[RP] The (New) Roleplay Guild List

Convocation of Elrendar
Who to contact: Evenmourn-The Sha’tar, Jovia-SteamwheedleCartel, Maethorwen-Moonglade, Tale-The Sha’tar, Viradri-The Sha’tar
Short description: A militant Sin’dorei organisation, the Convocation is a hawkish blood elf task force deployed across Azeroth and places beyond to secure the interests of its people. We host three events per week, with a focus on the blood elves’ moral ambiguity and ties with the rest of the Horde.
Recruitment: [H-RP] The Convocation of Elrendar is Recruiting
Website: http://convocationofelrendar.eu
Restrictions: Technically open to all races, but there is a strong Sin’dorei focus. Blood Elves highly recommended.