Roleplay Initiative - Suggestion Index and Wishlist

As far as I know, they haven’t been removed,

but they are only usable on Draenor,

which I think is a shame and a conundrum.

The developers made several (I forgot how many, ±10 I think) nice, unique tents with very distinct appearances, but they’re only usable in content rendered optional/obsolete by the scaling.

I don’t mind the scaling, I love being able to choose freely what content I want to level through.

However, I never understood why the tents were limited to Draenor.

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Thought I saw a recipe for tents from one of the new factions. Could double check that, I think it was the expedition one.

Yeah renown 17 dragonscale expedition. Not sure what exactly it does, its a tailoring recipe tho.


Worth checking out, perhaps something useful for rp if its not overly hard to make or locked behind huge cooldowns/short duration.

Also something to look into at some point. Because it isn’t cross-server queued for content nor phased like warmode is, there’s really nothing you can do if you happen to play on a server with a faction imbalance or lower population overall… even worse when playing outside of active hours.
(Faction npcs are hostile and lock you out of hubs after all)
There really isn’t anything you can do to fix it to find roleplayers other than server hopping in that case unless a friend from a different realm can invite and phase you with them.
Wish there was a better solution.

there could be, An thing like war mode but called “Adventurer mode” That allows you to phase with other roleplayers. but maybe that would be abused :confused:

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A lot of new items unlockable via renown/rep that are nice for roleplay it seems. Unsure about the duration vs cooldown ratio on a few of them as the rugs to sit down are 20 minutes each and likely have a 5 min uptime at most but will have yet to figure out exactly how long.
A few other bits and bobs have also been found along the way like a compass toy for navigation and more.

Anyone else come across anything fancy or has any thoughts yet?

Valdrakken civillian clothes. Something that was direly needed since the only sets moggable regardless of armor class were SL covenant ones, and they were… quite specific. The importance of the daily garb available for all can’t be overestimated.


Very much so, here’s a small update on a few things so far.

RP Items
There’s now a few placable tents as well as rugs.
The rugs are available via centaur rep, the tents are made by tailors (with some additional replocked recipes.)

First up is the gnoll tent, available cheap as a toy in the Auction house which places a small tent on the ground for about 3 minutes with a 2 minute cooldown, guaranteeing permanent uptime for rp.

There is also a market tent (looks like a large market stand) with a 10 minute cooldown and a Expedition Tent (recipe replocked) which also has a 10 minute cooldown. Both of these don’t last as long as their cooldown and will need the help of a friend to set up a permanent market stand for rp but are otherwise a great addition.

The gnoll tent (unsure about the other ones) is currently bugged however and they do face a random direction when placed. Other players will also see them face a random direction that isn’t the same as the player who placed them.
Recommend also reporting the bug to get it resolved quicker, perhaps adding more uptime to the other tents.

The Rugs are available via the centaur rep with a 20 min cooldown and about 10-12’ish minute uptime each. One of which you get for doing the main storyline quest in the area if I recall.

RP Mogs
For cosmetic purposes there is the valdrakken vicillian clothes as well as backpacks via tuskarr rep and several leather’like cosmetics available for all classes.
A lot of gadgets like hammers, gardening tools and more are available for mogging as well to suit a variety of professions and profession equipment does also show on your character for added immersion.

Furthermore, there is a treasure chest located in the Waking shores which awards a chestpiece of each armor class which counts as a cosmetic unlock however and allows cloth users to mog the plate version and vice versa.

People who enjoyed some of sl’s pvp gear can also rejoice because I heard the pvp sets of shadowlands and weapon mogs are now available for marks of honor at a vendor.

RP Mounts
Two fairly easy to get mounts for the collectors are also available or if you just want them because they’d make a great fit for one of your characters.

One being a mount fairly similar to the hunter order hall mount available in the azure span that has you collect 20 of three different items dropped by mobs (one of these drops in each of the gnoll camps around the area)

An ottuk (otter) is available at the tuskarr village for 3 pieces of jewelry without restrictions, each dropped in dungeons on the normal difficulty as opposed to the replocked mounts available after ranking that up.

There is a lot more to be found including a handful other toys via treasures, sidequests and more.
Happy exploring!


i’ve found in my travels another RP toy: A Compass!


People that do want to rp as tuskarr can also rejoice. The easily craftable ‘blubbery muffin’ isnt to hard to get and last 20 minutes per serving with no cooldown, allowing you to full-time as one of our frosty fisher friends.


Lots of new appearances on the way for the next minor patch that introduces a cosmetic vendor for ingame currency earned every month for free when collecting it and additionally for new monthly objectives.

Seen quivers, scarfs and other things already that have been requested a lot by the community prior and for collectors there’s also the occasional mount.
Nightelf players can rejoice as well cause it looks like a Warden set ala Maiev may find its way there too.

Lots of potential for future items when the shop rotates or adds new things over time but a great win/win anyway seemingly for roleplay.

One a sidenote one thing came to mind the other day when playing my druid. The ground and flight form selection is still not properly functional.
Would be great to see that looked at at some point considering that I reckon they will add new customization options for druid forms eventually (new moonkin forms were hinted at for example).

When in flyable zones the ‘travel form’ spell defaults to your selected flying form , however the only way to get a ground form is through the ‘stag’ form spellfrom the druid order hall that only use the default deerlike appearance.
Thus it’s impossible to access things like the travel forms added in 9.2 like the cheetah without shifting in combat or in flightless zones.


Look at it!


Seems we are going to get grey and white item transmogs afterall:


these are probably shirts and not chest options. godness sake blizz…

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Finally! I have 3 guild banks (and plenty personal bank space) with lots of different grey & white cloth, leather, mail, and plate armor items… (I started “saving up” when I read about grey & white transmoggables.)

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Seems we are going to get some legacy armor as well: Human and Orc. Considering the original concept of Warcraft was Orcs vs. Humans, we had to wait a lot! :smiley: Better late than never though. :slightly_smiling_face:


BFA armor was pretty decent but I reckon that heritage is gonna be quite nice.

25th is the day when we get white mogs! At last!


Upon closer inspection, that Warden transmog looks like the “coat” has blades on it :eyes: .

"Oh no, this hostile rogue disarmed me…”

Smirks an evil smile.

”I will have to cut you with my murder coat!"

:smiling_imp: :drop_of_blood:


lol, this could be so good to have the character Spinning so the coat raises and becomes a litteral death Beyblade


I’m not sure what would be the best Warden weapon, though…
:owl: :crossed_swords:
Those iconic round ones that Maiev wields, aren’t available to players, I think…

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