RP community thoughts on time skip

Cue Anduin bursting into Stormwind Keep with his Gnomish music box blasting out “I’m a king, I’m a lover…” to Genn’s surprise.


Same here.

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Can’t be confused by the time skip if you kill off all your characters one minute before prepatch.


There really doesn’t need to be any sort of debate on the matter.

Some folks are gonna take the chance to update their character, some aren’t.
As long as nobody starts saying that the time skip “isn’t canon” then there’s no issue.


Basically yeah.

I get the impression that most players, and guilds/groups where applicable, have already sorted out how they want to go about it anyway. Simply not bringing it up IC with someone else should be a trifling matter.

It is sad but I like to follow the main events building the timeline so, I guess I have to put in 3 years of events and age upon dear Lochton, he’ll soon turn grey but I don’t mind, that is how the world is we play in, and luckily, it is only 3 years.

My issue is that they placed it at the very end, making it a bit weird for roleplayers instead of just saying people were in the Shadowlands for 2-3 years extra.

Oh well. I am not going to ignore the three years, that is basically the same as bubbling your RP. And luckily, I was working on a small story for Lochton for a skip, and I am happy they changed “Several” to three (3) instead.

I agree with folks who are roleplaying the gap as simply the period between these two expansions. It’s not as if we’ve being “accurately” portraying the canon expansion lengths periods before now; squashing all our rp into the space of an Azerothian year.

There’s also a year missing.
Let’s say expansions start around start of the year lorewise (for lesser headache when dealing with years for the sake of this discussion). We know MoP was in year 30, which (if every expansion took one year) would mean WoD was 31, Legion 32, BfA 33 and Slands 34.
Except Slands started in year 35 and lasted for 2 years + 3 years of timeskip = DF starting in year 40.

I don’t think they clarified which expansion lasted 2 years (although my money is on BfA).
So if someone went with 1 expansion = 1 year, there has to be another year added to their age.

For me its gonna be the RP I had between shadowlands launch and dragonflight will be the 5 years.
Time keeping in wow is already bizare with 1 year per expac, some years have 3 christmasses, some years only 2…


“And you! How are… Uuuh… I wanna say Mathias?”

Genn growls.

“Alright ‘Grrrr’!”

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I remember some rpers doing that with Cata changes.

sylvanas on a rooftop in old town

“Anduin. Go for a walk.”

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It’s less viable for short-llved characters than long-lived ones, that’s for certain.

For a night elf, age is pretty much just a number. Lintian is 515 years old, and effective Dragonflight prepatch, she’ll be 518. She’ll have spent the three years studying in Dalaran. That’s it.

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My mage is going to have grown a beard. It’ll then probably get shaved off immediately.

Aye, that is the more annoying part. For Lochton, he’ll be somewhere early to mid-forties.

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the only way trolls will ever have beards


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Will probably just soft ignore it, as in, not bring it up unless someone else does. I doubt anyone is going to notice that my characters haven’t really changed anyhow. The timeline as it is is too much of a mess to make it work.

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Probably going to play it as if the RP that has happened between the Jailers defeat and the start of DF, were the things that filled out the years the timeskip goes over.
That way it doesn’t have to be outright ignored nor does ongoing RP have to be changed around.

Three in fact. It as been clarified by Danuser in a blue post. He stated that Shadowlands last for 2 whole years and Dragonflight is starting five years after the start of Shadowlands in the official canon.

Shadowlands started at year 35
Dragonflight start at year 40

Source: _https://www.wowhead.com/news/dragonflight-timeskip-steve-danuser-comments-on-dragonflight-timeline-328434

To be honest, personally i dont religiously follow the Chronicles canon, as some events dont makes any sens and since Chronicles had retcon some parts of the old timeline. But i think this time skip is interesting and i’ll consider it, but wont argue with someone who don’t. I think it will be a mess for a time in the RP community, but ultimatly, it won’t really matter in a year from now.

I think a good midway of dealing with this in a guild could be to have multiple micro-events with some months-long periods in between instead of having a big 3 years skip in one time.

I myself will probably also just acknowledge it, since I’ve always been of the opinion that lore is lore, even if it is not fun, or silly. I can always decide how much I engage with it later ( in the case of Shadowlands, just -barely-). Now as for what it’ll mean for my characters?

Des here will probably continue accompanying guard patrols of fresh recruits throughout the Kingdom of Stormwind so that they do not immedeatly die while they try to replace the veterans that fell. He’ll also spend time, together with his brother Hargorin, on helping to rebuild Gilneas ( if what Calia said is true and the Gilneans actually get their land back).

Aforementioned Hargorin, along with helping to rebuild and resettle Gilneas, will probably spend time trying to regain his diminished fighting-spirit and trying to deal with the stress and trauma that came from having been in one conflict too many.

My death knight Salfalur will continue what he most often does, namely travelling the world in search of “vermin” , as he calls it, to destroy. This can range from Legion, Scourge and/or Old God servants and monsters while at the same time seeking to get a better understanding of his powers, especially now that he has picked up some tricks from the Necrolords of Maldraxxus ( who are basically a somewhat-good-guy-Scourge on steroids anyways, so the magic is similar enough). He will also try to improve his smithing skills further.

The rest of my characters I have played too little to have an actual sense of what they’ll be doing.