Russian girl 👱🏻‍♀️

Anyway, what did I miss?

Yes, needed to find a new raidguild cause the raidtimes of the old didnt fit anymore :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

yeah my old guild disbanded yesterday. tough times for mythic raiding :smiley:
didnt even feel like making fun of bnet posters

oh wait my profile isnt updated wooot

Might have to relog on the forum for it to update (or wait a few months until it does!). Sorry about your guild though :frowning:

woo it worked. smort Sinaaki

no worries I’m back stronger than ever although they ruined clown face. you cant post just the emoji. you have to add some letters. kinda lame

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Does adding the empty character count?

idk how to do that

‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ :clown_face:

:clown_face: ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎‎


God, can you please make Shadowlands better, also can you make me a millionaire.

I see coldshade was nice and helped you! Imagine a wow forum where you couldnt just post clown emojis :scream:

You can always add a popcorn picture.

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why :smiley: ahah

Just the habit of u being a troll mage :smiley: i’ll get used to it!

Or maybe just play the game and dont bother others with your life story. No matter what it is


Taps desk angrilly considering whether or not to authorize a hit

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We talking screenshots of trees n sunsets or…

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Completely irrelevant to my point.