Russian girl 👱🏻‍♀️

Out of curiosity… what comp(s) did you push your 2v2s with?

demon warlock and bm hunt


Oh, I haven’t seen holypriest-destro in any games I played this season myself. Sounds interesting!

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might i suggest posting your friends requests in this topic…

obviously without the Instagram links. Anyway, nice to see you here and hope you manage to get some decent people to play the game with (there are still some about!)

This, and while I do agree they belong to the pinned friendmaker thread, there is no need to flag it. It’s a correct, polite request to find likeminded gaming buddies, and she’s a newbie still learning the ropes here :slightly_smiling_face:

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I would ignore the hate comments you receive here on the forums, this place can be toxic sometimes.

I hope you enjoy World of Warcraft :heart: and Find friends


i agree, no need to flag it - if i had a horde char that i used, i’d probably add her myself. Btw, have you dyed your hair???

I did, but don’t tell it to Souldefiler :shushing_face:


I love the Gothy look. Looks great :+1:

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Still not as charming as your Alleria-themed huntress mog, fellow Ren’dorei sister :blush:

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Lovely OP, ignore the obvious trolls who came here to attack you, they are boring and have real issues with their apperances irl clearly…

Attacking you is pretty much all what they have going for them
And yes OP will steal your man and your father and brother, fruitbawls ahah

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I understand internet is kinda first step to open up yourself, but I sometimes ingame I even dont want to know nationality, cos RL stereotypes and feelings can change attitude against player.
I hope you will get gaming buddies . Good luck in game adventures .

There was a need to flag it. Before it was edited the post broke the TOS.


oh right, i missed that bit - thanks for clearing that up

Surely the man can’t have black hair fall that far behind red.


Are you playing in FFXIV?
Is much better game then WoW and community is more adult and nicer.

Welcome to the eu i don’t know why your post was hidden but oh well a shame you’re horde though.

Word my friend.

Yeah but me, as Serbian, I welcome Russians with wide arms open.

This is getting better and better.

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