Rules of Engagement: Classic Hardcore is Coming to World of Warcraft

Whoever said that!
I think this was not the expectation - I see it more as a kind of “permanent Seasonal servers”.

It’s a work-around for people really liking a character - this happens, you know - or having items they do not like parting with. On my old account I have still some dead HC toons from 2012 and later hanging out. I visit now and then, and reminisce.

the guy I initially replied to

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Oh, he said “More popular than Retail” not more popular than WoW :wink:

They’ll find a way to make gold and sell it don’t worry.
If there’s demand for RMT, they will adapt and provide.

Diablo hardcore is implementing a fix causing the teleport scrolls to auto teleport you back to town should the game detect a DC with season 2.

That they will. All they need to do is get to max level and they’re set. Mages will be just able to clear SM over and over to get gold and outside of Blizzard’s own action there’s nothing you can do to stop them since they can’t be messed with by players. Considering RestedXP is going to provide “safe and fast” guides to HC you think botters won’t figure out safe and fast routes to max level either?

That’s a pretty bad idea because now I can avoid losing my character by yanking out the network cable.

You can already use the scroll that way in the first place. Only the Disconnect part gets added in S2. So you wouldnt get any advantage by doing that. Pulling the cable may in fact cause you to die beforehand instead of just clicking the scroll. And the scroll is a rare drop to begin with.

I’m confused about the intricacies here.

All I’ll say is this:
If I can disconnect just before character death by yanking out the network cable and then not lose my character then I broke hardcore. It’s that simple. Whatever items are involved is not relevant.

I am saying is that the time it takes for you to yank out the cable may in fact cause you to die in comparison to you simply clicking the portal scroll in the first place instead (the scroll can be used even without a disconnect to get to safety. Only the disconnect part gets added in S2).

No they won’t.
They stated “By extension, this also means that level 60 players may never enter lower-level dungeons with players below level 60 for any reason.”
This means a level 60 player can not enter a dungeon with a lower level player.

You know. I have very little interest in classic, and even less interest in the community-driven HC, but I might actually give this a try. If nothing else for the giggles and see how far I get.
If I set out with that attitude, I might have some fun on the way.

This is really niche, so I applaud Blizzard for actually creating this - even if it’s not my cup of tea.

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No sane low lvl warrior will join armory with other mail/2h classes on 24h lockout. They will tank it and put together group with cloth/leather classes. Otherwise they deserve to be milked

You severely underestimate how easy it is to “yank a cable”.

For example I could bind W to run a macro that sends a signal to the router to disconnect all connections for 2 minutes. Or, even easier if Blizzard’s anticheat isn’t up to snuff, simply tell the network interface to turn off in Windows or Linux. It’s really easy - no need to actually go and yank it out like a caveman.

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I am not. It is still faster to click the hotkey (especially if the servers realize what you did and let you die. A process that is present in WoW). Thats already doing what you want to do with a macro but making it pointless to use such a method where you disconnect your router in the first place.

You can bind the scroll to a hotkey or to the emote wheel. There is no need for your method whatsoever especially since it has the possibility to fail. You dont want to make use of the disconnect protection unless really necessary in the first place.

That’s Diablo 4, pretty sure Diablo 2 and 3 never had something so convenient. Though I believe Diablo 2 single player characters can be played offline so that’s different.

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I mean…duh. As implied with the implementing a fix in season 2 remark and the following discussion.

“Your character is not necessarily lost if you die, however. After dying on a Hardcore realm, players will be able to choose to utilize the Free Character Move service and move their dead character to a non-Hardcore Classic Era realm. Once the move is complete to the non-hardcore realm, that character may resurrect as normal, but the way back to a Hardcore realm will be closed to them.”

Should only be allowed to Rez in Shadowlands.:grimacing:

Hardcore SL has no ripcord BTW.