(RP-PVP campaign) Silverpine Offensive 27.03. SIGNUPS CLOSED!

That contradicts what you stated moments ago regarding your opinion being final on matters regarding this Campaign, I apologize if I missed out where you stated you had multiple organizers.

You’re right, but I would still consider him the main organiser. Also he just mentioned he already has other organisers.

I mean, nobody says you have to join the campaign if you don’t like it but that also doesn’t mean it should be an excuse for a poorly organised campaign.

This philosophy of ‘if you don’t like it, you don’t have to attend/interact/whatever’ is incredibly harmful. If others do not give suggestions, opinions and criticisms for new ideas the entire microsociety of AD will just stagnate.


Given the number of Horde signups right now I guess its about 7 Alliance guild leaders and a relief effort Horde volunteer. Or are you saying that this poor show on the red side due to the folks you have contacted not keeping their promise to bring their numbers?

I’m getting mixed messages here

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Yes, you are right, i made a mistake phrasing my self that way. What i did mean is that Okiba should signup regardless what others may imply in this text, because we are working hard to remedy the numbers issue.

As i said before, i closed the Alliance signups not an hour after it was open, since i noticed how many had all ready applied. And now we build up Horde forces. And the Alliance signups will remain closed until equilibrium is achieved.

That’s why I said, it doesn’t excuse for a poorly organised campaign. When I said if you don’t like it don’t play it, I was referring to the location mainly.

Guild name: Blood Aegis
Guild leader: Lucritica
Faction: Horde
Amount of people: ( approx ) 5-6
About the guild: ( short description ) A Horde special operative military unit of light and shadow users. They seek to protect the balance of the light and shadow, whilst supporting the Hordes military efforts.
Signing up for: ( restricted or unrestricted PvP ) Restricted PVP (Some may wish to partake in unrestricted).


If said microsociety could be trusted to always be civil and polite along with providing constructive criticism, sure

“This is badly done and I don’t like it!”
“Well, you don’t have to participate.”

Yes, the above is hyperbolic for emphasis. But it’s hardly that far off


Danta’lor Bloodcraven (Ingame: Discovered)

Signing up as an individual.

Discord: Ollie#5731


posted on the wrong toon oops


Lol in ten characters

Guild name: Stormwind Covert Accord
Guild leader: Lysandré
Faction: Alliance
Amount of people: Approximate 10–15
About the guild: SI:7 based guild, military intelligence, sabotage, infiltration
Signing up for: RP-PVP & RP-PVE

I do know that the Alliance sign-up is closed until the horde catches up.

I do love the idea, and I will fully support you with what I can, even if we do not get in (due to the closed sign-ups). I used to make maps and event planning for campaigns in the past, but not DMing. So do call out if you need help with that!


  • We have voted! Majority of our members are in for the RP-PVE, but some of the members are up for the RP-PVP
  • Raised the number of attending members
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Guild Name: Stoneheart
Guild Leader: Måyné
Faction: Alliance
Amount of people: 10 ish
About: Adventurers and Soldiers, loyal to the Alliance
Signing up for: Restricted RP-PVP

Aware that Alliance signups are closed for now, just wanting to apply for when they reopen

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Guild name: Call of the Silver Hand
Guild leader: Archable
Faction: Alliance
Amount of people: 5-6
About the guild: Unit of Knights of the Silver Hand Paladins/Monthly meetings.
Signing up for: Restricted RP-PVP

Tossing this in for the reserves! Most likely not gonna get in, but fingers crossed.

Guild name: Sons of Silver
Guild leader: Dervial
Faction: Alliance
Amount of people: 4-8
About the guild: A unit of the Silver Hand, dedicated to aiding the Alliance in the war.
Signing up for: Restricted RP-PVP.

Signing up in hopes that there is a reserves list!

Individual sign-up.

Name: Karrogg
Signing up for: Restricted and unrestricted (Horde)


Guild name: Hand of Agony
Guild leader: JorrĂ­ck
Faction: Horde
Amount of people: 10-15
About the guild: A Forsaken Expeditionary force sent to reassert control of Northern Lordaeron
Signing up for: Restricted RP-PVP (some members may volunteer for unrestricted pvp)


Alright, let’s see what comes out of this.

Guild name: Duskwatch Outriders
Guild leader: Styrros
Faction: Horde
Amount of people: 10
About the guild: A nightborne light cavalry unit.
Signing up for: Restricted.


Name: Misandrie Everquill
Faction: Horde
Signing up for: Restricted-PVP

Signing up as individual, as she is not part of a guild currently.


Can’t wait to see this come into fruition. Hopefully there will be space once the Alliance Sign Ups re-open, since the reserves are really piling up! :smiley:

Goodluck to everyone involved!

Is the ever patient watcher on the wall, waiting for the RP-PVP haul.