(RP-PVP campaign) Silverpine Offensive 27.03. SIGNUPS CLOSED!

woah must be apart of the gang


To add to this - it’s not implausible to say that having unprecedented Alliance sign-ups further lowers the Horde player count. Who wants to fight an uphill battle on something that’s supposed to be a fair fight for both sides?


On a similar note: why did the organizers agree to extend the official deadline by half an hour after word in the raid was “the official part is now over” before we were driven back by an army of guilds, non-sign ups and a backstab attack by the Legion?

We ran past The Sepulcher to an already broken bridge and the consensus (in the chat) was that they’d now lay siege to the Sepulcher for two hours and then sodder off since official hours passed ten minutes ago.

Upon inquiry, we found out organizers extended the deadline that specific day to coincide with the Sepulcher siege, effectively taking our base from us and forcing us back to High Command.

After the Horde already started at a resource disadvantage and we lost Ambermill the first day to a swath of unplanned soldiers moving into the city and fortifying it, I don’t need to point out how this magical extension of a deadline makes people see the entire thing as fishy, correct?


At least we had some laughs :grin:


Neutral RP :joy::joy::japan:


The Unrestricted PvP was fun and fair. Crazy what you can do when you enforce balance and have equal numbers.



Unrestricted was good but suffered from a plague of OOCness. Managed to get some RP done on the Horde in-between it which was cool.


It’s the god damn RATGARDE and GRIM GEESE at it again!!!


And the Conquest Paw Clan


Last night’s aerial combat over Ambermill was -glorious- So many Fliers! It went from a disciplined affair to basically a barfight, I kicked Sir Jack Asheton in the head, that might actually be my fondest moment from that fight. Big up to the Knights Gryphon, Stormheart Clan, and Tibs, for some quality aerial shenanigans, 10/10, would fight again. Lets be fair 
.-will- fight again, you owe us three Wyverns

I actually like how it is ending, it feels like the fall of Saigon, the last few desperate remnants trying to evacuate under waves of the enemy. It was heartbreakingly brilliant as the Sun Hawks flying back to High Command with the buzz of “We won the Air War!” then wheeling over the base going
w-where is everyone?" and upon landing being told the Horde had mostly left, and the Fliers, (especially those who had lost their mounts) just rocking numbly “But We won! We -WON”

Pure pathos.

Be fun to see how it plays out tonight, as the few, the proud, the unbowed, are nonetheless forced to retreat. Its going to be good games


And the Tainted Shields and the Men of Questionable Faith!!


Ladies :nail_care: nothing for you :girl: here, that way :point_right:


And that’s what it’s all about :smiling_imp: :tongue:


You’ll always have a degree of OOC when you do battle, especially when it’s fast paced and the opening/numbers/gear matters a lot like in unrestricted. The nights I was on it seemed fine.

I did hear the Alliance brought in Gladiators who weren’t even signed up which again is really
 I don’t know how to describe it nicely, let’s just say it’s a very ‘‘play to win’’ mentality.

People who aren’t signed for the campaign shouldn’t participate in restricted and definitely not in unrestricted where 1 player has a way bigger impact on the fight ( because of lower numbers and free casting )


From the point of view of cocky Dragonhawk riders, Damn straight it is. I mean that’s why you fight Wars, to win them, right? Or am I getting cause and effect confused
, which is possible

Didn’t really help though, did it.


Not really though? It’s RP-pvp so there should never really be an element of OOC like yelling random things or spamming ‘q’ and ‘e’ whilst emoting. That’s how I prefer it at least.

Although I somewhat agree, it’s easier to organise a small amount of people and if numbers are small on one side then bringing in a non-signed up individual could actually benefit it. But yh in an ideal situation everyone signed up would be on the roster.


Is it any wonder? Unrestricted just won what, 100 resources? That’s a drop in the bucket. I bet there’d be more interest in Unrestricted RP PVP if it had a bigger impact on the campaign. Fighting 2 hours just to unlock Greater Pyro ( points wise ) is not very rewarding.

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sToP oNlY qUoTiNg SeCtIoNs Of My StAtEmEnT

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We will fight shoulder to shoulder again sometime, Alastrias

P.S. Ditch the stinky argent crusader tag ur 1 of us now