(RP-PVP campaign) Silverpine Offensive 27.03. SIGNUPS CLOSED!

Even Taxania raised to say something!


As someone who did attend, I enjoyed the campaign. It was what I expected it to be and I got everything that I wanted from it out of it.

There were a number of problems though:

  • The Horde’s numbers were much lower than expected. Some of the registered guilds I saw in attendance struggled to even meet the lower boundary of what they said they would offer. This was so significant that I would say that almost half of the Horde’s eighty or so players were unregistered, myself included. By yesterday, you could barely form a single raid from the registered participants.

  • Communication was a bit of a nightmare. I was barely aware of what points had been spent on, what the objectives were and what the cut-off time was, and this was true for a lot of us. The majority of the raid was completely shocked on Sunday night when I informed them that the cut-off was actually 22:30 and not 22:00, something that I was only able to find out from contacting Wilcox personally. This could have been alleviated if the rules were either more clearly communicated in this thread, or if the Discord was open for all participants. I could place blame on the Horde’s GMs for this, but that would be absolutely unfair as they had a huge amount on their plates already.

  • Minor skirmishes are a pleasant part of any campaign. They’re small fights that happen either before or after the prime-time slogs, where combatants can enjoy more personal and in-depth battles, without having to worry about the big event unfolding around them. These were almost impossible. Either the Horde’s organisers were called in to corral us back to our base because we didn’t have permission to fight, or the Alliance’s overwhelming numbers came pouring out to completely stomp the skirmish. The only fights that seemed to be allowed were the big events.

  • Prisoner roleplay. There was far too much of it. People are saying that players who participate in these campaigns should be more lenient about dying. Well, let me tell you what happened whenever someone would die, on either side.
    Their corpse would be surrounded by half a dozen players of the enemy faction, who would claim that the slain character was imprisoned, without that player’s consent. Alternatively, some players would shove their characters into absurd situations where their death was all but guaranteed and as soon as they ressed, they eagerly offered themselves up as prisoners regardless of what the enemy wanted.
    Sometimes an hour or two of roleplayed torture would follow. OOC and IC arguments would erupt over whether prisoners are meant to be taken at all. Players refused to have their imprisoned characters executed or significantly harmed even though they practically leapt at the chance to be imprisoned, even though execution was the only sensible outcome.
    This is more of a subjective thing, but all of this struck me as awkward roleplay that required a lot of OOC mental gymnastics to make any sort of sense, and an official stance on prisoner roleplay and how it should be treated during the campaign would have been nice. If there was an official stance, I never heard it, which ties back into the communication issue above.

  • A lack of respect for the numbers disparity. This came to a head on Sunday evening, where there were two separate battles occurring. The battle I found the battle that I was involved in to be quite entertaining, and very even. The Alliance played extremely fairly (once we realised that they had bought Greater Pyroblast for the evening) and it was a really entertaining fight.
    Then at 22:00, Alliance forces that were involved in the other battle suddenly flanked us. Assuming that the other fight was over, we called in our other forces only for the Alliance to call in several large guilds that must have been held in reserve, pushing us all the way back past the Sepulcher, with the Horde outnumbered by at least an entire raid’s worth of Alliance players.
    Insult was added to injury when I found out from Wilcox that 22:00 was not the cut-off time, but actually 22:30 was, as he personally led the charge to take the Sepulcher from the Horde. Lots of us were a bit grumpy that night.

So, a fair few problems. But like I said at the start, I enjoyed the campaign and I got what I expected out of it. Faction disparities, poor communication, prisoner drama, attendance issues and the other usual problems should all be an expected part of RP-PvP campaigns by this point. There was absolutely nothing unusual, exceptional or out of ordinary about what happened during this campaign.

A quick thank-you to all of the organisers, but especially to the following for doing everything in their power to try and make this an entertaining and enjoyable campaign:

I’m ashamed to say 8.1.5 hooked me back in with the free weekend.


In regards to the lore at least, I think it made perfect sense for the Horde to lose here, if not achieve the objective of holding off the Alliance for long enough to rescue or move Forsaken civilians still trapped in the area around Silverpine because let’s be honest.

They have no means of a supply line whereas the Alliance can just easily bring in reinforcements and goods from the south.

At the end of the day. If you try to turn role-play into a game, then there are going to be winners and losers.

The only thing restricted PvP allows for is rule breaking and the ability to monologue over what you’re doing, as well as screenshot opportunities.

For this campaign in-particular, as an Alliance player, I had a lot of fun moments and interactions, partially on part of the Horde so it’s honestly pretty terrible to see it end so quickly and on such brief notice.

On a personal note, I’m sick of Arathi/Silverpine/Northrend realm campaigns. Go to Kalimdor for a change, or even Pandaria? Idk.

Also looking at all of the information on the table as it’s been provided, I think people not showing up on the Horde side of the fence played a major role in ruining this campaign for everyone.

If we’re all joining these campaigns to ‘hit someone with a stick and yell things in their face’ simulator, then that’s been achieved here, but I also witnessed some particularly lengthy emote fights and semi-realistic exchanges alongside some rather dull and unrealistic anime monologues being thrown around to break immersion. There were also various guilds that did not partake in the PvP itself and produced their own events or RP to keep the event more dynamic.

I think a part of the problem lies with people coming here strictly to PvP? My own character, who won’t be named, partook in two of the battles and spent the rest of the time performing more menial duties or resting, much to her chagrin but it felt much more organic to say the least than just jumping into a battle every single time there was one available.

Now, to give the campaign master some feed back. I would have liked a Discord, or a better means of communication and exchange of OOC information to avoid confusion. Relying entirely on guild masters or officers is not a good means to do this, in my opinion, when it’s a relatively easy thing to do. If you don’t want drama or metagaming in said discord, simply mute everyone bar from a Q/A section and a report section, and keep the chat between admins, with or without other players being able to observe.

I’d like to thank all of the Horde who made the event interesting for my guild and I, and all of the Alliance players who stayed around to role-play for more than just four hours of stick whacking in a formation. You’re the real heroes of this realm and you deserve all of the credit you get, especially Raes. Best gnome on the server. GG wp.


And thanks to those who organized unrestricted as well.


I agree with the prisoner RP part. There were so many cases of prisoners just really easily fleeing from captivity which made it very :sleeping:. Just miss the campaigns when you can kill them rly easily.

Smegnarosh is his name btw lol


As someone who attended on Horde side, I’d like to say I had fun despite the balancing issues.

There are definitely some lessons to be learned but I hope Wilcox isn’t discouraged by it all. I always have big respect for people willing to host large servers events. It clearly takes a lot of work and effort to pull off.

I look forward to seeing if Wilcox hosts anything cool in the future. :wink:


Y’all know that Silverpine is the centre of Forsaken military power right now, right? The source of their primary Blight production?


That’s very amusing.

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My thoughts on every Alliance zone honestly

The Alliance can’t feed Westfall so how can they supply literally any anywhere

begins milly rocking through westfall


Real talk if the Wrynns were such good kings how come there’s still widespread poverty.


In all honesty, going off lore. This campaign could have quickly ended with;

and the Forsaken throw more Blight everywhere, rendering the forests of Silverpine uninhabitable.

Last I checked Silverpine Forest is an entire zone full of Forsaken military and nothing else

But the Sludge Fields (RIP the guards) are just next door and so is Tarren Mill

And of course cinematic encounters that one may enhance with /e or /s should they feel the need to role play on this RP server

Never stopping

I think it is entirely the fault of the Stygian Legion for not signing up

I think people sign up to RP PvP campaigns for a very specific reason


Morsteth is right.


My suggestion to anyone on the Alliance side that wants to complain about Horde participation numbers, is ‘make a Horde character and participate on the Horde side instead.’ Not only do you get to experience the other side, but you help balance the numbers.


Then you have to be the bad guys.

This certainly was never touched on Alliance side then, because we’ve been parading around Ambermill and Pyrewood for days without threat of siege.

Now look. My immersion has been broken.

Idk, whenever I tried anything like this, I got burst down by Horde players. I did say that I’d seen examples of this, however. Still, my point stands. You can do all of that without PvP.

Much to the chagrin of anyone who has seen more Lordaeron campaigns than there are clouds in the sky.


Elaborate? I signed up primarily to role-play and only partook in the PvP because I was expected to do so, but it was unsurprisingly pretty derp for most of it.

im free now to do my evil deed


Yeah because in a campaign with restricted signups the Alliance side accidentally (but also as usual) paraded a spare raid group so it sounds like the Horde that did risk attending decided to parade away from the Alliance and leave them standing alone in an abandoned zone with no lasting impact on their own RP

True but we were/are parading around the Hinterlands and no Alliance were there to stop us turning Aerie Peak into an impact crater with a single punch from Morsteth. Easy :fist_right::crazy_face:

You can just run one in another zone of ur choosing. It’s easy


Excuse me, regarding Silverpine it’s a very contested zone per BFA lore. Following the Battle for Lordaeron, Silverpine was heavily targeted by Alliance forces, leaving the remaining Forsaken forces in the area defending their remaining holdfasts.


This is all referenced through
the citations per the mission table.


I’m just not joining campaigns anymore if they don’t make sense. ;/

They’re doomed to fail to begin with if they don’t hold any water lore wise.