Roleplay Initiative - Suggestion Index and Wishlist

Updated the main post with the recent suggestions and added the weather effect changers to the main section as that seems to be something that could also be implemented without taking to much work and wouldnt cause any issues for other players.


Those effects sound nice. I miss being able to see weather more often because it’s quite beautiful actually.
Only see rain in elwynn and tiragarde lately but not much elsewhere. Sometimes stranglethorne.


Looking good :ok_hand:

31 years all told
 Yeah, I’m a real Pro

Valid point, I had not thought of that. I am actually epileptic myself, but I am lucky in that it isn’t flashing lights that set off any fits. Though weird that you mention thunder, I actually do get that ozone thunderstorm smell in my nostrils before a fit kicks in!

Your Mommy is giving you good advice
as things stand right now
it is! :smiley:

Hmm, I’d say Grizzly Hills is a better bet. Eversong is still stuck in TBC (Something that needs remedying but we know they won’t) so the zone looks a bit dated


The old 2d tree branch technique hasnt aged that well, makes me tear up a little.

Also agree with the mention of lightning during weather effects and making it a toggle/adding safety options in case to ensure peoples safety.


We already have an awesome example of rainly weather with lightning in Stormsong Valley at the Shrine of the Storm so it is definitely possible to implement it in-game.


Yupyup, as mentioned sandstorms and snowy weather, fog and falling ashes as well do exist in certain areas. Just rarer than other effects.
The weather same with the suggestion for prisms, props and more, a lot of it is repurposing existing things to make it user-friendly and accessable for roleplayers so you can use those things on your own terms to dream a little bigger and make things more immersive.

And all of that is very much possible while trying to stay reasonable with what you’re asking for because it doesn’t require a vast amount of work due to not being things you’d have to make from the ground up.

I know that rp isn’t big streamer content or something that gets advertised the same as ‘exciting new patch content’ 
 but it matters to a lot of players and I don’t really think it’s fair to feel like a 2nd class citizen in terms of being considered when it comes to what goes into patches.


I’d like to think so as well but you never know. :confused:

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Sad truth
 as long as people keep logging it’s not gonna matter as much cause metrics.
Tell you what though, if they actually did some of this stuff you’d have a lot more activity on servers cause there’d be incentive to get more creative.


The point that’s being made here is I guess that it isn’t as easy to market but then again I don’t think any mmo ever really tried to market rp as a feature?..

WoW has a ton of great addon support but it only goes so far, if blizz was to reach out a little and you’d get some official support on top, you could easily advertise wow as being THE spot to go for rp.
Out of all the mmorpgs I’ve tried, none make it easier to find likeminded people and get into rp, let alone wow being one of only a few mmos that even have dedicated rp servers to begin with.

It would just need that little shove to turn it from what’s really solid groundwork to greatness. So here’s hoping. :yum:

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Just popping in here to say that I’d love to see this happen

Why is it so hard to just give people a little freedom and let them have fun rather than dictating exactly how something is supposed to work?
Isn’t the main selling point of mmorpgs the exploration and freedom of expression you get cause its a massive world you can find your own place in?
So give people some more tools to really find something that works for them.

Very much a case of, ‘the more ways to express yourself you got, the better’.
WoW has pretty decent diversity when it comes to playable races I’d say, but it’s still fun to think outside the box considering how much lore exists for other ones and how much time you spend helping them in many cases.
Being able to tap into that would be great.

On a different note, there are a good few models that would become usable in terms of rp with the suggested prism change that are a bit more androgynous and to me personally that would be a huge thing.
I do struggle finding something that’s really representing me sometimes cause neither male or female options really hit the sweet spot that I feel describes me or the char I’m going for accurately.

To give an example, look at tauren. Male tauren have super broad shoulders, are big, muscular and feel a little to masculine to fit what I would have in mind. Female tauren would be the opposite, having a more slender body, but being all about the curves, and give off a far more womanly vibe.

If I compare that with sethrak or arrakoa for example, you can’t easily tell at a glance and I would enjoy roleplaying as a character like that.
I don’t wanna assume anything, but I bet there’s more people out there who’d be happy to have that option


Much the same, using the female worgen model for that reason, but sometimes I wish I had a few more options honestly.


I’m with you on that one.

Pretty much nails it. If they wish to actually make wow more diverse and care about the values they preach, then expressing yourself in more ways like this is a huge step forward.

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One of the reasons I’d like to see it happen, especially considering what it means to some.

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I really fail to see a downside to any of this so I hope it’ll get added.

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The stuff suggested here honestly deserves a chance, it’s just fun things that ain’t going to tread on other parts of the game.
It just gives people incentive to get creative and more tools to play with, and that’s what WoW needs some more of.

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You could easily do that. FF14 markets fishing and other side activities as a selling point so I don’t see why WoW couldnt advertise and show off some rp/community content for example and highlight that part more.
Especially if they decide to support it more.

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I can see that work actually with how vibrant wow is. If there’s an effort made to put more ‘world’ into world of warcraft and make it more immersive then you could also make that a strong selling point.

Even with recent writing that feels all over the place and tampers with past events to much, there’s still a solid core and rich history that people really like. It’s just got to be shown more.
A lot of the places you go to and people you meet have pretty interesting backstory, all worth looking into more, and if that’s to much, then allow players to tell their stories instead.