RP Ideas,concepts and experiments Thread

Go, GoT fantasies, go.

I got a serious concept, though.

A bunch of Ogre Elune-worshippers who secretly wants to raise Ragnaros as a part of the Emerald Nightmare.

what in ten characters

Funny thing is, me and few other friends actually attempted to use this type of concept in a guild - twice. While the first guild failed mostly due to inactivity, we only ever managed to find one possible recruit in total, which made all of us rather demotivated.

If there’s truly more interest in this type of concept more than we thought (all of us seriously thought there was absolutely zero interest), I could definitely give it one more go.

I’ve been toying with the concept of Thunderball™ for a while.

2 teams of Ele Shaman try to use Thunderstorm to kick a gnome into the enemy’s goal.

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