Roleplay servers are still sharded

Hello? Time to turn it off?


It’s not just RP servers, there’s a lot of interesting complaints how it puts you into an empty shard during combat or mid progress while participating in world events.

At best you fall victim of progress reset and waste 10 minutes, but it is much worse when you are working to deliver 20 keys in the black dragon questing hub in order to trigger some rare spawns, something which has now been made interesting again with the addition of new meta achievement.

Monday will be such an exciting day for CS.

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Yes please. We can hardly interact with anyone in Stormwind because of this.

This is good news for all the bots in Zaralek. They can continue farming in peace without fear of getting reported now that everyone gets put into their own separate shard.

Sharding is one of the worst things that has happened to wow and it would be nice if they disabled it on all servers

I guess you enjoyed Mists of Pandaria launch and the first few quests:

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That didn’t happen to me, but even so, excluding the launch of an expansion, which is when there are “problems” it usually lasts a few hours or 1 day at most. What sharding does is take life away from the world, creating many semi-empty shardings and giving the feeling that you are alone, and it goes very against what an mmo would be. If they are not going to remove the fragmentation, they should use the layer system that they use in the classics, which are much larger rooms.

Sharding on roleplaying servers completely takes away our ability to roleplay since we can’t see most of the people around us, and it was only enabled for the Hearthstone event.
Event is over, time to disable Sharding so Roleplaying Servers actually work.

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It’s getting disabled with the next reset:


Hi all,

Thanks for bringing this up!

This change actually requires realm restarts, and is planned for this week’s regular maintenance.


Just so you know, we want sharding to be removed entirely from Stormwind and Orgrimmar.

Not reduced, removed entirely.

Well, the weekly maintenance has happened and sharding still seems to be enabled on EU Argent Dawn. Is this going to be fixed soon?

Looks like there were some delays on this one, and a hotfix is in the works. Apologies for the delay.

As always, please make sure that you follow the Code of conduct when posting on the forums. While we understand that some issues may be frustrating, we still ask that you follow the rules. Thank you.


It really doesn’t make sense how it is was turned on so fast just like flicking a switch but turning it off is taking so long. Yes I’m annoyed because i have lost almost a months of sub time when i just came back to the game again. It is like you guys forgot that we pay for this.

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Do we have an ETA when its due to go live again? checked twitter etc I haven’t seen anything to suggest said hotfix is out yet, or atleast it looks like its not live.

Also just a query, if this kind of change requires a realm restart — maybe I’m asking the wrong people but, to my memory. The HS event started on a monday so did you enable sharding in readiness for monday or is that something you can just flip on but not off or yeah how does that side of things work? :eyes:

Just curious and eager to learn the ins and outs really of how this company I funnel my sheckles to works

Just flip the switch.

No ETA so far I’m afraid, but we’re trying to see if it can be hotfixed without a realm restart. Fingers crossed for more information soon. :pray:


Think it was replied to on twitter and it requires a restart now the server will of been sharded for a whole month. Reply is on this tweet

They said that before this reset, too, and still nothing happened.

It was turned on without a reset, why does turning it off even require a reset?
If it does require a reset, just reset the server so we can actually roleplay.

I am seeing everyone on my scan atm it’s rather fixed or I’m on the good phase finally