RSK - Tea of Plenty bugged?

If you use RSK with the RSK tea of plenty buff it will consume both the tea of plenty buff and 1 stack of thunder focus tea, unless you get 2 tea of plenty RSK buff, in which case it only consume 1 tea of plenty buff and no thunder focus tea stack.

Also if you spec Rushing Wind Kick and Tea of Serenity, RWK will consume the renewing mist tea of serenity buff with no apparent upside.

Is that the intended behavior? That seems weird

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Tea of Serenity’s renewing mist buff is consumed by the renewing mist created by rushing wind kick through rapid diffusion (even though it doesn’t extend its duration). Most likely a bug.

You’re also correct with tea of plenty, if you have 2 stacks of RSK buff the first works as expected but the second consumes both the tea buff and thunder focus tea. Also a bug.

Blizz was trying to fix a bug where RWK’s cooldown is affected by tea of plenty, but the buff was never consumed so you could just spam it nonstop. I’m guessing the code needs more IF statements.

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Alright thanks for confirming, these are really impacting bugs.

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