(RP-PVP campaign) Silverpine Offensive 27.03. SIGNUPS CLOSED!



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Guild name: Hawks Resolute
Guild leader: Mivunia Ere’lan
Faction: Horde
Amount of people: 2-5
About the guild: Quel’Thalas based Mercenary Order.
Signing up for: Restricted


Hey Mivunia, the Horde host will send you a discord invite soon, thank you for the patience.


Heya, is it possible for a guild to sign up for this campaign and -not- participate in RPPvP but rather do some RPPvE events for times when alliance numbers are just too much over Horde?


Signing up as individual! Do I have to sign up for each alt?
Do I have to join some discord as well?
I prefer to just pop on, RP and not worry about discords and what-have-you.

Character: Vilesun
Guild: Guildless
Signing up for: Everything but the drama


Framarr, there is no PvE stuff planned after the first two days, only Rp PvP. And a lot of guilds waiting to come in before you guys.

Vilesun, Horde host will contact you shortly

That’s why i’m asking whether there is a possibility to hold PvE events and not RPPvP, for the sake of RPing with others and not just mindlessly attack. Think RP encouragement in early hours!

Honestly, i’m not sure. I’ll get back to you on this.

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Guild name: Ino
Guild leader: Avaonore
Faction: H/N
Amount of people: 3-4
About the guild: A conglomerate of united Suramarian households, looking to create bonds, favors, or whatever it takes to gain more power and recognition to the name.
Signing up for: Restricted / Mediator.


Guild name: Warlock
Guild leader: Menagerie
Faction: Horde
Amount of people: 1-2
About the guild: Warlocks doing what warlocks do best! Being sneaky and totally out for everyone else’s best interest, just their own first. Imagine if all those souls did not find a soul-shard to call home.
Signing up for: Restricted


Do you have rp pvp encounter planned for each consecutive day?

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How and why would it not be fine for some guilds to have PvE content outside of the PvP. Like, how does it affect the RP-PvP in any way, shape or form? Or how about camp RP? Are only the people/guilds that got a spot allowed to come?


Hence i find it a bit awkward. Framar basically offers free rppve events which wont have any kind of impact on the pvp balance (and i believe not only him/her would be interested in such) . Unless as i asked, there’s rppvp each day, with no time for rppve. But even if, camp rp? Also i don’t see any issue here with allowing people to participate outside of pvp. The more the merrier ?

make 2 groups; one for pvp one for pve. if folks from one group spill into the other, inform them they’re in the wrong place. easy enough to manage seeing as you have a volunteer to host the pve stuff already.

Additional elements create additional faff, is the thing; the more cats you need to herd, especially when some of those cats are being herded to different goals, the more scope for it to collapse into a hideous frenzy of claws and fangs and flying fur.

Which is not to say it can’t be done, assuming everyone involved is willing to communicate OOCly to ensure there’s no confusing muddle - organisers both sides (PvE and PvP) need to be aware of the other’s plans on a meta level so, for example, Random Scout Party doesn’t wander into the middle of PVE Event or vis-versa.

There’s also a balance to be struck in allowing PvE events to have a meaningful impact for the participants without either generating resentment from the PvP contingent who aren’t able to influence them or feeling utterly divorced from the campaign landscape.

I’m confident all of the above can be addressed with clear OOC communication, but I can’t begrudge the Organiser for wanting to consider if they want the additional headaches.


Given the campaign is mainly focused on RPPvP, maybe the PvE aspect could be inconsequential. Due to irl, I wont be able to host them at the times main PvP events would take place, instead i’d host them at 5-7pm realm time. Small events, nothing huge to distract from the main point of the campaign.

Most of the time these events do have the focal and resulting ‘points count’ in the evening, or to be fair, specifically in those times ‘after people all across Europe have got home from work, had some dinner, actually had some face time with their families and -then- logged in’. For certain objectives the RpPvP element is inescapable, for others, the PvE aspect is necessary, which to be honest, is a fairly accurate summary of War. You do not win a War, by purely hammering away at the enemy and you killing more soldiers of theirs, than they do of yours. I mean there is a -reason- we regard WWI with such horror, because that pretty much was what was happening. We learned since then. In fact we even learned -before- then. It was a pretty unique War because of a unique conglomeration of factors unavailable in any previous War.

Anyway, Sometimes you win a War by seizing territory that makes the enemy position untenable, sometimes you do something that makes the local partisans join your side, forming a fifth column at the enemies rear. Sometimes you destroy supply lines, forcing a withdrawal, or even as simple as carrying out strikes of opportunity that destroy morale, so that the enemy feels a bunker mentality and settles in and solidifies, rather than carrying on. Those are all PvE objectives. All conducive to the War Effort, but don’t necessarily need auto attack battles to resolve, just the people DM’ing to be honest and open about how things turned out. You can perfectly blend both, its not a problem.


And the rest of the campaign to be willing to accept said outcomes as part of the campaign landscape. And also either DMs who can deal with the opposing faction throwing unexpected spanners in the works or some other reassurance it won’t turn into “my I Win button is bigger and shinier than yours” ridiculous escalation.

At its best, it’s a richer and more complete story for everyone involved with both aspects feeding organically into each other. But that relies on both sides being willing to communicate to build said complete story, with neither breaking Rule 7.


Yeah, it totally relies on rule 7. But to be fair, that’s a LARP convention, But as I always say, Roleplay is a collaborative hobby, so it needs that element as you say of varying aspects feeding organically into each other. It -can- work, if people -want- it to work.


Totally; aerial combat disco is testament to that.

But equally it can be “Brigante wrote some fic about bombing somewhere which we’re all going to ignore, because it happened without anyone knowing and we didn’t get a chance to react IC at the time”, as has happened in the (now thankfully distant) past.

I would love to see collaboration work here, but it’s disingenuous and / or naive to ignore the challenges involved in ensuring it does. :wink:

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