(RP-PVP campaign) Silverpine Offensive 27.03. SIGNUPS CLOSED!

I keep holding out hope for this race and each time this happens.


I rainbow maul your head off as a teammate

Thank you brother!

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The battle’s this way, gorgeous!

Imagine the smell

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If only organisers, actually, paid attention to these numbers, other than some weird power flex ala “we are cool, we gonna even restrict the numbers”.

Campaign’s success depends on how people are simply entertained, not by how many, actually, attend. By the comments so far it can be easily judged how good it was.

But hey, silverpain becomes better with each attempt, can only hope next time its not an en masse :muscle: flex


Silverpain Round 3 next month?


Well my point earlier was that it’s no fun for anyone if the numbers are imbalanced + non-sign ups are attending which causes more problems.


Yes, its the organisers fault, always. Im not even being sarcastic. Im aware of that. The signups promised an even fight. +/-5 people makes no difference. Then Horde shows up with 40 percent of expected forces
it was clear on the first night we had a tough job ahead of us. Ive tried more or less everything in my power to even out the numbers, even tho ive said i would not do that, but them the campaign would of ended on saturday. Not that it lasted much longer mind you
 But the issue was NOT Silverpine, or the few randoms that appeared, or even to occasional breaking of the rules, which happens on both sides, on EVERY campaign ive attended in the past year and a half. The ONLY problem that i could not mend is that i had 180 out of 200 signed up Alliance and 80 +/- few out of 200 signed up Horde. The attendance is the SOLE factor this campaign ended when and how it did.


I could see the attendance did not match the amount of sign ups, it was quite a doozy especially when the thread was made two months in advance.

I also get that non-signs up do occasionally show up and can be dealt with, but I was told some non-sign ups I discovered were allowed in. Was this intentional or an oversight? I was confused because I was pretty sure it would just make your task as an organiser very difficult to see the Alliance outnumber the Horde more than they already did in the first place.

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Didn’t attend this campaign myself, however I consider it quite disrespectful if you sign up to a campaign and give your word to participate only to then not bother to let the organisers know, who have put a lot of work into a project to provide a platform for your own enjoyment. If you cant attend you cant attend but let people know dont just go missing, that is awful practice.


Read: It’s my fault but also really it’s yours.


we maybe had a few people on the side and one was fighting along side the Seventh
so i dont get your point. Ad ive said previously, the signups were even when i closed all further signups. You đaybe you didnt read that far

I see you have picked up your shovel, please stop digging now and leave it be, this wont end well.


Honestly shout out to the unrestricted for cool epic moments and some of the rp on it was nice. Extra shout out to the A-Team consisting of Flowers, Toso, Langsley and some other lads for going into feindesland and beating up Dwarves that’s all I have to say >_>


Whose fault is it now?


It’s really a shame to see this, to be honest. People were sceptical of this event before it took off the ground. They voiced their concerns about how things like this have happened previously, and their concerns went unanswered, and here we are with those very same concerns now emerging in the campaign.

Maybe one day in the future we will see a Silverpine campaign remembered for the actual RP, and not for the handling of the event. Such a shame to see it end this way when an outcome like this was predicted, and thus, in my opinion, was preventable.


Mine, naturally. No matter what is said, its mine, for not being able to remedy things.


Id like to apologize to the alliance pandaren I was absolutely relentless on last night. You were just so floofy. I couldn’t stop myself.

Well there was that, but I think some Horde guilds were bit over their head. Some claimed that ‘this many’ were going to attend but usually you would see
 six (which is way less than what they mentioned on this thread.

Yes, some non-sign ups tagged along with my guild and ended up joining. Before you say anything, I’m just a small man and not an officer of the so none of this was down to my decision.

But the guild’s officer(s) did ask the organisers if this was okay and I just wanted to know why did the organisers agree to it? The amount of people that showed up was a lot different than what we have been shown on the read and I just believe that allowing random folk in the campaign, especially on Alliance side just made things worse.


Another campaign, another :poop:show. I can’t say I’m surprised considering how frequently this happens.

I really don’t understand the mental gymnastics behind allowing non-signups to attend when there’s already a low Horde player-count.

:cow: :smoking: