RP Ideas,concepts and experiments Thread

I’d sign up for a community of treasure hunters and scholars in a heartbeat.


Or: A super honourable and chivalrous orc knight.

aka every human paladin but green

Eredun Lullaby :wink:
Just gotta be the superior caster class, easy peasy.

As for RP concepts…
I’d love to see some more representation of the Ironforge military. I never interacted with the Thunderbraid’s ye olde Anvilmar Iron Brigade, but it was such a joy to see them around. Dwarves in Stormwind gear make me sad.

That’s the kind of thing a super honourable and chivalrous human paladin would say.

High concept insanity:

Sports. Simple, wholesome sports. Get rid of that overflowing brawling and sparring energy with some Highmountain fish kicking on a field, loser pays for goblin takeout.

Somewhat related; goblin entrepreneurial spirit giving rise to a new “energy drink” company, its eccentric owner and gaggle of addled sponsors convinced that kaja’cola’s old news and that you can make something amazing outta that azerite stuff.

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More tortollan rpers trying to make others do silly games that no one gives a damn about… ye… they are very few.

Ye oke but… are you going to switch these Shells under which i hid entire val’kyrs and thor battle mechs or what?

Zandalari Prelate dedicated to Shirvallah.

Lun’alai guild.

Zandalari warrior who owes Bwomsamedi a thousand souls.

Dragonmaw Guild.

Dark Iron paladin guild who uses the elemental fire lords for power.

Void Elf warlock who hears terrible thing whispers and is scarred from the one time they gave into them…

Jade Lotus, pandaren criminal guild.

Dwarven ranger guild, recruiting from all three clans.

No doubt I will think of more in time, but thats all for now.

A freak accident of void elves summoning fat protoss into azeroth and everyone thinks they’re draenei.

Mentally deranged orcs riding crawgs into battle and speak inchorently british.

Forsaken cooking club for those with disfunctional taste buds.

Worgen/tauren trimming parlour.

Another forsaken guild dedicated to Nathanos fangirls.

A Dwarven inquisition that travels the world to expunge the world from Non-Dwarven och-sayers.

A guild that dedicates themselves to door/gate/portcullis RP and is only allowed to make opening noises in /s and /y

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door rp flashbacks

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A proper military guild for warlocks, DKs and other rejects of the Alliance.

I’ve mentioned this in similar threads but why not a dark iron secret society who go about spreading propaganda, misinformation and attacking dangerous threats to their agenda of maintaining Queen Moira’s status and that of her son as future Emperor of all Dwarves, assuring a bright future for the clan.

Grumbling bronzebeards and Wildhammers need to be controlled, by fear or bribes, as do the fire cultists and this sort of snowballs into sabotaging shipments of goods so that good, honest dark iron sponsors can profit and contibute to support the cause.

It’s a slippery slope all the way into organised crime and political assassinations.

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This can be an amazing idea if the current non-Dark Iron dwarf RP community didn’t exist in its current iteration.

Lord! You gotta give me some of that fire powers! You gotta-gotta-gotta give it to MEEEEE!

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Creaks in door
Oregon trail style rp
Get your supplies to the front while getting desentry from drinking from the defiled pond.


Well, that’s awesome!

Plot twist; in the Forsaken war machine, the supplies were defiled all along. It was never the water!

Speaking of the forsaken and their fellow refugees, the kaldorei; it’s time to portray a few. Crazy hobo tropes for all, and opportunities for do-gooders to help and all the nobes to engage in philanthropy. Soup kitchens and worship for people’s spiritual health.

Fun fact: The Skyhorn practice boxing.

I’ve had this glorious RP idea.
A lot of green, trees, smell of 1970’s and a retinue, see you in 20 years.

I too have a glorious RP idea. It will take place in a realm with Seven Kingdoms, dragons, zombies, wild-folk, horse eating turban wailers and Sean Bean.

I think you’d like it, Thyron.