(RP-PVP campaign) Silverpine Offensive 27.03. SIGNUPS CLOSED!

And the reserved guilds? For every two horde guilds a reserved Alliance guild comes in? The problem is the alliance guilds still surpass the horde if you’re going to let all those reserves in on one go.

I still think the idea of a reserve list is rather unfair on certain guilds and lazy to those who put themselves on it. It can be unclear at points as to who from the reserve list has been added to the campaign. I believe a system of guilds signing up as soon as signups are reopened is much more organised than the imaginary reserve list.

If you mean how come there’s no picket line of some Horde guilds trashposting this thread it’s because they have better things to do and it would feel like flogging a horse that died during the BFA Pre-Expansion campaign.

If you are wondering why there aren’t more from Horde signing up, that’s because the memory of Silverpine from the Drums of War campaign is all too vivid for many regulars and can see the parallel between the attendants on both factions. Suffice to say they also know better than to enter that quarantine zone.


That is fully up to the one managing the campaign to inform any of those in the reserve list that they have got a place within the guild.

Yes it can be unfair but sadly it is how it is as the numbers of Alliance are much higher then those of the Horde and it would be unfair to the Horde side to always get overrun by Alliance. Which had happend many times now and trust me as i say a good deal of Horde players and guilds wont join in on a campaign that has a 5 to 1 number gap.

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And the very fact that the Horde IC wise are rather split at the moment. Cough


I’ll be frank, if it wasn’t for the mission table this would look like trying to secure a path from one blight-irradiated wasteland to the other, but there are some skirmishes described in Silverpine already.

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If only the Alliance got in game story-line of a faction split :pensive:

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Nah, we have sickness in Stormwind. :joy:

One I’d blame on you

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I’m assuming you mean people like me (if not, I apologise).

We aren’t interested in signing up for this campaign. It would be impolite to comment further.


That answers that, then :joy:

<3 Of course!

Individual sign-up.

Name: Vya’thas (Unsighted OOC)
Faction: Horde
Signing up for: Restricted and unrestricted


After conferring with our glorious overlord, Wicox, the neutrals can seemingly get in on this and thus I shall sign on up!

Group sign up.

Group name: The Cenarion Circle

Group leader: Solonis Thal’darah
Faction: Cenarion
Amount of people 4-8
Signing up for: PVE RP related reasons, inquire more if you are concerned more about the world than you are about stabbing your next door neighbour-…

See you at the campaign, folks!

Potentially yes. But it would be on a “Command yourself, don’t wait for me to tell you what to do!” basis I mean Hiring Mercs? Sure! Micro-Managing them, hells with that noise. We do technically have the funds to hire you, and now, given our recent interaction, the -reason- to. So Sign up, We’ll do an IC meet and Hire.


Come hordies, sign up. I wanna see you get pummelled again like in Northrend! Let’s go! Hype hype!

Given the drama that went along with that, I don’t think perhaps thats the most encouraging rallying cry…


The drama was hardly the fault of the Alliance though. Other than winning too hard maybe?


yikes in ten characters


Pummelled just like your Beckwith got by that succubus?:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: