Rules of Engagement: Classic Hardcore is Coming to World of Warcraft

And trading available because … well, you know, gold market (along with bots) is something we don’t care about


They’ve stated this:

So … level 60 players may be able to group low level players and run dungeons.
What will happen is that with the XP reward cut and the 24-lock maybe it won’t be worth for levelling.

But I can imagine any level 60 character running Scarlet Monastery Armory along with four (4) low level warriors, to make gold bets around Herod’s loot …

Blizz is so damn predictable :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
RIP Hardcore WoW, it was fun while it lasted.

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Here’s how it works:

Sucks to be you.

That’s also how it works in Diablo.

Weird because in my language it would imply that’s it’s somehow imposed by rules that level 60s and players below that Can’t ever enter a lower level dungeons for any reason

Great news! Not so sure about trading, auction house and mailbox though as it makes the leveling journey significantly easier and encourages rmt and bots… Guess we will see how it plays out :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

I do have to wonder how the setting will affect class choice to be fair. Probably Paladins will be see as Nightmare mode now that they can’t even emergency bail if the situation overwhelms them

and that will be their downfall /bwahahaha

I imagine it will just be something along the lines of better luck next time.


Paladins will not be able to use their Hearthstone while under the effects of Blessing of Protection, Divine Protection, or Divine Shield on Hardcore realm.

We also need “Petri Out No More” change, abuse of flasks is apparent on so many videos with raid leaders calling for petri wipes. Including porting to GY by leaving the group.

Why nerf paladin but leave out petri?

This will be greatly reduced with perma death anytime during the farm, lack of boosting to replace dead/banned bots,… bots won’t be able to AFK farm materials to sell anymore.

I guess this aged like fine :wine_glass: then…

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You assume they will actively Ban the bots. Something that barely happens sadly. And with PvP being purely opt in as it seems that HC realms will be solely PvE you can’t even mess with the bots yourself.

its a fad that will die down over time like every hardcore mode in other mmos

This. They won’t ban them, you can’t kill them, and the leash mechanic will make it even easier for them to safely level up killing low greens all day long. HC will be the big thing for any botters.

Well … no death challenge has been ongoing in WoW since at least early 2012, I fail to see it die out soon. Diminish, yes, die no.

Why a free character transfer to a normal classic realm after dying? That aint hardcore. You should pay the ultimate price for dying

you do, you abandon your character on that realms so you either stay as a ghost for the sake of company or you bring the character to other realms, away from the hc community.

yes but to say it will come even close to the same level of activity as normal wow is not right.