(RP-PVP campaign) Silverpine Offensive 27.03. SIGNUPS CLOSED!

Hey there! I signed up a while ago and haven’t gotten an invitation yet either, I’d appreciate it when the Horde host gets the chance.

Where is the discord link?

That’s partly my fault - I’m a little behind on sign-ups!

Poke me on Discord - Worries/Mathias#5392 - with your character/guild name to get on board! Remember it’s 2 reps at most per guild.

Here it is, complete signups for those signed up and in reserve

And numbers are currently Alliance 113-157, Horde 107-159.

That means if we have some more Horde, i could let the dwarves join in for more fun, haha


One more Horde guild so we can get the Three Hammers in please!


Great minds think alike.


I wonder… can an Alliance guild that signed after us in the list make a bunch of Horde alts, sign up, and make us enter? :upside_down_face:


That would be nice, yes. Two birds, one stone thing.

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The discord name sadly did not work, still waiting for invite. Any other way to get in touch with the organisators? :slight_smile:

Wait, John Wilcox#7457 didnt work? You sure? Thats my Discord name, and i assure you its working. Maybe try again? I’m online now on Discord.


Since The Gilded Compass has disbanded and withdrawn from the campaign as such, I will take in the Three Hammers in their stead.

I would ask the rep from the Three hammers to contact me ingame or on Discord!!!

We did disband indeed. Though some of our now individuals will still attend (alongside myself), just waiting on Wilcox to put them up on the list :slight_smile:

Just wondering is there going to be a closing date for sign ups? Not sure if we are going to attend yet.

Not expect to close them till the last day really. So you have time

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Cheers mate!

Leaders for both factions have been chosen, so now all that is left is for straglers to join up and wait for the main event. Hopefully, more Horde will appear in this last stretch.


Guild name: Alliance Salvaging (And Procurement)
Guild leader: Lochton
Faction: Alliance
Amount of people: 1-3
About the guild: The ASAP is a supply and support guild. Running as a salvaging and procurement guild in the name of the Alliance. We’re part of the Alliance supply lines to create the final joint between the forces and the citizens.
Signing up for: Restricted PvP

Name: Magrol
Faction: Horde.
Individual sign up for Unrestricted and Restricted PVP

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Guild name: Argent Crusade Knights

Faction: Alliance (Neutral)

Participants: 1-5

About the guild: The ACK is a support guild focusing on negotiation the distribution of medical care, exchanging of POWs and etc.

Signing up for: RP

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