First time RP-PVPing. Very new to RP in general tbh.
Have done two encounters so far. One yesterday and one today.
Incredibly fun, and a side of WoW I’ve never seen before.
A big thank you to all the horde players who have been an absolute joy to fight.
Fishbonez - An Undead pirate. So ghastly and far gone, that even his blade wailed in agony as it was unsheathed. The wail so deafening, it hurt my delicate elf ears - which led to a broken left arm.
Skyriver - Giant imposing Tauren with a giant axe to match. Always kept me at bay, swinging with deadly purpose. You made me laugh like i have never before in WoW, biggest laugh of the whole event so far. You approached me, brandishing phallic elven shape ornaments on your belt. You said you wanted to collect mine, i fell on the floor laughing as i replied “Is it for your wife?”. I almost died when you replied: “(paraphrased) Let’s find out”. You almost broke my other arm, as you disarmed me. I tried to lure you into a trap, but you were to clever.
The Feisty Goblin - I shot at you with my pistol, my bullets deflecting off your armour. You charged straight for me - almost took my legs off.
Today’s ultimate fight was my personal favourite. A big thank you to the trolls who i fought with, who beat me silly (thank god i’m a rogue - who can just Leave). I have arcane burns all over my body thanks to your voodoo magic, arcane blasts, and an urge to attack me from the side or behind. It was a satisfying fight with great drama. Thank you all involved.
If any horde want to /roll rp-pvp, please let me know! Would absolutely love to turn this into DnD type combat. Also new to this, so may Elune forgive any transgressions.
Big shout out to my rangers Algar and Aela.
Thank you for Forge and everyone else involved at Nijel’s Point