Agree on the gloves and wrists perhaps too, would make for a nice addition.
Also now that news are coming out and we’re seeing the first look at dragonflight gameplay and customization.
Is there anything major missing for people or are you generally happy with how things are?
Personally, drac’thyr customization looks really solid although its a bit of a shame you are fairly limited in your armor selection.
Snouts and scale colors and such seem nice though and the body thickness/muscle level is kinda nice.
I can see that become a thing, sounds nice.
Some gloves are not the same for each hand either where one is more heavily plated and the other isn’t.
Makes for some decent looks.
On that note, individual bracers and footwear transmog might be nice too… If only because some of those mogs, of certain armor types, look like bandages.
Similarly to one of the suggestions above, apparently leatherworkers may be able to make rp prop tents. Unsure about the cooldown and uptime , but its a good start.
Hoping the cooldown to update ratio will still get adjusted, one of my main gripes with anything that could be used for rp cause it never lasts long enough causing you odd downtimes inbetween.
Did they find anything else useful on the ptr/alpha test so far or any notable changes?
No real clue but what I would REALLY be interested in is if they are looking into making bfa flying any easier, especially for people who are gonna be new or returning with dragonflight.
Its got some real beautiful spots only reachable via flying that are nice for rp.
So why not give everyone flying who got the mainland questlines done and explored the maps once at 60?
Its pretty silly for it to be the only thing thats replocked in such a way that it takes a bunch of time for legacy content at this point.
Sl flying in comparison is super easily achieveable with a clear and easy way to progress to it.
I used to chill around AD with my ally alts back in Legion days and the population was healthy by the standard, then a series of events happened and I took short breaks in between during BFA and then a long break during SL. Returning back to AD hoping it’s still the same as I left it only to find it’s an empty husk…
I remember a lot was standing around the cathedral recruiting but now only one or two at best and sometimes none. I’d really appreciate seeing the community thriving again and with new RP & casual features
New zones look pretty nice for that thankfully and there’s no ‘death realm’ boundary which bars most people from ever going there too.
Should allow for people to go there in character for various reasons.
That ties nicely into the professions update, I think, RP realism-wise. Any armed force or ‘exploration of new lands’ needs supplies and repairs.
That way, we don’t all have to RP as the Champions of Azeroth campaigning to defeat Sargeras…
We can sell potions, food, materials, clothing, armor, etc.
Update on rp items : Inscription gets a series of craftable scrolls that let you apply some spell effects to friendly targets without harming them purely for rp purposes.
Apparently that was found on the dragonflight test server.
Pretty neat and another thing that’s quite nice.
While there’s only a handful of broad effects like one for fire, one for wind etc, it’s still a good step in the right direction and something small but helpful.
And, remove all transmog restrictions, please! My character is a warrior in the battlefield and a wife at home! I don’t sleep or sit at the dinner table in full plate, alright?