blizzard really need to seperate RP and normal shards on the warmode buff tbh, on RP shards alliance outnumber horde 3:1 - its impossible to get any WQ done as they’re all camped by alliance
Oh yeah, horde is totally outnumbered now. Especially in the Nazmir assault two days ago or so when a huge horde raid camped the assault area for hours and had 5-6 assassins by the end which were uncontested for hours. Alliance tried to make a response raid but we were just too few. I’m starting to think the horde players who find they’re constantly outnumbered only play early mornings or something…
Because of sharding all experiences are snapshot experiences which differ on 3 fronts; time, location and shards and personal experiences is all we can share, you even make this arguement partially yourself
To Just come out and say people are intentionally lying seems unnecesary, it suffices to say your experiences differ
Edit; personally I say the shard youre on makes a big difference, I zoned out of an assault which was alliance dominated to join a BG, it was a nearly lost one so was back in 2 mins and boom now I was on a horde dominated share
Either a lot of people are afking making the numbermatch not as efficiënt as its supposed to be or it just stopped working properly
Got to love that in about 2 or 3 generations world went from real war heroes storming the normandy beach to crying the forums how it is unfair that other pixel faction gets ??% more rewards XD.
Does this mean sharding is a bit borked, or working as intended?
Before the assaults I never really noticed any large raids either way, so I guess post 8.1 and the assaults, things have had an opportunity to present themselves.
Ok hordes, Alliance can better organize themselves, create/join groups, etc, on Assaults. Not even remotely all the time tho
I doubt it has anything to do with sharding.
Sharding works differently on RP realms than on Normal. Because of RP specifics, and how sharding can break RP processes - there is only two shards - War Mode OFF and War Mode ON. Look it up - it was said in one of the Q&As at the start of BfA.
Horde is not outnumbered by Alliance on RP by a lot. Even with just statistics https ://realmpop. com/eu.html
All RP servers are sharded together now, so RP → English shows:
62% Alliance 120 lvl characters
38% Horde 120 lvl characters
So all this nonsense about 3:1 is just that - nonsense.
Add to that that Alliance has more RPers with War Mode OFF, and only some of them turn WM on only for weekly quest.
Add to that that Horde has more PvP oriented players.
Add to that that horde can much more faster get more players from local/LFG.
population in almost any area is quite balanced or outnumbered by Horde, and not the other way around.
As I’ve said previously - Sometime you got bigger numbers, sometimes you met bigger numbers - it’s called balance. Anyway, you still have bigger numbers much more often.
Yesterday on evening Assault, I came in and there was a few hordes, I left for regular WQ, came back and these few hordes joined by a lot more hordes - no sharding, because same names, but now they were taking their revenge on Alliance who were ganking them previously. Then Alliance got more numbers, then horde… then 30 mins later I left.
Most of the Horde conveniently talk only about Assaults, and how they come to Assault and there is more Alliance at the time… Yeah, ppl coming and going to/from Assault. And conveniently skip how in these 10.5 hours between Assaults there is a lot more Horde camping/roaming in various sized groups.
Just read my previous post, it happens regularly and much more often.
Many Alliance do Assaults in WM, do weekly quest in WM, but a lot more Horde has WM on outside of those activities - and that is where outnumbering really shows.
But anyway, if those odds is a problem for horde - then
probably won’t work, it’s too late.
Only this one time, I’m glad that Blizzard does stuff based on statistics - there is more Horde in WM overall, even on RP shards.
there is a few - Spy, Weiz, Vanas, pick what you like
ok granted its not 3:1 but it still shows alliance greatly outnumber horde by 24% yet alliance are still the ones to get the 30% buff on warmode in RP shards, that clearly shows blizzard screwed up in the implementation of the feature
Exactly! And since Horde has bigger numbers in the whole region - filling up LFG group on horde side is very fast. So it also adds to overall outnumbering.
Alliance had all 8.0 to learn how to use LFG for WPvP situations when there is no enough players on your side. Now it’s time for Horde to learn if they still want to dominate - Horde still has more resources to do so.
Ahahahaha. This, comming from the faction that needed a wm bonus of 30% to partake in wpvp😂. The 30% wasn’t enough though. They now get baited by a ilvl 400 welfare item, and yet you tell other people to get gud? Start with 90% of your faction…goat.