RP community thoughts on time skip

Hi AD folks, hope your day is going well.

I’ve been keeping my eye only on the major Dragonflight news and see that Blizz have officially stated we are coming back from a few years time-skip. Now given we’re fast approaching release I’m coming back from a pre 9.1 break and find myself wondering about how the community feels as a whole regarding events of SL, it’s climax and the time-skip.

Events move fast here on AD so is there anything commonly acknowledged among RP’ers that a returning player should know?

As far as I know, there’s no consensus. Some people are going to acknowledge the timeskip, and others are just going to treat it as making up for MoP, WoD and Legion each taking 1 year in lore.

Personally, I’m going to acknowledge it.


I will welcome the timeskip with open arms. Gives opportunity for character groath/off-screen events that can impacts our characters to maybe play them a bit differently.

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No timeskip

All development in-game

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Isn’t the time skip effectively just like a year anyway because we RP in real time as opposed to how blizzard seems to treat the setting’s writing?


I’ll be RPing it out. :slight_smile:


All those times it took 5 min to cross the Great Sea? Time skip. We catching up.

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We are treating that from the time of the Jailer’s Defeat, our RP events are filling in the 3 year gap as what we are doing.

We just don’t really mention time in the sense of ‘Oh, its only been a month’. Keeping it vague enough to know there is a passage of time but not how much has passed.


Use the timeskip to develop a new character skill.

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See, this is what I half expected from the creative bunch around here. Filling out the empty space with our own stories/moments as the world at large enjoys it’s peacetime.

I feel it should be acknowledged, but I treat it as a horribly lame and lazy move from the game’s writing team.

This peace time could have been an entire expansion’s worth of content where we aren’t dealing with another Avengers-level threat and instead focus on world building, fleshing out Azeroth, showcase the consequences of the past 4 expansions, buuut at best we get some references and a novel.

Anyway, I’m being grossly offtopic. Carry on.


I’ll update ages of my characters since most of them have Third War as something important to them one way or the other so suddenly being three years younger at that time would hurt their backstory a bit.

Other than that, I’ll go with what the people I RP with pick. Since we didn’t really do any Shadowlands RP, we aren’t tied to having to explain passage of time between Slands and DF.

The thing being with that is while it’s vety much viable for individiuals. For a guild or group you’d have to align on many different events that are likely to have happened in those 3 years. Which is a pain in the backside.

So its more straightforward to simply stretch the rp between the jailer’s defeat to DF . Thats what we have opted for in any case.

The timeskip is just the game catching up to the irl time used.


For me, I’m roleplaying the time skip through having Kaitylinn accidentally jettisoned into space for the entire duration - she soon crash lands on a world eerily similar to Azeroth in every way, except several years in the future

(Turns out it’s the same Azeroth she left, she’s just been trapped in space for a while, but she’ll never realise it)


I would acknowledge it. Its weird not too when others are. You can’t really rp that you’ve been gone for 5 years and someone else goes “but i saw you two days ago.”

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“Hey it’s been a while!” > “Haven’t seen you in THREE YEARS!”

i’ve already written out akamito’s time skip storyline

married twice, divorced thrice. six kids and a shocking betrayal


Ironically, I do intend on bringing back a “benched” character who hasn’t been around since BFA and has been on a journey off-screen so it will be a case of “Haven’t seen you in years!” in this case.

to quote hellsing abridged

“ANDUIN! Its only been two days but it feels like yeeeears.”

i will achknowledge it because it makes the natural progression from mage to wine aunt easier