(RP-PVP campaign) Silverpine Offensive 27.03. SIGNUPS CLOSED!

No. It isn’t an argument.

I’m not arguing? I’m just saying you can role-play without PvP at these events if that’s what you want to do?

Well no but it would be nice to see some more original ideas on the table.

There is quite a lot of role-play at these campaigns that don’t involve any form of PvP? You can pick and choose what you want to do? I primarily joined because I like supporting my guild regardless of how I feel about RP PvP?

To be honest, on the Alliance side of the fence and from an in-character perspective, we received very little information pertaining to the details or information regarding this campaign and it was very confusing to follow for the most part.

In hindsight, it didn’t make a lot of sense for the Alliance to charge right up into Silverpine and occupy Pyrewood or Ambermill, imo. There isn’t even any lore for it written up in this topic, or in the story topic and there’s no Discord server either where this information is made accessible.

Personally enjoyed this mess a lot.

Mostly didn’t bother with big fights since theyre too laggy and full of people going insane if they die or lose. Unrestricted was basically ruined by absolutely crazy amounts of OOCing, mainly from Alliance players like “Kawaiipandare”, Gjallahad and the really cool guy with the sick name “Deathtoorcs”, though Horde did some too.

But the late evening skirmishes and RP in the woods were actually great fun which made the campaign for me.

Eventually just started nuking down people who just wouldnt stop OOCing in /say and /yell which also was fun. Tongues pots seems to make lots of people think crazily OOCing is okay for some reason.


nods respectfully towards you


Yeah I saw some of the OOC yelling, embarrasing tbh.


It’s gotten to the stage where people are even ignored the double bracket meme. Either bursting people down you yell in OOC or just responding to them IC is a funny yet efficient way of dealing with the apes.


I rarely was able to get to the main big fights, due to work IRL. But the small skirmishes was pretty fun. Was good to see familiar faces as well


You were one of the more entertaining participants. 10/10

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Late night prowling the woods with my rogue squad. Choosing targets to ambush and assassinate. :ok_hand: big ups to “Deathtoorcs” and his yelling in response to my IC taunts.


/e looks at the guild tag.

Well she was asking the right people at least :cowboy_hat_face::smoking:


I said i take my L for particpating in the meme talk in /y

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Frick still marked as dawnscales lmao

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At least those dastardly Men of Good Faith weren’t there to rob, pillage and harass the neutrals! What a shame it would’ve been if they had been there to ruin our really cool neutral RP in the middle of a warzone; aaaargh!


Sounds like the internet logic to me, no?

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Okay [Your reputation with Morsteth is neutral again]


woah what’a hell


The island campaign was thoroughly enjoyable, I found.


I would love this to happen tbh, would be a decent current base for the Forsaken to have in the northern side of EK. Personally for RP’s sake I hope the two factions dont completely seperate two continents (With the exception of Eversong Woods/Ghostlands and Azuremyst/Bloodmyst Isle) to one faction per continent… well to be honest I would just want more revamped zones but whadyadoboutit.


Honestly, the best parts of the thread (as a redside player, just blue on forums) is the constructively critical posts.

And Perroy putting on Serious Face for a (sadly short) while. Based, redpilled, whatever; some good points raised.

Its sad that it turned out this way. As others said, there seems to have been too much focus on ‘winning’ rather than good, cooperative story-telling.

Also, can we just Not with the Prisoner RP? Yes, people seem to ‘escape super easily’, but what do you expect on an OOC level when there’s nothing except torture and/or character murder at the moment? :confused:


Prisoner RP seems to be a mixture of torture ERP fetishism and damsel-in-distress stories as best I can tell. It can be done and handled well, but so often it seems to be otherwise.


Please make me aware of any negatively received torture RP with the Sisterhood :two_hearts: We try to be creative rather than please refer to Lóras’ post.