Rukhmar question

Went back to do some old farms and one of them involves slaying my favorite girl Rukhmar, thing is if I remenber well the corpse used to be lootable and as I have ran quite a few characters there and none could do it I’m questioning myself if in fact thats how it was or if it has changed, or maybe some bug going on.
Anyone know for sure how it goes?

Rukhmar was lootable, and Wowhead at least thinks still is:

I have myself come across cases where I should have been able to loot a mob but can’t. I wonder if it’s a bug.


Allrigth time to open some tickets I guess, I didnt even got any gold or anything but to be fair I dont remenber if it used to drop any so maybe it could be the case that only if gear (or mount :slight_smile: )dropped the corpse would be lootable.
But not any piece of gear either, I would have to be extremely unlucky with the amount of kills I did


Did a few more kills today and now got gold and even one piece of gear without looting the corpse. Think she’s not lootable anymore, wonder it this will be the case if the mount drops aswell.
Will just always keep a eye on the corpse to be sure

I think when rng will give you mount, and you still won’t be able to loot corpse it will be magicaly sent to you via in-game mail :slight_smile:

Well that would certainly be a most pleasant surprise and I would never again badmouth the postmaster

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