of toys and potions.
Yes spamming some toys could be seen as annoying, but I feel some toy’s restrictions are just mean, An hour between flipping a coin etc.

If i could have a true wishlist type thing?
I’d love some more group mounts. What I wouldn’t give for a Wagon pulled by some kodos or horses, or a blimp of my own that my friends could sit in.
A fishing boat would be the best. 3-4 people all sitting in a slow moving river boat able to fish from the seats when you “deploy anchor”

I’d love more backpack options that aren’t tied to heavy things. Simple belts with pouches on it that is wearable on any class, backpacks and hats usable on any class.
More cosmetic mogs.

Delete lightforged/maghar/darkiron/mechagnomes etc.
Just merge them into there core race and have there skins/accessories be usable by either side when unlocked.
Have a setting in the barber shop that lets you know when you get set to this skin tone it swaps your racials.

They use the exact same models, it’s zero work.


I don’t get that one either, which is also part of the big prism complaint. There’s stuff intended for fun and to get creative with but then its made so tedious or put behind cooldowns where you dont bother with it at all.
It’s a couple really really simple changes that could do SO much good…


just allow us to dye armors like they allow in other MMOs add new armor models instead of recolors stop beeing lazy blizzard …

Fair point, that way you could just use them whenever, prism included if it was a toy without having to fiddle with charges or have them take up inventory space.
As mentioned with proper cooldown to duration ratio to make em usable without having to wait and its perfect!

Edit: Updated the main post to mention toys and free usage rather than reliance on vendors, actually makes the implementation of those items way easier. Made a great point!


Sounds way better and seems a lot easier to do it this way.

Also top tier suggestion right here :ok_hand:

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Good stuff :ok_hand:


Reminds me I need to get more anglers rep in mists cause the raft looks so nice for rp.
Only option you got other than that would be the surfboard from island expeditions but that ain’t quite the same.

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I always loved…

not sure in what context it would add to roleplay, but a fun toy :slight_smile:

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