Rostrum of Transformation not for characters below 70

Can’t use Rostrum of Transformation on my alts that are not lvl 70. It says “Requires Level 70”. Also Dragon Isles Summary Icon is gone from my mini map on all characters that are 60-69. Rostrum is needed to continue main questlines. What is happening? This is realy bad recently.


same issue

Any solutions for this issue? Any updates?

Hey all,

It looks like this issue has been reported to our developers, and a hotfix is on the way. :slight_smile:

If you find another bug, please do report it to our developers directly. Patch notes and hotfixes are then posted in the News section of the main site.

Thank you!


Same issue here, there’s a thread on the US forum under ‘Missing Renown Button’ but it doesn’t provide a workaround.

Note that this also affects the ‘Summon Random Favourite Mount’ button - it won’t summon dragonriding mounts.

Same issue, glad I went there before I started the quests to get everything in order but now I can’t progress the story…

Edit: Valdrakken portal also requires you to be level 70 now
Edit 2: Using the barber auto completes that part of the quest

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Going to the barber in any city and changing your hair type completes the quest.

I read this on another forum somewhere. Thought it to be the ultimate troll post but then someone else confirmed it and I thought I’ll try it. It completed the quest for me and I was able to continue the quest chain.

It doesn’t solve the issue of the level 70 requirements on portals. But you can at least continue the chain.

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Thank you for this. It solved at least that issue for me. :pray: :+1:

Some people on US forum say this is intentional. I hope this is not true and it will be fixed soon becouse right now I stoped leveling all my alts becouse of that.

Considering one of the highlight features of paying extra for the pre-order of War Within is a mount you can customise, surely it can’t be intentional to lock people out of that feature until they play to 70

The main problem is that u just can’t get to the dragon isles unless u take the ship. The portal in Orgrimmar is not usable on my DH that`s not lvl 70. ( curent 61 )
The portal is fine for any lvl 70s.
At least you can use this command “/run DragonridingPanelSkillsButtonMixin:OnClick()” to get the dragon riding talent tree to pop up.
We need this fixed ASAP !

Issue is still there, also the dragonflying menu disappeared from the minimap. It’s been days guys, come on please:)

Use this :
/run DragonridingPanelSkillsButtonMixin:OnClick()

It will open the dragonflight menu.

We believe that the minimap icon missing is directly related to this bug - there’s also a few couple of other bugs caused by this as well. The fix is still being worked on, but a few things need to be double-checked before it’s finalized. :pray:


Hotfix should be live now. :raised_hands:

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Still bugged for me :frowning:

Have you tried restarting the game?

Yes. Is it fixed for you?

I don’t have a character under 70 to test it but just wanted to suggest a restart as if you were online before the hot fix was applied, it may of just needed that.

Not sure why it’s not working for you then. Have not seen anyone else say the hot fix didn’t work, so far.

You could try the “Check for Updates” option in the app to see if there’s any patch. It’s in the menu you get by clicking on the cog wheel next to the big blue play button.

There’s no updates available. That was the first thing i did after I quit the client. On US forums someone posted 40 min ago that it’s not fixed for him. Info there is a hot fix was posted 2 hours ago.