[RP-Guide] Tauren - A guide for you!

Based? Yes. Information? Based.

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Already now I have been reached by some of you who have read this guide, and decided to try out a Tauren.
And I think that is absolutely fantastic, that more of you feel able to try them out, and feel inspired to do so.

Welcome to the new Shu’halo! The children of the Earthmother!


Solid guide on the tauren of Kalimdor!
Glad to see more popping up after those post.
Hopefully, gatherings for the spirits will come from this.
Well done!


Oh wow, this is such a good guide! Still good to read through, even if I’ve been playing my Sunwalker for a while now.

Though apparently, she fumbled with her career choice as a white-furred Tauren, and became a Sunwalker instead of a Spiritwalker… Oh well. (I actually genuinely didn’t know that.)

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Hehe well, shaded white does not always mean one path, one goal!
But I am truly glad you enjoyed the read and found it useable! :blush:

No cooler gang of Tauren Bois exist

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Trueeee. Aparoshe for life.


there is ANOTHER…

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Just wanted to say that this guide did in fact inspire me to make a tauren of my own, they’ve always been a race that’s been on my radar but this was kind of the tipping point for me to actually try it out for myself.

It really got me in the right mood.

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Some say a seer of An’she has been seen wandering the plains of Mulgore lately…


It is awesome to see more and more Tauren RolePlay interest! Thank you all for showing so much interest!


Excellent guide, hope more would RP tauren and not just the “gun for hire” kind. Good stuff here. <3

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Bumping to ensure this will always stay open <3 Nice initiative!


Hau! It was really helpfull and fun to read , i like my HM tauren already more knowing an bit of the lore and a few little things like the strength and the “May An’she shine upon your path” Love to the tauren RP coomunity <3


I see more and more Tauren rpers about and I’ve had many messages for this guide! Super thankful and honoured that you all find it useable!


Indeed, it was the push I needed to start to moove into tauren roleplay!


I am truly grateful for all the positive feedback thorough this thread!
And I am glad more and more find it and seek to try out the Tauren Path!


My name is Meho Skychaser and this is my favourite post on the Argent Dawn forums.

Ish-ne-alo por-ah!


I briefly played my tauren priest in a guild which disbanded.
Despite having fun I always felt awkward roleplaying him because I didn’t know nearly enough about tauren lore to feel like I was able to pull it off convincingly
so sadly my sun seer has been shelved for the most part, although I still play him once in a while, last time I took him for a spin was a short campaign in Tanaris where he acted as a healer for both factions (mostly horde) to great effect.

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Something I always fancied and have a Druid that I always play on but never RP with. Just came back from a long break maybe I will come talk to you guys on them one day for some RP.