(RP-PVP campaign) Silverpine Offensive 27.03. SIGNUPS CLOSED!

Name: Dri’Zun
Faction: Horde.

Individual sign up for Unrestricted and Restricted PvP.

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Welcome. Horde host will send you a discord invite

Rothmere, Alliance
Individual sign up for hopefully unrestricted & restricted.

I dare say, look at all these Horde vagrant gallivanting around… No measure of modicum between them! Fetch me some crumpets! I wish to watch the fools dance!


Campaign starts in 10 days! Get in while you can!!! (If you are Horde, ofc)

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Name: Tylia Redbloom

I wish to sign up to this campaign as an individual! I seek to join the horde unrestricted PvP area as a healer.

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Name: Luther Wahlmer
Looking to sign up as an individual for restricted and unrestricted.

Luther will be hunting void elves.

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Horde host will extend you Discord invites. Welcome!

Guild name: Deathguard
Guild leader: Volckheim
Faction: Horde
Amount of people: 5-10
About the guild: Forsaken Infantry
Signing up for: Restricted and Unrestricted PvP


Welcome! Horde host will send you a Discord invite!

A message is spread far and wide via a network of couriers.
This message reads:

Soldiers of the Horde! The time for battle has come again. The Alliance moves against us thus making it necessarry for the Horde to call upon it’s champions once again. Those who seek to volunteer for service are to report to Tranquilien on the 25th of this month for war preparations and planning.

By our blades the enemies of the Horde will shatter.
Executor Jorrick Darkblade
Hand of Agony
Force commander battlegroup: Silverpine


If horde signups are still going:

Guild name: The Ashblood Clan
Guild leader: krugraa
Faction: Horde
Amount of people: 5-10
About the guild: A traveling clan of orcs looking to fight along side allies in the war effort. Specialised in hunting and swift raids, with some magical aptitude on the side.
Signing up for: restricted


Welcome! Horde host will send you a Discord invite

Ironpeake, please whisper me on Wilcox in Discord for an invite.

Uodrieth and Winsor as well

I’d like to join as well if possible. Depending on how many Horde players are currently present.

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Name: Krulvar Wildhorn
Signing up as an individual for restricted and unrestricted.


Name: Innoma
Signing up for restricted.
Going to support the Horde troops, and seeking revenge.


Name: Helenor
Signing up for restricted.
Support in battle and medical aid for the Alliance

Name: Vyaen Breezewalker
Signing up to support the Horde in restricted and unrestricted (if one may with low level)


Morning. Horde rep will contact you, but you may wanna stick to restricted. Just saying.