RP warmode ruined for RP Horde? (RP Alliance getting global call to arms rewards despite being majority in RP warmode sharding system)

This has to be a joke, I laughed anyway

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that just makes no sense to me at all.

Advice: turn WM off. :wink:

Iā€™m not sure, but shouldnā€™t shards, no matter whether on RP or non-RP realms, be balanced, and only in the ā€œleft-overā€ shard thereā€™s an outnumbered faction?

Are there any numbers of how many Alliance and Horde are in WM on RP-realms? Thereā€™s currently no evidence that the Alliance is really the majority in every RP-shardā€¦

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Play WoW in PvE mode? I opted to rather unsub.
Though with this last patch if it continues to be playable I might stay.

Everyone who likes WPvP should be concerned because if this does not get resolved well lose it completely.

I play on Defias, and in War Mode 100% of the time since pre-patch. Sometimes I play in the morning, sometimes in the evening or at night, sometimes during the day. But no matter what time it is/was, I have vastly different experience.

Before 8.1:

  • For every 5 Azerite / Tortollan WQs I visited at least 3 were ether camped by Horde or a lot of Horde (5+) and 1-2 or no Alliance at all.
  • On Kul Tiras, Horde constantly camped 2 FPs in Drustvar, and Tortollan FP in Stormsong. There is always small Horde activity in Tiragarde, mostly around Freehold, sometimes Horde raided Boralus.
  • On Zandalar, Horde constantly camped Tortollans in Volā€™dun, until enough Alliance killed to group up and wipe Horde, just to get wiped by more Horde later. Fort Victory in Nazmir was constantly camped by Horde, same situation as Tortollans in Volā€™dun. Zuldazar is a mirror of Tiragarde - lots of Horde almost no Alliance, sometime Alliance raided Dazarā€™Alor

In 99% of situations Alliance was gathering raid only as a response to Horde camping somewhere. Very rarely Horde FP in Drustvar was camped by Alliance, and usually wiped by more Horde.

In 8.1:

  • For every 5 Azerite / Tortollan WQs I visit 3 are EMPTY, with occasional Horde or Alliance coming in.
  • On Kul Tiras, sometimes Horde camping neural FPs in Drusvar, sometimes Alliance camping hordeā€™ FP, both happen not often, and usually until all killed res and wipe campers. Same in Stormsong.
  • On Zandalar, didnā€™t see Fort Victory being camped even once, and donā€™t see a lot of Alliance there ether. Tortollans in Volā€™dun always switching when there is a WQ, sometimes itā€™s Horde, sometimes itā€™s Alliance, none stays for long.
  • Assaults on Kul Tiras mainly populated by Alliance, with Horde raids appearing regularly.
  • Assaults on Zandalar mainly populated by Horde, with Alliance raids appearing regularly.

One thing that happened a lot in the past week - Alliance actively gathering raids for 25 kill weekly quest. But it was changed, so these raids are no more.

What 8.1 changed drastically - there are a lot LESS raids/bounties outside of Assaults. A lot LESS camps of different FPs and WQs. On both sides.

On my roams thorough WQs looking for targets I still meet more Horde than Alliance, and hordes much more often are in Gank-groups while majority of Alliance are solo WQuesters for %.

And btw, I also asked two of my friends - they both said same things as me.


Its a weird quirk that Alliance gets more but its not like Iā€™m experiencing Trouble in warmode

Most people who jump me die unless they jump me with multiple people but I usually group up as well

Iā€™ve noticed more Alliance yeah, but to me its only been more fun

I can see this escalating and completely flipping the factions in this problem compared to regular WM, best to remove with the baseline resource bonus and reward 10% to the outnumbered faction, instead make the bonus rewards from WQs be a set number of Honor (amount to be decided ofc.) Just like Incursions offer conquest in WM now

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Just Honor wonā€™t be enough:

I completely agree on everything about this post.

While I donā€™t know about the numbers on how many on both factions use WM, I do agree that the system in theory allows for the majority faction on rp shards to get the minority bonus due to it being calculated region wide as blizzard said. Which is poor implementation and should be fixed.

Also just because players on other realms have had it really bad with faction balance before is not a reason to accept it now, after all itā€™s just having someone else experiencing what you had to go through and not actually fixing the issues.

So the fix I advise is to have the rp shard WM bonus based on the rp shard WM population obviously, but as the rp shard is not fully isolated from the normal shard as you can get into it by joining a group from a rp realm, I suggest that the rp shard WM bonus should only be allowed for the people from actual rp realms to combat people from the ā€œbig dogā€ faction on normal realms swarming into rp realms if that faction have the bonus there.


100% correct.

This situation was exactly how it was in non rp realms for alliance, hence the change. I feel for you but all I can recommend is:

  1. Get a group of friends together in wm
  2. Schedule regular wm events
  3. Turn it off

Yeah, Iā€™d agree that if there is some kind of reverse faction imbalance on RP shards, that matters be handled differently and based on RP shard representation.

Otherwise, I guess, if what a lot of us are observing is correct, the Alliance are getting a 30% bonus while actually dominating RP shards.

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Not quite exactly, but I see you point(s) :slight_smile: Alliance is getting a 30% bonus in this case, plus they had a week or so of the 370 item raid quest. Horde started with just the 10% bonus.

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4 days later I can safely say It doesnā€™t seem to have had the desired effect

The problem is that for RP shards that we had a good balance which means in RP shards Alliance didnā€™t suffer inside Warmode like they did for you

Now RP Warmode is broken because of a fix that was deployed on all of Warmode even tho we already have seperate rules

I dont care much for Warmode out of rp, it worked for Both Alliance and horde so tbh we had a working system mostly since launch and it was broken by a fix that was applied unilaterally, that is what bothers me


I disagree with that. Leveling through Kul Tiras soon after BfA launched was running from the graveyard half the time cause wherever I would quest there were at least 3-4 120 horde doing a WQ. That made me turn off WM and I never touched it since, until now at 8.1 when things finally seemed to stabilize to some degree.

Edit: forgot to mention Iā€™m on Argent Dawn.


So am I!
Iā€™m going to sound like a dick saying this, consider this a disclaimer of ā€˜not my intentionā€™ but if you turned off warmode during leveling in early BFA and havnā€™t touched it since I canā€™t exactly see you as a credible source of information as far as warmode goes.

As for the situation you described, I had the same on my alt on horde, itā€™s why I turned it off for leveling on my alt and donā€™t level in warmode, as soon as I get 120 tho it gets turned back on, I didnā€™t have it on my main because, well, most people werenā€™t 120 yet and were still leveling their own chars so warmode was really quiet in those first 3-4 days in my experience.

As for things being stable in 8.1, I donā€™t know. RP warmode has been relatively even before, sure you might get jumped by 3 players from time to time, but you hardly ever got jumped by 30, which is something regular as hordes now, so far every incursion there has been an alliance raid group just farming the area 6 hours nonstop, entering is death and it sounds a lot like the alliance outside of warmode has been describing for the last month.

As someone who was in warmode before 8.1, Iā€™d often get jumped by 2 players and then have 1 horde join up and help me, sometimes we died sometimes they died, now since 8.1, all I see is alliance bountyā€™s that go unchallenged for hours on ends because theyā€™re hiding behind a raid group


No offense taken, my point was that in early BfA in WM there were groups of 3-4 horde everywhere and hardly any alliance at all - at least this was my experience. Not saying itā€™s better the way you describe things now, I was only disagreeing with your saying things were balanced before.

I was part of one of those raid groups going for the weekly quest in zandalar. Horde wiped us a few times, we wiped them a few other times. It was not a clear supremacy on alliance side. Of course , this was one situation. No one can be everywhere all the time. However, now I can go around doing my WQs without groups of horde killing me on the spot everywhere, so from my limited experience with WM, the current situation seems better to me in terms of faction balance. I donā€™t expect everyone to agree, I am only sharing my personal point of view.

Sadly its not only on the RP realms. Yesterday I was doing world quests on twisting nether when I got jumped by 5 alliance players. Said to myself ā€œmeh its ok atleast we got some alliance players for a good world pvpā€ ,but the sad truth was that I got again camped like 6 times when I decided to turn the warmode off. Thank you blizz.

That all ā€œRP servers War Mode is ruined for Hordeā€ are just lies and bs.

Fresh out of the game news of whatā€™s happening right now (and almost every day similar stuff happens):

  • Totrollan emissary is up. 1 WQ in Tiragarde, 1 in Stormsong, 2 in Volā€™dun. So no matter what you need to visit other side to get it done. Conflict possibilities are created.
  • WQ in Tiragarde is empty, no camps
  • WQ in Stormsong is camped by 10-15 Alliance, half of them are just random players coming and going for WQ, other half is waiting for Horde raid to wipe them.
  • Seekerā€™s Vista has 5-10 Alliance with occasional Horde group coming in.
  • Terrace WQ in Volā€™dun camped by 30-35 horde (data from addon with 1 sec refresh, for ~30 mins).
  • Second WQ in Volā€™dun has 20-30 hordes camping it (same data).
  • Between two WQ a few horde parties (5+ players in each) are waiting for Alliance travelers.
  • All that time Alliance couldnā€™t get counter raid, because there is not enough numbers.

So all those hordes who are crying on forums right now and telling lies about how bad War Mode got for them:

Sometime you got bigger numbers, sometimes you met bigger numbers - itā€™s called balance. Anyway, you still have bigger numbers much more often. If you have doubts - re-read quote above.