RP warmode ruined for RP Horde? (RP Alliance getting global call to arms rewards despite being majority in RP warmode sharding system)

EDIT: Summary for people with bad reading comprehension:

RP shards =/= normal shards
RP warmode =/= normal warmode
RP warmode = Alliance majority
normal warmode = Horde majority

globally, warmode = Horde majority
Therefore Call to Arms reward is given to the Alliance as a whole

Unfair reward for RP Alliance players brings in SWARMS of RP Alliance players and make RP warmode unplayable
Call to Arms rewards for RP Alliance is basically an exploit with broken consequences and it needs to be fixed ASAP

I donā€™t usually post on the forums but something seems really wrong here.

Iā€™m a RP player who used to be on Argent Dawn, I actually paid a transfer to move my main to Defias Brotherhood because a) 1:1 Alliance to Horde ratio and b) WPVP seemed more fun/RPish to me than having those uninteractive orange mutes messing up my WQs.

As you all know, and for more or less gross reasons, RP realms are generally tilted big time in favor of the Alliance. This is where RP WPVP was first hurt for Horde, since in 8.0 Defias Brotherhood got sharded with other RP realms and lost its unique advantage, a balanced population between Ally and Horde for RP WPVP.

It didnā€™t seem too bad at first, since RP Alliance was convinced like the rest of the Alliance that warmode was really unbalanced, so RP Alliance wasnā€™t TOO present in warmode and things were OK. Almost felt like the ratio was still 1:1, although it did feel slightly worse than before.

As of 8.1, RP Alliance, despite being virtually a clear majority in RP warmode already, got the 30% bonus AND the gear reward anyway, just like the rest of the Alliance. Then all hells broke lose. Alliance zerg gank squads popped up everywhere.

For instance, in RP warmode, current Assault in Zuldazar has Alliance groups on EVERY road, EVERY WQs, and EVERY bridge. Itā€™s a nightmare. I really didnā€™t use to mind getting killed by randoms and walking from the Spirit Guide (especially on my mage), thatā€™s part of the game I chose to play, but here I had to turn off warmode for the first time ever, because giving an undeserved boost to RP Alliance made it literally unplayable.

Weā€™re now in a situation where at least 90% of RP warmode is Alliance, still wielding the 30% bonus and getting higher rewards for no good reason. Was it ever that bad for the Alliance? Now my only options to do good WPVP again is a) join a group based on another realm every time b) pay for another character transfer and actually leave the RP shard.

I asked two friends if they felt the same way.

Defias Friend #1: ā€œSecond week in a row of alliance warmode boost, the density of alliance player per m2 is so high you cant even get near the assault quest and if you go in and die once itā€™s game over for the whole assault, you can never escape. This used to be a pretty balanced server with memorable skirmishes and 1v1ā€

Defias Friend #2: ā€œBlizzard really didnā€™t think about RP servers and their unique sharding when they did this. they were already slightly alliance dominated In WM but now itā€™s just ret***edā€


Another horde crying, how rich. U should play on my server as alliance before WM, it was exactly same, hordes everywhere and u could do a SH!IT in open worldā€¦ Suffer now as we all did


If you want to pwn alliance why not just make a raid and do itā€¦ ?


Did you guys even read? The problem is that RP Alliance is getting rewards for being a minority in warmode despite outnumbering RP Horde 9 to 1


Wait for the hype to go down, and you might find it easier to move around.

Many groups use WM to do some practice runs with their arena group, so it isnā€™t weird that youā€™ll meet those groups all the time.

I think the only way to get an enjoyable time in WM and on a RP server, is to re-think the way you play in the game.

A lot complain about the social being dead in the game, but if you group up with people, then this could be a way to improve the missing social.

Also when I group up with people in pvp-mode, I find the laughter comes faster and no one is mean when you die :slight_smile:

But instead of rushing to waste money on a server transfer, wait and see if you as a community canā€™t make groups to fight back - there must be plenty of opportunities to give a good show, great RP and some awesome pvp clashes.

Besides, the buff wonā€™t help you if you are really really bad at pvp, someone in those groups are only there for the protection, but isnā€™t in it for the pvp it self - they must be easy prey :slight_smile:

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Iā€™d care, only resource bonusses to fix the problem feels like a dirty bandaid on an infected wound

Resources caused it and I dont care for them, I turn on Warmode for pvp and now Iā€™m getting more of it again

another delicious salt mine. My advise is to get gud


Did you guys even read? The problem is that RP Alliance is getting rewards for being a minority in warmode despite outnumbering RP Horde 9 to 1

RP warmode =/= normal warmode
Theyā€™re in different shards
RP warmode = Alliance majority
normal warmode = Horde majority
globally, warmode = Horde majority
Call to Arms reward is given to the Alliance as a whole
Unfair reward for RP Alliance players brings even more RP Alliance players and make it unplayable

Right now itā€™s just as unbalanced as I described it

Donā€™t reply to this thread if you have no idea what Iā€™m talking about


Iā€™m with the OP on this. I made a post recently also:

(Subjective feedback from someone who loves his world pvp. I moved to Defias Brotherhood originally due to a 50/50 faction balance. This cost a lot of money. Then someone decided years later to merge a dominantly alliance RP server with it. Warmode, despite having its fun moments, is impossible for the horde player. Iā€™m even finding that phasing to other servers is rendering the same results. Iā€™m sure many alliance have experienced the reverse of what I have. Suffice to say thereā€™s a huge problem, and the only logical solution anyone has provided to me is ā€œturn off warmodeā€. Iā€™m starting to agree with them and thatā€™s really sad. Groups of 40 russians invading EU servers is funny for the first five minutes, but then it becomes just weird.)

Something isnā€™t right and Iā€™ve spent a lot of money in the past going to what was once the most balanced realm on the game with a ratio of 50:50. I donā€™t see why it has to be split so badly.


I did read read, and I replied according to it - donā€™t be overly rude!
What reply do you want from us?

I donā€™t pity you, you have so many options to reverse this - the alliance have had this experince for some time, just because it is a RP server, you still opt into WM and when you do this, this is what happens :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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RP Alliance is getting Call to Arms when they shouldnā€™t and itā€™s breaking RP warmode

Clearly not, because right now youā€™ve got people coming in IN MASS to harvest an unfair reward and it utterly broke the balance in RP warmode
This is clearly an exploit issue, go and have a look at RP warmode shards because if you think this is just an underdog complaining you have no idea what Iā€™m referring to, RP Alliance is literally swarming everywhere

You guys are treating this thread like itā€™s yet another underdog faction poster complaining about unbalance when itā€™s in fact about a serious issue you just didnā€™t experience and arenā€™t aware of

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So dont be jelaous and deal with that, corpse.

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OP is correct. Well said. Iā€™m on Earthen Ring RP, and this is my experience too.

Before 8.1 I saw a pretty even split of Alliance and Horde with WM on. After 8.1 itā€™s Alliance central, many many more Alliance with WM on than before, vastly outnumbering Horde in most cases.

My observation playing 4 characters in BfA on an RP server, anyway.

The new reward schemes seemingly takes Alliance participation across the whole player base into consideration, with regard to buffs and 370 Q, but as you say, it doesnā€™t take that RP realms get sharded only with other realms into consideration, where most players are Alliance.

So yeah, in our case, the ā€˜dominantā€™ faction now gets the buff and 370 item. Or so it seems.

I think part of the issue is, from what Iā€™m aware, the 370 q is doable in a raid, which will only result in raid ganking. At the very least, this should be hotfixed to be normal parties of 5 only.


Example of what Iā€™m talking about
Dazarā€™alor covered with Alliance players a few minutes ago

Edit: Theyā€™re also flooding the Great Seal right now

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Its because our warmode q to kill 25 animals was doable in raid, now they hotfixed that, its doable only in 5man party


You first.

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Because the Alliance raid will always be bigger since they have a bigger pool of players to draw from.


Donā€™t hold your breath, look at how long it took them to try and do something for the Alliance.

Also good luck, people who never experienced the problem simply canā€™t comprehend how incredibly frustrating it is. They think they know but they really donā€™t and will try and give you worthless advice.

And from the Alliance side youā€™ll probably not find a lot of support because they were just ridiculed by the same people when the shoe was on the other foot.

Anyway, I sympathize, I know how unplayable the game becomes.
I hope you donā€™t have to suffer as long as the rest of us did.
But lets not kid ourselves, that solution will be insufficient and just cause other issues.

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Bump, also glad to see that some people that have absolutely no idea how RP realms work. (Of course it would be alliance players, heh)

Stay strong, bro.

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I think in RP the warmode is fine. The winning side getting more rewards is very realistic. So its the perfect system for the RP servers. You can really role play in a more immersive world this way