RP Ideas,concepts and experiments Thread

Had that with the best roleplayer of the horde, wonder where she ran off too, though.

There is some vague taste of irony in this, then again… building pillars on shaking ground will collapse with thundering sound.

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Old god cult heavy on the cosmic horror theme and more about infiltration and recruitment as regular looking citizens in a seemingly benign religious movement or upper class “secret” society than cackling crazies dressed in entrails.

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wow you saw that youtube video

Tried that and while it was alright the truth is most Guild Masters are not willing to step up and pinch in where needed, leaving it up to one or two people. When they leave the whole thing falls apart, its quite spectacular to witness.

I wonder what the Horde guilds do to manage cooperating, then.

A spin on this I’ve thought of more than once, a similarly benign looking religious group who target the down and out, the luckless, the orphaned, led by draenei/lightforged looking to “nurse the casualties of conflict in many forms” and give these people some structure and purpose.

In truth they’re essentially a Lightbound esque apocalyptic light cult, convinced that with the Legion defeated “the signs are aligning” ready for the rapture of the Light. All that remains is to defeat those last risdues of resistance to the Lights will. Salvation can be yours.

Essentially a new religion type cult but without the whacky drugs and sex. And the normies come to almost revere the draenei as semi divine figures due to their age and experience and apparent direct access to the Light.

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Shh, I’m trying to act original.

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A nice twist to my old idea of a human cult believing the draenei to be correct, putting their faith in the Prophet rather than the Church and looking to reform the latter.

Ideas: RPing your proffesions out inspired by the recipes ingame. Especially with materials just like but not limited to:

  • Kul Tiran armor made from it’s native ores like Platinum Ore and Stormsilver Ore
  • Demonic Armor is made with demonic ore like Felslate or Fel Iron
  • Silverleaf is used to make a lot of Potions, combined with peacebloom it lessens the pain.
  • Anti-Venom made with using the insides of venomous sac
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That’s very neat and useful idea, didn’t notice it :smiley:

Thanks for sharing this idea Dawn ^^

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A San’layn guil-pffthththhththththttttthhhhhtttt.

Look, a concept i think would be pretty dope, would be a halfling witch hunter. Since halflings aren’t a thing in WoW, we’ll have to do with a Voodoohoodoognome.

One day I will do my pandaren phoenix rider guild.

You mark my words.


When Teldrassil burned I wanted to lead a group of vengeful or crazed druids who sought to rekindle the Druids of the Flame. I’d like to give a villainous flare to classes who generally aren’t very villainous.


The Virgin Druids of the Flame VS The Chad Nightmare Druids.

A group consisting of Sunfury who were left behind in Outland after the events of TBC who conduct guerilla warfare against the other denizens of Outland, completely in the dark with regards to recent history and still fighting on in the name of Kael’thas.

They would be constantly threatened with having to stave off various enemies as well as the looming threats of malnourishment and insanity (if they weren’t already). It would also be cool to see them somehow reunited with their ‘modern’ kin and integrated into the blood elven culture as a whole, with the natural struggles that would ensure in doing so.

Crap idea tbh

((I just want to see a good Sunfury guild ffs)

“What do you mean Kael’thas was evil? You’ve got statues of him everywhere!”

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A dieselpunk-inspired mechanohog/deathwheel biker gang. We must have some gearheads somewhere on the realm who want to blast across Desolace, their vehicles belching thick black smoke behind them…


I’d like an artifact hunter guild.

There’s plenty of those, though.

And they’re high profile, too: Garrosh around MoP, Thrall in WoD, Grommash Hellscream post Demon koolaid, pretty much every Blademaster, Kargath…

Honestly Doomhammer is the only one who stays honorable throughout his whole life ( Saurfang butchered Draenei children under the blood lust ) and it’s what costs the Horde the Second War.

Vanilla mogged Warsong Orc who got thrown into the future and doesn’t understand why orcs don’t instantly kill the Nightborne.