RP community thoughts on time skip

Unavoidably, it must be tackled to move forward. Thankfully, at most, nothing changes for me besides maybe this here witch getting a skunk stripe.

I don’t envy the people whose entire character is that they’re a fresh newbie in constant self improvement or otherwise in the middle of roiling, time sensitive plot.


I know some people are treating the next few events they attend as just moments that happened in the 3 year span.
so travel rp and evening guild chain events will be treated as having lasted weeks or months depending.

Probably spend that 3 years of peace (finally) getting fat, tending to his garden and crafting specialty brews, or trying to learn how, he’ll likely be pretty rusty and out of shape by time DF timeline hits.

“There’s a timeskip?”

I keep everything vague as is and not really going to personally acknowledge it.

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I just don’t religiously follow the canon at all anymore. I used to be quite (read: very) elitist about following the setting’s lore to the letter, but I have much more fun nowadays by just… bending things here and there for the benefit of my own enjoyment. Blizzard barely cares about narrative coherence so I’ll trust in my own judgement to keep things interesting for myself.

That being said, I’ll be following the time-skip. I don’t necessarily like that there’s a skip, but I’ve spent enough time thinking about it in the context of my character to come up with something that’s fun to me. It just meant adjusting the personal character arcs I had in mind to suit this change.

I don’t like the idea of my RP being ‘chronologically incoherent’ with the server because it feels like a recipe for awkwardness, and that’s my reasoning far more than ‘Blizzard said so and I must follow’.


I’ll probably acknowledge the time skip in my RP. It’s in line with Coldshade’s behaviour to disappear from major cities and remain unseen for a couple years. This period already started for her, since I am unsubbed at the moment and won’t return until at least the pre-patch.

What exactly she’ll be up to and how she changes during that time period is yet to be decided, but I got the general idea in my mind already.


Gonna acknowledge it 'cuz it’s lore.

Might be worth to keep in mind that despite expansions lasting some 2 years in real life, it’s only 1 year in lore.

So it all syncs up in the end, no?

BfA and Shadowlands do not fit this. They’re both two years a piece.

I like the timeskip in concept, and I think narratively it would be great if each expansion up until now actually had a timeskip inbetween each one, since getting a World! Ending! Threat! every Tuesday would be just absurd. Marvel levels of living-in-NYC absurd.

However, since it’s Blizzard, they just completely failed to execute it properly. This could’ve been a great time to show time progression in the world. Night Elves were said to be rebuilding, but we don’t see it for example. It just abruptly begins. They really decided to copy Marvel and make us feel like we’re all snapped. Bam! Future, baby!

You don’t even have to do too much to show time progression. A small new house somewhere in Elwynn. A few new tents somewhere in Mulgore. Thousand Needles could have the water drain away a little bit (seriously, it’s just going to hover in place?). Apparently the picture in Exploring Kalimdor shows the water isn’t there any more, but even if you don’t want to redesign quests, at least lower the water levels!!

Each zone has its story and progression in complete limbo, which I understand is a problem many MMOs have. But really, you could at least do something.



Blizzard says that there is a timeskip of five years, but the world will be exactly the same. The conversations will be the same, the issues the world has will be the same, Menethil Harbor will still be flooded… etc… etc… which is why a timeskip is quite a stupid thing.


Wonder if it’ll already be post-timeskip when prepatch drops, since we’ll be able to access Dracthyr before release.

Is it confirmed we’ll get Dracthyr in pre-patch? Might be week two if so.

“Don’t delay. The winds will shift once more when the new dracthyr Evoker becomes playable during the Dragonflight pre-expansion patch, and the experience buff will no longer be available.”

From Blizzard’s own article on the 50% XP buff.

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Don’t worry or think about it too much.

Some people in my guild are doing a skip. others are not. I’m not thinking about it regardless.

Will be impossible to get a consensus, so just be easy going about it no matter who you bump in to or how you approach it yourself.

As for SL… “Shadow where now? Never heard of it, hole in the sky is closed now at least”


This is as the kids say, pretty pog.

Yeah they’re in prepatch.

People make it a bigger deal than it actually is


My thoughts exactly. What I feel is a real shame is a divide some folks feel regarding it. Let’s just find a compromise. Time passes all the time. Keep it vague, and keep the community going.

Honestly, I’ll be acknowledging it, namely as an excuse to switch mains. Séith here’s going on a well deserved holiday, gone to explore the world. Then, once Pre-Patch hits and Dracthyr become available, BAM, new main.