Sharding: Blizzard needs to think of our community

I speak for all rp’ers we understand when sharding has to be enabled for lets say certain events, I’ll go with the Hearthstone that has now finished.
It caused havoc so Blizzard stepped in and sharded the main city, being Stormwind but now the event is finished why have they not lifted it?, do Blizzard care about us rp’ers , I am not sure they do. I would of thought as soon as said event is over and done with the nearest reset day lift the sharding, which should of been done this week, but no it has not and it affects all the rp’ers. Yes there are other areas people can rp within but Stormwind is a main hub but with sharding it’s next to impossible to rp unless you group up with people, but you cannot group up lets say over a hundred people it’s impossible. Blizzard needs to think of our community and not just the pve / pvp players of the game.
So please Blizzard lift the sharding.

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Sharding should be for new events like what you said + new patch/release type things

Seems things didn’t go as planned, I realise it’s frustrating but hopefully they’ll sort it soon.

Sharding has been disabled again, so it should be back to how it was on RP realms.

At least thats according to this twitter post

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That’s good to hear!

And what a lovely attitude from the tweeter as well.

This is great to hear, will find out later when the server is more busy later on this evening.

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