RP server rules not being abided

Hi there! Posting here to give feedback in regards to some things since Developers and GMs don’t read realm-specific forums as far as I know.

As someone who has been on quite a few of the Roleplay servers for years, on both US and EU there’s been some problems that have propped up more and more as time continues. Most notably after Cataclysm, when the ‘new’ report system was implemented, there’s clear lack of Roleplay server rules being enforced. This most notably includes Roleplay disruption/griefing, and non-RP names.

Non-RP names are not as big of an issue due to RP-addons allowing you to choose different names to show as long it’s not too off the wall, but it’s definitely appreciated if you try for a name that more fits the game lore more accurately; but it is still a rule.

RP disruption, RP griefing, and basically anti-RP hate is something we have to deal with on a daily basis on RP servers. There are people that roll on RP realms that have zero intention of RPing, or ever even trying to get into RPing but rolled there anyways. Quite a few of these people, actually dislike RP but want to take advantage of certain aspects of the realm like no sharding in old zones and better sales on Transmog items.

Some of these people disrupt RP, and are quite vocally anti-RP on a regular basis. They will go into an active Roleplay event or with people doing walk-up RP say in Stormwind and spam toys, block visuals with large mounts and pets, spam stuff in /say and so forth. Ignore only gets rid of 1 of those 3 things, and basically you end up forced to either try to ignore it and hope they go away, or move and hope they don’t follow.

The problem is that nothing is happening to people that are doing this, and it’s happening on a more consistent basis especially since particular streamers have taken to running events on RP servers with no intention of abiding by any of the RP server rules. In the past month, Argent Dawn has had major RP hubs completely lag out or crash from events like these 4 times. There was also major RP disruption, making it practically impossible to focus on a RP or to find someone to do walk-up RP with. People spamming slurs in every chat, and much, much more.

Despite it being against the rules to do so, the very same people continue to do it week after week with clearly no deterrent and no action taken. We’ve also had our forum threads basically brigaded with spam posts, off-topic stuff, and petty attacks or treating it like twitch chat for whichever streamer pointed them to the thread.

This had led to a lot of people from the RP community taking a stronger dislike and stance towards what we refer to as 'OOC’ers, which are people that at no point Roleplay which is one of the main purposes of a Roleplay realm.

The right click report system doesn’t appear to be doing it’s job, and often even tickets don’t appear to be doing anything as we’ve had people that consistently break these rules daily, some of which have been going for longer periods of time than others. It’s strange to know that as time goes on the rules are less-enforced, to the point that that they might as well not exist. More needs to be done, and reports should definitely matter on an account no matter if they’re a streamer or not.

People need to realize that setting up a Roleplay can take quite a bit of time, and you don’t know how long someone has been setting up a Roleplay or going through a Roleplay with people. A single Roleplay can go on for quite a few hours, and they often go for at least one or two. Disrupting for 10-20 minutes or longer, can definitely effect something that took hours of time and cause the Roleplay to take an abrubt ending because one or multiple parties don’t feel like being hassled while they’re trying to do something that’s a hobby.

TL;DR RP server rules are not being actively enforced, RP disruption occuring frequently especially with streamer events. Blizzard needs to take a look into actively enforcing such rules and making reports feel like they matter, currently it feels like reports do nothing to stop people.


The names are indeed a problem. Most of the times these are “normal” players who want to profit from the WM-bonus though.

Is it really that bad? The times I RPed it was rather calm.


You wanna know why? Because Argent dawn gets warmode bonuses while being the majority. Enforce per server warmode bonuses and they(minmaxers with no interest in rp) will switch to their belf alt mains in a week


I do agree about warmode bonuses needing to be looked at, I’m not even sure about having them at all but the bonus being region-wide instead of server-group wide is definitely one of the worst parts about it. That’s true, definitely another one of the reasons people are rolling on RP realms even if they dislike RP.


I have been discussing this a bit also on the AD subforum. WM are indeed a problem which causes a lot of problems.

Im in this group. I tried it once, wasnt for me. Im here because my friend rps regularly. However i completely leave rpers alone. In fact i actually enjoy seeing rps around,l, it gives really nice substance to the world

On topic. I agree people actively distrupting rp should be punished on rp realms. Especially when ts very easy to identify and there are well known rp locations


I think it’s important to emphasize that the vast majority of players do not disrupt or disrespect RP. I take no issue with the average player who just wants to enjoy the game on a populated alliance realm and does not disrupt/ is respectful towards the rules and players.

What you are mentioning however, I have seen quite a bit, blatant mocking/sitting directly above on mount to anger players, basically anything negative they can to illicit a response.

I think it would be nice if the ignore/report function made that person invisible to you (not completely unshard them because that would be abusable).
A step beyond would be to entrust a moderator or team of them to enforce the rules of the server and issue punishment for disruption. This kind of behaviour deserves to be met with instant and harsh punishment, it’s incredibly obvious they just want to get under players skin and the victim can only do so much and it’s not really effective.

Some of the treatment towards OOCers is a bit over the top I think, average player is not the problem, lack of enforcement for rules and inability to completely resolve it ourselves is the main issue and I think what I mention above is definently a way to give RPers more power to stop this.


There is a choice. A player can choose a normal realm, or an RP realm.

Choosing an RP realm should mean abiding certain rules. Adherence to naming guidelines, non-disruption of roleplay events and (please Blizzard read this) a complete ban on erotic concent. Should be about time to wreck Goldshire and rid the RP realms from it.


I agree with all but the last.
I don’t personally partake but I like darker and more adult themes, it’s something that is compelling to storytelling. I get Goldshire isn’t exactly doing this, more getting their jollies off via cyber or something. It’s a fine line to tread and we do have children who are curious and may be exposed to these things when not needed but honestly, that is a risk in anything where you have interaction with others online.


They do, with very little exception.

OOCers have no place inside a Roleplay server at anytime

The majority are angered about nothing being done, it’s acceptable to voice concern over it via realm forums


Cybering and grooming kids shouldn’t ever be something we accept as a risk.


I view them as bystanders or people that are just passing by, same for any public place, if they are not interfering and minding their own buisiness then I have no problem.
Sure is fine to voice your concerns! I seen some treatment that is unwarranted, some players are not invasive at all and respect the rules yet still get dubbed oocers and told to go play another realm.

I take no issue with Cyber/ERP when they keep to themselves and are private(and it’s between two consenting adults I suppose).
Grooming? Absolutely, should be taken very seriously.
Sadly regardless of our acceptance, unless interaction with others is removed these things will exist. It’s just the world we live in :frowning:

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Doomer take and a half.

Blizzard has all the means and chatlogs to nuke these people and ERPers rightfully into oblivion. They simply lack the incentive, since no-one’s yet managed to make a meaningful outrage.


They have the opposite of incentive. Putting on a blindfold grants them 9 buckaroos per month per ERPer.


I can’t dispute it’s a doomer take but it’s also reality. Plenty of bad people out there and regardless of laws and rules in-place these behaviours will still take place. We can enforce it and it should be enforced but it will still happen.

Blizzard need to do something before AD falls and RP dies out. All they need to do is enforce there own rules and deal with the sharding / WM issues. Dedicate 5 GM’s to AD for patrolling and dropping the ban hammer. They might just save AD from becoming another PvE server.


i recently created a character on ad to play on the side and now im afraid to do something wrong. :joy:


my friend. you don’t have to worry about doing anything wrong.

as long as your intent is roleplaying, people will probably like you loads


Look at this. This is the “player solution” to faction imbalance. Tolerated by blizzard cuz they know they dun goofed

It’s actually really easy. Don’t let the OoC crowd who paint the caricature of “AD with their ten thousand rules” muddy your mind. The expectations are exceedingly simple, but for some reason people have a really hard time following them:

  • have a name that is suitable. Similar to a name like isuckdogs will get you wierd looks IRL, it will here. Treat it like you’re naming a child you don’t want people to beat up.
  • much like irl, if you see people engaged in an interaction, do not disrupt it. You would not ride your bike through two people having lunch would you? If you want to interrupt, do like you would in the real world “Excuse me, can I stop you a moment”
  • again, like the real world, don’t randomly say obnoxious things to people out and about like “you suck” or taunt/make fun of them. You probably don’t randomly start making fun of people having a chat, to the degree you walk over and vocally let them know you’re making fun of them.
  • lastly, like the real world, communicate using sensible conversation.

So you see, you can condense these rules into one simple rule: courtesy. The fact some people find that too difficult or demanding speaks volumes.

Please don’t be deterred. A vast majority of the server are very very friendly towards people interested in RP, even if it’s just a casual tavern chat once a week. You don’t have to log 10 hours of RP campaigns from the word go.