(RP-PVP campaign) Silverpine Offensive 27.03. SIGNUPS CLOSED!

Dammit, it’s over? I have interviews set up tonight and last night the Horde still seemed gunho :eyes:

So if we can take anything from this and to safeguard future campaigns what is it? A change in mindset? Organisation? The management team?

Meet me at Midnight, as the Hero of the Finale I shall deign thee with an interview.

You Are Welcome

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  • be alliance in the discord
  • slander a group of guilds renown for enjoying rp-pvp
  • be flabbergasted when the numbers fail/a large portion of horde players don’t even participate

:grimacing: :thinking:


To this I will say that the approach some Horde guilds take re. consequences also didn’t help :kissing:

Edit: But don’t worry the trusted …Stygians… will make their return on the next battlefield


Glad to see the Alliance side of things matured since Frozen Heart 2 where the Alliance Accord was rather gleefully stating that the Horde deserve to be curbstomped if they have such low attendance.

Which was said both on the Accord and the campaign Discord with a complete disregard for the fact that you kind of need to keep the other faction happy with their involvement to at least fight them…


This isn’t an issue regarding campaigns only, it is a general problem that is present all around the server.

People just want to win, they want to show off. They don’t care about plot, story-telling or building an interesting narrative. Everyone says that they do, but in the end they really don’t. How do you spot this kind of people? You get the eye if you stick long enough.

Want my two cents? I’m giving them to you anyway.

Next time you want to make a campaign, preface it by saying that whoever wants to join the campaign will have to put narrative and role-play above everything else, no excuses. Even while RP-PvP is active, narrative and ROLE-PLAY is paramount over the desire to win.

If people don’t respect that, immediately kick them out of the raid and force everyone to mass ignore them for at least a day. Then see how they behave the next time they’re around, and if they leave, then you can either hope they’ll learn when the next campaign comes around, or just leave them to their idiocy.

I know it sounds extreme, but it is the only way. I’m generally pro-free speech and all of that jazz, but when you sign up for an event like this, you can’t possibly pretend to manage these issues without being firm. Also, regarding sign-ups, make sure to have people be at the very least 95% sure that the numbers they put it will be available when the event starts.

Now, I know that you may say: “oh, but Siegfried, this will never work people will stop signing up!”

Good. There’s always a surplus of people anyway, and if they then hear how good the campaign was thanks to these actions, I guarantee you they’ll be the first ones to sign up next time.

“B-b-b-ut you said rp is subjective blah blah blah!”

It is subjective. What’s not subjective is the desire to win over all and make people leave because you are acting OOC all the time, you’re whiny, clingy or desperate enough to make a fool out of yourself.

To whoever wants to create a new campaign in the future, I suggest you keep this post in mind. Not saying I’m right, but I’m confident this is a good step in the right direction.

Also no, I didn’t participate in this campaign.


Maybe Roleplayer IO isn’t such a bad idea after all.

Campaigns now only catered to high quality guilds. The rest can go enjoy their fart RP and stand before the cathedral aimlessly for hours upon end.


Actually enforce number equality

Actually enforce proper behavior in /s and /y etc

Actually enforce basically all the basic rules that are always repeated yet rarely cared about.

It’s just crazy enough to work.


Allow me to burst down anyone who yells OOC.


Perhaps a new thread would be ideal so we can link it in the future.

So how will you deal with 50 extra Alliance that came and weren’t signed up?

Murder lmao


Literally tell them to piss off. If they don’t, make everyone else ignore them.

This isn’t their show, they’re not entitled to participate. Next time sign up in time.


tbh if they were all enforced you’d have at best 20v20 RP-PvP storylines, given the general attendees of this one.


But they’re such hunky boys and milky mommies :heart_eyes_cat:


I think having a good team of moderators helps too, not sure about this campaign but you cant expect one person to moderate 400.

A good small campaign > a :poop:show big campaign


Yeah, it sounds extreme, as mentioned. But what can you do? People are leeches most of the time around here, and if I can’t sign up because I was late, why can they? Because they have a big guild or because they are friends OOC with some of the organizers?

Nah fam.


That sounds pretty awesome if done correctly. People can form proper rivalries, the battles are more personal. With a strong narrative, that could be :ok_hand: