RP and PVE?

Hello. I have been thinking of tranffering to AD from a less populated server… And I was wondering if there were guild that HC raids (not talking about mythic, I am not interested in that) and RPs? I really love every aspect of the game: RP, PVE, PVP, and I was wondering if there is a guild that could be my home…

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First of all, welcome to Argent Dawn, second, depends on what sort of race and class you enjoy playing.

I’ve seen people in raiding guilds RP, the two aren’t mutually exclusive.
Guilds, in my experience, generally focus on one or the other as both can be relatively time consuming. I have been in a few RP guilds that had raid teams but people would often skip the raid to RP instead, much as people in raid guilds would skip RP to raid.

Helheim for instance I have seen in RP, and I’m aware that they’re a raiding guild. Just as myself an other RPers had a raid team during Uldir.

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Thanks! Been thinking of transferring either my dwarf shaman or my tauren druid. Both healers :slight_smile:

Both good choices, but again, it’s your choice, but for healer, I find shaman better than druid, but that’s just me.

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Yeah I love them both. I made a character recently to check AD on both alliance and horde side, and I have to say, it is so alive, it is wonderful.


Druid is the top dog for Mythic+ but isn’t all that great for raids. Shammy might have its limelight in the new raid because of Tremor and Wind Rush but is a bit of a “Best of the Worst” for M+

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As for the question, I know of an ally raiding guild that does rp on the side (to my knowledge anyways) called Fallen Dreamers, i can link their thread here.

Play a Tauren druid. Playing shaman will only make you sad


There you go.

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Thanks a bunch!

Your welcome, and this will be my last post of the night. :sleeping:

Gn :smiley:

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You shut up sir.


comparing druid, the god-tier, to shaman should be a crime :s


I like this man

What have I started :joy:

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Druids blow all other healers out of the water. Great healing, utility and damage. Can’t be beat, even post nerf.

For those curious:


The game has certain issues with balance.