RP warmode ruined for RP Horde? (RP Alliance getting global call to arms rewards despite being majority in RP warmode sharding system)

I agree its terrible designed that the buff can be given to a faction that actualy outnumbers becouse of the way shards work. It should be given on a shard by shard bases. Against the odds dosnt make sense if the odds are in your favor. Now yes it would be hard to make such a buff work on a system that can change shard, but lets have it only work IF your in a shard that you are outnumbered, a proper reward for fighting against the odds rather than for simply camping horde flight points (also lets make targets that dont reward honour not count ether)

and yeah any alliance going on about whining about this, YOUR the faction that whined to the point you got a 30% buff and 400 item and now have people only coming on warmode to gank to get said 400 item.

Shards are balanced. Lfg unbalances them. Both sides have lfg, fair.

Also, you can feel outnumbered, but player distribution in a zone can be a factor.

If for example 40 Alliance are in a subzone, there could be 40 Horde in 1’s, 2’s and 3’s around the rest of the zone. Spread out and easy pickings. Not outnumberd. Just not together.

Same thing was happening to Alliance pre 8.1, this is nothing new. Being outnumbered and choosing to do nothing about it, or being a true wpvper is entirely player choice. On some shards, Horde wpvpers will group up and have fun swatting the Alliance angry bees.

  1. The buff and reward are an incentive for more Alliance to wpvp - working.
  2. The result of the buff and reward, temporarily extra motivated Alliance, is a disincentive for Horde. Non wpvpers are anticipated to volunteer wm off - working.
  3. As more Horde turn off wm, Alliance get lesser extra reward. Until hopefully, a closer faction balance, but with more even numbers of wm player types; wpvper, pve/pvper, pve’er.

Looks to me like it’s working as intended. We’ll see. Hang in there. Sure there can be frustration. But, if things keep going this way, there can be a healthy correction in the wm population.


wouldnt a better salution to be then if you use LFG to throw you into a completly NEW shard that ONLY contains people using LFG? That way people not using LFG wont suddenly be thrown into a shard filled with people using it from another faction.

and no shards arent balanced.

The shards ‘try’ to be balanced Blizz say. I’ve been observing since start of bfa, I go all over zones as part of my usual wpvp. I often see a clumping of one faction in a particular subzone, and I see the other faction spread in the zone. That’s normal wm, sure there can be variations.

Assaults are a different story, they promote conflict, and Alliance have extra motivation. But here too, I’ve seen one or other faction dominate. On an assault where the quests are close together that can make quest completion harder. It’s deliberate design, supposed to be hard.

There are pros and cons to any idea. If lfg goes to it’s own phase, you can’t use lfg to form a group in response to a gank raid not formed via lfg. So that gank raid will continue unchallenged. So, don’t think that would work. Good to have ideas though. It’ll always be easier to poke holes in an idea, than to come up with a workable one.

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I agree, as a whole I do like warmode. For me the additional thrill of having to be prepaired to take on a dickish rouge (cause its almost always rouges) while completing quests, or when going into kilturas and feeling truly like your in opposing terratory oooooh good feeling.

I just dont like seeing 40 alliance camping the same area preventing important hand ins.

theres a solution but the current system needs to take into acount the simple fact that some shards will have more people in one faction on and that is different per shard so a 400 item whos whole story is your ment to be outnumbered, dosnt hold up.


Yep, the outnumbering is just how it’s going to be sometimes. Whether it’s player distribution in a zone, or lfg. One faction or the other will want to dominate. To me, that’s just part of wm, I love all these elements.

Knowing a large opposing group is around, is part of the fun for me. If it slows down questing, that is part of the design of wm. The 10% is always on, so you get it even when not being slowed down, and it should even out somewhat.

I think the solution we have is a least worst one. But I also find it really interesting to watch it’s progress. There’s a natural selection process happening. Even if true faction balance is never achieved in eu em, the balance of player types should improve wm.

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It’s been my experience as well as Horde on an RP realm, being fairly frequently outnumbered by Alliance, however anecdotal that may be.

I’d understand if there isn’t a good solution to not have RP Alliance not receive the higher bonus, even when they are in majority. But it would mean a lot if Blizzard would at least acknowledge that it is indeed an unfair problem. Or if their numbers argue that RP Horde are in majority compared to RP Alliance, then say so.

I’d very much like to have this at least addressed. Until then it’s difficult not to feel like this is pretty pointless.

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