(RP-PVP campaign) Silverpine Offensive 27.03. SIGNUPS CLOSED!

Quality over Quantity.

Have the big final battle be the climax of the campaign, not the standard.

It becomes boring VERY quickly. Personal skirmishes and conflicts are far more engaging, and at the end, when you think it’s going to end


200 VS 200. That’s a campaign.


And if they don’t ?

It harkens back to that campaign in Northrend where the host decieded to host a private campaign with only those they trust in the future, I hope that doesnt become the status quo for campaigns.

Impose a mass ignore for the duration of the campaign.

Ez pz.


You can’t /ignore fireballs tho.

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I highly doubt anyone would disagree (including me, I always preferred Guild vs. guild RP-PvP or have token forces present like at Jaedenar in Drums of War)


As someone who partook in the campaign I can say I much prefered the smaller skirmishes in the evening than the massive battles. I feel like the larger fights could have been saved for big moments. I remember how epic the Drums of War Lordaeron battle was in the Sewers.


Oh yeah, keep nuking them until they get tired.

Oh, what’s that? They keep doing it?

Make sure to take screenshots and let everyone know that these 50 people will never be invited in another campaign ever. Also they’ll get a stigma on their “RP career.”

See how long they keep doing that.


If a guild attends a campaign which they are not signed up to and won’t leave and continues to pester the moderators or the people who have signed up, name and shame them to death. See if their tattered reputation takes them very far in the future.

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The Horde players would need to know who to nuke in the mass of 100 Alliance players, though.

Horde sides are normally very organised.


You’re going too far. There’s no way serious Role-players would ever get to this point, they’d just leave or screech at you for 20 minutes before logging off.

If this is not the case, they weren’t there to RP in the first place. Trust me.


With how the campaign map worked and due to the nature of how narrow Silverpine is in general, every smaller skirmish you even start at “earlier” hours will draw in more people.

Even if numbers had been balanced, the fights would have had to spread out to adjanced Zones, to even make smaller skirmishes possible. So that not everyone piles in.

We had a good scrap with the Knights of Kul Tiras and others on Monday. Got my flag stollen, emoted fights happened, the whole battle was constantly shifting back and forth.

And it ended once the rest of the alliance showed up and the pilein began anew.


The skirmishes in which I would partake in would be after the main fight, and would generally attract a large group of Alliance as a small group of Horde rallied IC would just go out and bother them. Very fun as a healer.


Another campaign bites the dust.

Honestly, at this point Argent Dawn’s proven they’re incapable of hosting server campaigns again. Promoting guild vs guild stuff, however, is a really good alternative and I speak of experience here. I did a couple of clashes with a certain blood elf guild and it was genuinely some of the best RP-PvP I’ve had. Rivalries were formed and left us wanting for more.


I didn’t see this coming at all. I’m surprised it turned out like this. This is a shocking event. I thought it’d all go so smoothly


Ban Human and Belves and campaigns will be fine.


Lotheridan: I’m never helping host a RP-PVP campaign again
Also Lotheridan: Hey guys, so I’ll be the Alliance commander for this upcoming server campaign


I’ll have you know I quit after Drums of War because that still haunts my dreams.