In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Runetotem in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
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Good luck finding your former mates!
Just wondering if there are any people going to play Horde on this server again that was home for the Dutch guild “Charons Embrace”.
I was playing Castax - an Undead shadowpriest together with my wife Persephoney - Troll hunter.
We are going to play on the Mirage Raceway PVE-EU server.
Me as Botjes, a female Undead Warrior and my wife as Persephoney, Troll Hunter.
Hoi, ik zat in Charon’s Embrace van level 15 tot level 60 in 2005. Count me in!
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Leuk, gaan we doen
Eerst eens zien of ze de oude servers in ere herstellen ook. De serverlist maar afwachten dan.
I was a Horde orc hunter with name Hulksie i started in some guilds until i started my own with the name DP Danish Prime
Deadbeam, Troll Hunter, was part of the guild Dragonsbane.
Some fellow members: Thegreatlaws, Wriek, Rachane, Snotshotz, Stealthysam, Lorachel
Pingu/Phingu, Tauren Shaman, was in Borderland Legion.
Any old members from BL that is going to play?
I remember Borderland Legion, nice people.
We shared some content when TBC was announced.
We gaan op de Mirage Raceway PVE-EU server spelen. Lijkt erop dat het 1 van de 2 megaservers wordt. Opzich een toekomstbestendige keuze i.v.m. leegloop op servers na verloop van tijd.
- Shadowmane, Tauren Warrior
- Shadowmane Tribe
- Lavis, Longrass, Fadetoblack, Furag, Ugram, Asool, Ankahunter, Jinx, Badboys, Deadlyshadow, Deadsoul, Linole, Resources
Basically looking for anybody from the old days. Some of the old members are getting back together, like Moobertha, Mastermage and Sivrag. So for those that are interested we can be found on the ‘Pyrewood Village’ realm.
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I remember you. I was raiding with you guys in Zul Aman.
A lot of runetotem people i hear are going to Goremagg?
3 larges Horde guilds in the beginning, that I can remember. Ad Nauseum, Borderland Legion and Slackers
Played from start to the end of Ad Nauseum, then joining up with Borderland with many from AN.
Was lucky to be in Ad Nauseum from the start and even signed the guild chart, awesome 40man raiding times. Also when joining forces with Alliance to open the Gates of Ahn’qiraj, remember it all so clearly when talking more and more about it 
Hunter: Braadmayn
Warlock: Sahal
I definitely remember seeing you in the old days 
I remember you Pingu from Borderland Legion, joined with you guys in BC around the time we had to start raiding Gruul’s Lair. Came with Earthsong and others from Ad Nauseum 
Pity you are going to Pyrewood, ill be going to Mirage
I might remember you and Earthsong! I was a tauren back in the days! I most definitely remember Bit, Aquinas, Neb?, Myzt, and Jazra by name. There are so many im sure i would remember if I saw them again 
I will be going on Mirage Raceway mainly playing with people in my current guild!
Hey Funder
Ofc I remember, Guild mates for a long time with all the others you name
Not sure who has control, but AN is still on Runetotem and you can look up the current roster
Not that anyone is active much…
Remember I told you, that we have a small city with the name Funder close and you wanted to pay me for the sign?
All the good times.
Just created a char on 1 server, not sure where or how much I will play classic. I like my memories and we can’t recreate the old glory days 
Yeah I remember you as well, Earthsong did join in classic tho as we just finished AQ before TBC if I remember correctly? There was couple from AN that joined BL after you guys disbanded.