RP unwritten rule? (RP gender)

to me it just feels weird to play a character that is the opposite gender, but it’s a thing i have
(but this dosen’t apply if other people do this tho!)

My unasked for two coppers:

Absolutely. WoW’s customizations are years if not a decade behind other games despite having the engine to support a lot more. Body types as options are going through an elaborate obvious beta with Dragonflight but until better options arrive, feel free to experiment.

The classic line, but still valid, I guess!

I’d be mindful of such, too. AD has a history of dismissing male characters using female models as fetish fuel, bait and whatnot to a point where just about any example was treated poorly. This was helped in no good way by many naughty people confirming the prejudice with a lot of trans fetishization. I’d like to think that we’ve grown up a bit since that, but you’ll still run into hysterical individuals who’ll think you’re just out to trawl.

As much as I’m adverse to advertising real life info, it’s a good idea to put that in your TRP OOC notes, then.

At the end of the day we are all playing a character and as long as the RP we engage in is mutually enjoyable then the details of the person behind the character should not matter. I am not sure how Non-RPers look at this but this is a generally accepted truth in the RP community. I’ve been playing both male and female characters over the years and I have never heard anything mean or hurtful about that – because they are just characters I write; they aren’t me!

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If anyone tells you RPing the opposite gender is wrong then trust and believe, they are in the absolute minority and are pretty much irrelevant.

You don’t have to play a characters whose gender matches your own IRL.

I mean I am pretty short IRL but I never play gnomes or dwarves I play as tall races mostly.

As someone who is short and flip-flops between genders all the time, the main thing is to just embrace what you enjoy roleplaying and feel more comfortable doing. It’s no different from a short person playing a tall character or vice-versa (all the tallest players play gnomes and goblins). If people don’t like you doing that then they’re not worth your time and effort.

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You can play whatever you want OP. You can RP any gender you want too, just as long as you maybe avoid falling into some stereotypes.
The only people that would find it weird and have a problem with you are the dudes that assume that every female character they meet is a potential boyfriend-free sweetheart.
If you don’t lead people on intentionally - you’re not catfishing them. They catfish themselves, there’s nothing for you to feel ashamed about.


Who doesn’t enjoy it when roleplayers treat casual in-character interactions as a chapter in their Love Quest?


Gods, save us from these beasts…

A night elf girl has healed me in a dungeon. I complimented her mog.
We’re practically married at this point.


Hey, I was just happy for the validation.

21 and Single White Paladin…


If any :male_sign: MEN :male_sign: read this huge sign…



Thanks for reminding me of that creepy gf recruitment thread.

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Not exactly on the level of what I was referring to, but I actually re-read that thread the other day. It’s a good example of a player taking issue with others playing a gender that doesn’t conform to their own identity – in the thread, he said that if any respondents were male OOC, he wasn’t interested in knowing. It was to be kept secret :male_detective:.

Found it again. :eyes:


On its own, I don’t see an issue with that. I too don’t much care for what gender the player is. But then again, I don’t go out of my way to search for a rose-skinned high elf irl girl and ask everyone else to

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I forgot about this part, hahaha. 10/10.

It’s worth recalling though that in the same breath he mentioned being more comfortable if the other player was confirmed femme irl. It wasn’t about not wanting to know at all,


That thread is still really creepy.


What will you name your 3rd DPS child?

Whatever his or her class will be.

I understand that reference and part of me wishes I was blissfully oblivious.