(RP-PVP campaign) Silverpine Offensive 27.03. SIGNUPS CLOSED!

Mission table sources lol never seen those before :pensive:

Its still lore even if you don’t like it, regrettably!


Despite yesterday’s events, I can wholeheartedly say I had/still having a blast in this campaign. It’s been really fun in and outside the rp pvp! Special thanks to everyone with which we fought against, and especially Sergeant Seabridge. I so much wanted to finish what we started, but I suppose
There is always next time because

Alteraci never die !


Also, a quick reminder to all of the Horde participants that haven’t already left:

There’s still one last event left. At 20:30 tonight, we’re roleplaying out the withdrawal from the zone. Stick around for that, if you haven’t left IC already.


Wowpedia isn’t an official lore source so regrettably you’re wrong

Anyone can edit it (including me after I’m done with arenas) :money_mouth_face:


The sage experts of good RP-PVP may finger-wag however much they want, I had plenty of fun at the campaign, and want to say thanks to all organizers and attendees \o/


Did this, can recommend.



I mean, WoWhead states literally the same. : p

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No it doesn’t

It only shows achievements without the player-written spin

Also not a Blizzard site either

Seconded. Far superior experiences to be had in Her Majesty’s service than some disgusting Human Order.


/e Finger Wags at U Powerfully.

I had fun and hats off to Jorrick for trying to keep things together on the ground for the last night but it truly felt like the Charge of the Light Brigade.

Brave Men may have been Spared hath this criticism and prior advice been taken into consideration with Solemn Heart and Sound Mind

Where were you when Brave Men fought and Died in the muck of Silverpine, Emberblast
 I saw thee not


So by that logic, that being we’re taking lore from mission table achievements, the Horde has also rebuilt Alterac?

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Also resurrected the mad scientist who runs the Sludge Fields who we killed in Cataclysm

When I read this my thoughts = I feel like I’m Goku

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Not an argument

You can do all of this without being even in the game, not an argument either

You don’t have to attend anything

RP PvP is both PvP and role play combined in one, outlandish to sign up to a RP PvP campaign if your main interest is not RP PvP

Weird snipe when it’s completely fine to attack strong faction locations during RP PvP campaigns but your initial claim of “no supply lines” is still simply wrong

Also known as the people who deliver prime, high quality RP PvP and RP, yes that is in fact (also) me

Maybe you had all the fun for yourself if people left early


Eats popcorn Man I do like me some good ol’ quality drama.


I didn’t really attend the campaign so I can’t comment but that line of thinking doesn’t really work

I for one enjoy doing a poo but it doesn’t mean the content is good


I like how the crap tier Alliance guilds/players are oblivious to how crap they are.


I was actually Horde, but the forums aren’t updating it so I can post as that character :smiley:

Alliance had their fair few. I remember attacking a group of Alliance in restricted near shadowfang, only to be chain cc’d and them to run inside the instance, turn pvp off and come out.
There was also the classic big :eggplant:'s in the discord claiming if any Horde stepped over the lines they’d completely annihilate them. Glad the red faction won in my brain.


Horde victory, as always.