[RP-PvP] Kalimdor in Flames

First time RP-PVPing. Very new to RP in general tbh.

Have done two encounters so far. One yesterday and one today.

Incredibly fun, and a side of WoW I’ve never seen before.

A big thank you to all the horde players who have been an absolute joy to fight.

Fishbonez - An Undead pirate. So ghastly and far gone, that even his blade wailed in agony as it was unsheathed. The wail so deafening, it hurt my delicate elf ears - which led to a broken left arm.

Skyriver - Giant imposing Tauren with a giant axe to match. Always kept me at bay, swinging with deadly purpose. You made me laugh like i have never before in WoW, biggest laugh of the whole event so far. You approached me, brandishing phallic elven shape ornaments on your belt. You said you wanted to collect mine, i fell on the floor laughing as i replied “Is it for your wife?”. I almost died when you replied: “(paraphrased) Let’s find out”. You almost broke my other arm, as you disarmed me. I tried to lure you into a trap, but you were to clever.

The Feisty Goblin - I shot at you with my pistol, my bullets deflecting off your armour. You charged straight for me - almost took my legs off.

Today’s ultimate fight was my personal favourite. A big thank you to the trolls who i fought with, who beat me silly (thank god i’m a rogue - who can just Leave). I have arcane burns all over my body thanks to your voodoo magic, arcane blasts, and an urge to attack me from the side or behind. It was a satisfying fight with great drama. Thank you all involved.

If any horde want to /roll rp-pvp, please let me know! Would absolutely love to turn this into DnD type combat. Also new to this, so may Elune forgive any transgressions.

Big shout out to my rangers Algar and Aela.

Thank you for Forge and everyone else involved at Nijel’s Point



Healing and not being some sin’dorei rogue’s stabbing toy proved a challenge.


Aw yeah boi! you best watch your step, Horde! Desolace has become my weapon!


The fourth night concluded… With a small delay, ahum!


The fights halted for an evening and allowed both sides to recover from several days filled with intense battles (also Gamescom Opening Night Live).

Yet in Sargeron a group of the Alliance searched for an artifact that may further bolster their attacks on the invading Horde. What did they find and will it be used in tonight’s battle?



The fifth night has concluded!


The Alliance’s momentum continued and they attacked both Gelkis Village and The Battlegrounds but unfortunately the resistance of the Horde ensured that neither zones were captured… completely, in any case.

The forces assaulting Gelkis were beaten back by the Horde, cutting off any attempts made to establish a supply line with Feralas. The situation over at The Battlegrounds is a little more complicated. Both forces fought to a stalemate yet in the fierce battle the stone bridge over the chasm has been destroyed for the most part.

As such The Battlegrounds remains a contested area and supplies heading up to Furion’s Post are slowed down considerably.

Will the Alliance use this opportunity to capture Thunder Axe Fortress?



The sixth night has concluded!


The stone bridge was repaired by the shamans of the Frozen Paw. The Horde finally got access back to Thunder Axe Fortress and, fortunately, just at the right time.

Half their forces were mounted and rushed towards the Fortress where the Alliance was making their way through the minefields. They were pushed back into the Northern Crossroads and ultimately routed from there as well.

Back at the Battlegrounds, however, the night elves proved to be capable fighters once more. Having nearly slaughtered the Warlord during the battle they put their claim on the zone for the Alliance.

It doesn’t look good for the Horde, but did they manage to delay another siege after breaking the second so thoroughly? What happens next?



To the lovely knight that almost killed me yesterday… Hi.

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The seventh night has concluded!


Following the loss of the Battlegrounds another attempt was made by the Horde to try and take it back. In a pincer movement with the forces from Thunder Axe to the north and the Warlord’s men to the south they briefly overwhelmed the night elves defending the land.

When hope seemed lost the rest of the Alliance forces crashed into the Horde from the north. A gruesome battle ensued with the Alliance ultimately being forced to retreat due to a high amount of wounded sustained.

The Horde, after the victory, moved to Thunder Axe Fortress while the Alliance licks their wounds at Nijel’s Point. Things seem grim but will they persevere?



You been a worthy opponent. We shall have our rematch and our battle shall be legendary!

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Tonight the campaign will end ONE DAY EARLY!

So be there for the epic climax between the noble Alliance and the savage Horde! Will the Horde succeed in eliminating the enemy once and for all, or will the Alliance have one final trick up their sleeve?


Be there.


The final night has concluded!


The Horde had the Alliance cornered. This was their moment to assault Nijel’s Point and claim victory. There was no mercy to be given and all would be slain on the spot. Yet as they arrived they found them ready to defend a ritual no matter the cost.

A ritual to Elune herself. The priestesses asked their Goddess for aid to turn the tide of battle. As the Horde clashed and made their way ever closer into Nijel’s Point they were but a moment too late.

Elune’s light spread across the battlefield, healing her defenders and scorching the attackers. The battle was lost, the injured Horde force had to retreat or die. The Alliance took the victory in the end.

With neither the resources or morale left (the leadership was challenged to a duel and a massive brawl erupted) the Horde ceased their campaign. Warlord Giantrender had left Desolace with his Warband.

The End

THANK YOU ALL for coming to the campaign! It was hectic, a lil’ exhausting but in the end we got there and I believe everyone had fun!


This was a amazing campaign. Great moments of RPPVP and engagements. Well done sir, well done. So many memories and character developments been done. Not to mention interactions between so many people. Friends and bonds being formed and nemesis and new haterade. Love it all! <3


Thanks to all the participants for making this campaign great! Hope to see you around, especially if you step on the paths of Feralas!

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Never had Vakosh called wise before. So that was a first this week.

All in all I did not attend each day due to IRL constraints, but I had a good time when I popped by the village for whatever demonic portals were opening or poisoned rations were being claimed by thieves.

+1 would lok’tar again


attended 1,5 evenings and what little i experienced was really fun.


welcome to PoG chaos zone


The Dawn after the final battle, a damning report makes its way across the desks of Horde High Command. It is exorbitantly deep, bound more like a book than a series of maps. It outlines the Desolace campaign in excruciating, painful detail. It also includes detailed reconstructions of previous battles in Feralas, revealing a Horde Presence for several previous months in the region prior to the attack on Feathermoon. Compiled by multiple authors, it ends with a long summary explaining final findings from an Intelligence stand-point, though one paragraph stands out in particular:

That was an AWESOME, bleak, gritty, painful, dishonourable, WICKED campaign! Very much looking forward to see what comes next of Kalimdor in Flames, and everything surrounding it <3 <3


It was wonderful, I loved the drama it all caused! And it also sparked some art :slight_smile:
(Here’s a wave to the elf who caused this, you know who you are ;))



You have all been terrific. This is a new-ish RP character and the opportunities you have given me to play him a bit more have been fantastic. This is the most polite RP-PvP campaign I’ve been to.

Nate hopes to meet some of you Alliance for tea and crumpets, and catch up, when things are slightly less murderous! <3


Absolutely loved it, and thanks to everyone for their involvement.

PS: I hate you Thar’zog