I’m learning arcane mage since two weeks and is been rough(2k atm) . The learning curve is huge. But what I noticed is that I don’t get any peels when I play with a mele. Most of them already play a easy class and don’t even bother to look out for anything else then their target and own healthbar. They don’t look for their healers position or how their teammate is doing. The sad part is that it works most of the time. I feel like especially in RSS there is a huge skill difference between control and dmg classes. Getting 2k on a “zug zug” is basically handed out, because a lot of ppl don’t look out for each other.
For me rating is not rating, it depends a lot on what class and even spec you play. Im not impressed by any warr/dk/dh at 2,4k in rss because I know how easy it is compared to other classes.
Hack even the difference from fire/arcane mage was huge for me. Can’t remember the exact games but it took me about 150 rounds to get 1,5k RSS as fire and 500 as arcane for the same rating. I thought to myself, holy sh*t that is the hardest spec I ever played.
Just wanted to get that out of my chest. See all the time this 2k+ warris telling ppl “get gud”. Your rating means nothing to me.
There you go, I said it.
It’s not only mage but every caster in the game, whenever you q up with a melee they tunnel 1 guy and let you facetank dmg.
Your only hope is dragging people in a terrible spot and pray your healer is good enough to save you.
Yeah feels great…
What’s a peel, can you eat it?
When I played mage and faced double melee i just told my other melee teammate to go healer all game because at least this way ill be able to nova those two melees behind pillar somewhere and my melee won’t get cleaved.
Will do that next time and see how it goes. Ty
Play SP after the nerfs into lobbys with melee’s only, and you will realize you’re unable to breath and your only kill windows are actually your"setups" and praying for your partner to zoom out of his 1st person camera to see what you are doing/focusing.
Got my sp to 1.8 after nerfs and also 4 other casters as ele, destro, mage, devoker for the elite mogs.
If i could rate em based hardest to easiest would be like : SP > Evoker > ele > mage > destro.
Now ik many 3.7k+ theory multi-preEverything Gladiators might jump on my comment to bash me like (zomg GET GUD SP’S ARE 3.4+ ON LADDER), Just a friendly reminder, yesterday raiku on his stream was saying HOW hard and UNABLE he is to play his SP or His mage into melee lobbys…
And we know all who raiku is… def not a 2kish bottom arena player like myself…
(he did a 0-6 various times aswell as i was watching him for like 1 hour)
TLDR : The melee’s you said are indeed free rating up to a point that caster cleaves communicate and know what they do, and even then again… they are far superior as raiku said aswell.
I guess this is the main issue, melees are far easier to play then caster. I don’t mind if melees are easier but not like this.
Keep in mind that melee’s have way 2 many stuns , gap closers, ranged interupt (like DK’s one that doesnt even make sense) mobility, i mean… there’s no reason giving a warrior stun with 30 seconds cd that can be thrown from africa + 2 charges that root… Let alone all the other toolkits it has aswell …
Or my favourite one, Dks, x2 grips, ams, amz, ibf, stun, pet stun, pet interupt, ranged interupt, hands grip , COI (chains of ice) like…
I wonder why DK is mentioned as the best lobby class and “almost never you get to be targeted on” i wonder why… #clowns
Can I ask what spec did you play that mage in?
ima reply with it so you can see it insta, OBVIOUSLY frost.
i tried arcane and i lost hair from my eyebrows aswell (im already bald)
qued as fire to see how it is, and i got the biggest respect outta my soul for players that have 3k+ as fire in sshuffle… like Big z (ziqo)
I dont know why you playin arcane other than the fact you love challenge… you’re masochist (no offense) , or you REALLY like arcane.
That is also a big issue, warlock needs more survivability against melees. But if you do that they will dominate every other class.
I would change talents from melee, so they need to choose more between gap closer and cc abilities.
But also I’m not always good in positions, i need to get better with it. That’s what I’m trying to learn with RSS.
You got me, hahah. I just like a challenge, thats why I don’t touch easy sh*t, even if it takes way longer.
Funny thing is , that even frost mage (which is the best outta 3 cause of the constand 180-200k crits from the big zugice , is a challenge.
Dont be fooled that it can actually cast vs melee zuggers again.
highest ive reached with it was 1930 ish or smthng, then i scubbad to what im rn.
I gave up SP. In a melee lobby alone you’ll spend 80% of your gametime CCd, stunned, interrupted and facerolled.
Not even a point to fake-casting even since you’ve gotta trick two melees on you both with incredibly short interrupt cooldowns.
Give all casters a 5 sec disarm on a 30s cooldown and let’s see what meleeposters say.
lemme do the honors and reply with my SP char here,
Y E P exactly that… thats my L I F E and my run in a nutshell with my Sp to reach that MARVELOUS mog that i so much wanted…
Got it, and gtfo as fast as possible.
It’s crazy that you can’t even say: you are a crazy good player you got 2,5k on shadow in season one of df. Sp was broken at the start and is now way harder to play. You have to look in so many things when considering rating=skill. It’s legit crazy…
The biggest problem they did to the classes was called “Legion” , the master prunner.
after this expansion which was insane for PVE realmers, content , raid etc,
The game was NEVER ever the same.
Classes got removed so many things that became hollowed shells of themselves.
I vastly remember getting to 110 cap lvl and feeling i have 1 eye, 1 leg, and 1 arm cause i had to max my borrowed power fiesta to even feel playable… (at max lvl right? which you must feel complete and strong kekw)
And then… the downfall happened… and we really never ever stood up from then… on all classes and specs.
Builder/spender mentality , pop your zug every 2 mins, rinse and repeat.
So we shouldnt wonder why the game became as it is atm.
I wouldn’t say that meeles are easier overall. They have lower skill floor for sure but at the high end they are as good. The main issue is as you said most meeles until certain ratings are just tunnelers who don’t even use all their buttons.
Add ridiculus mobility and uptime of some specs and you got what it is now. The most opressive meele atm I’d say is Warrior. Even DH/WW are easier to kite. Something went horribly wrong with Warrior’s talents.
I agree 100%.
There’s 2 sides of the coin, its either glads that you gonna get info about your class that are really dedicated since forever playing it and will tell you the truth,
and then there’s the sweat lord , boosted, or non boosted, cringelords that will bash you based on your rating even though themselves know that getting the rating required medical treatment along the way.
Been on this game for way way many years, since vanila, and its always those 2 types.