Russian opponents

there is a simple but (i suspect) very unpopular solution to this “Russian problem”… Just have them Q with rest of us… as it is now Russians only get Qed with other Russians but the rest of the EU realms get Qued in one big stew…

Now im sure that there are some Russians that use hacks same as some EU players do, now if its more or less i have no proof ether way.

Only thing Ive noticed is that Russian teams in both 10s 15s and 40s seem more coordinated, now if whats been said here is that they use in-game voice a lot, that makes lots of sense… and its also much more easy to do so when all are Russians…

on rest of eu u have ppl from all over the place with different languages, u can have English, porto, French, Germans and Scandinavians in same group…

i feel that Russians all get put together makes a unfair advantage to them in a random BG environment… also the lag u get in 40 man is crazy bad…

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For me Russian players are similar to ants, same colony the same language, and like ants they know how to zerg. To average russian player wining is more important than solo/yolo acts. Slightly of topic, I’m not sure but when we face russian players in bg non-russian team is forced to use data from russian servers so slightly higher lag. For me the best solution is to make like it was in old days, Europe without russian players, and let them play in thier colony. OR Activision Blizzard will do something, maybe prevent forming 100% russians team entering bg. So when I was writing this post i came with 2 solutions which came to my head menwhile.

I’m going off what other Russians have said they do and also off when I’ve been grouped with Russians and they seem to always wanna use voice. Also the fact that in every AV i play against Russians they are all sat at that damn choke point so they’re obviously telling each other to do that then if we defend also they all move as 1 big group so they is obviously teamwork involved there not just a coincidence. This is every single AV against Russian horde

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I think I will be the unpopular one to state that we also need to take the absolutely horrible team play EU players do :stuck_out_tongue:

Call for inc? no one comes to def.
Going for flag? no one comes to assist
Try to organize your team - Everybody comes with slur’s
Got a base? Everybody would rather try to take that one where 10 enemies camp out.
Expect teamwork? - everybody runns about on their own

You guys cannot deny that a LOT of times, this ^is what is going one on the EU side, and MIGHT have one or two things to do with the losing :stuck_out_tongue:


Same on horde side. I pvp a lot and most players go for personal gain. damagemeter and HK farm. I think damagemeters should be disabled when entering the bg. It is of no importance and then maybe, just maybe they will go for the objectives.

If it was only a l2p issue I wouldn’t mind, I would just keep blaming my team.
But the russian teams I meet in random bgs all seem to have really high ilvl, atleast compared to our team. All of them had 150k+hp and some above 200khp, while some of ours where way below 100khp. they were camping our graveyard because we could fight back or escape because they were just outgearing us by far. We just ended up not ressing just to avoid feeding them kills.
No amount of skill and teamwork could overcome that gap of ilvl.
They really need to do something about this.
Either only allow premade against premade or put an ilvl requirement on pvp, I prefer only allowing premades against premades, because if you have a pretty much full group of people you could just do rated anyway.

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Non russian players use random BGs as way to gear and get more experience in pvp.

Once they are done gearing and get better in pvp. If they achieved ok ratings in arena or RBGs for example… They stop doing random BGs.

Russians are the direct opposite. They whont do any pvp when undergeared. And once they get better in pvp they will join random BGs to show the lesser fortunate what theyve learned.

Its a difference in mind set.

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especially alliance… everyone runs around to get some kills…

I give up to defend russians, but what I experience is that, really their grouped ilvl is way much better, than our team.

So Blizzard make ilvl difference to have huge impact, than should make some ilvl bracket to meet up in BGs. And this will fix and russian issue.

Yeah, Netherlands is way too far from europe :c

My problem is that I cannot call out their names because they use different symbols how the hell this is allowed to mix with english alphabet players is incomprehenisble. I dont see german or danish symbols allowed in names in WoW eu server but russians can have entire names that are UNREADABLE for western EU players and its breaking the game.


claiming russians don’t hack, cheat or exploit in any way. :joy:
I have never seen a good russian player either in pvp or pve. Frankly they don’t give a damn. They just want to win win win so they’ll hack and exploit to do it. If they get banned, just buy a new account and go at it again. If they don’t, then it’s obviously okey.

Oh and I’m not only talking about WoW. Doesn’t matter what game it is, it’s in russian nature to hack or exploit since fair play doesn’t exist in their vocabulary.

Give them their own russians servers where they can do whatever they want. I’m sure it’d be hilarious to watch pro russian teams hack their way through pve and pvp. As long as EU don’t have to deal with their rulebreaking.


I’m wondering if the fact that many players on RU servers understand or are fluent in the same language, unlike EU where we have a multitude of different languages. I really don’t know what makes them so strong but I know I’m getting fed up of players who immediately complain about opposing RU before we’ve even had the gates open. It totally demoralises their teammates and it feels like that is a big part of the frustration against RU servers.

ill be happy when russians are removed from eu making, i have like a 80% wirnatio in bg, but meet russians ? absolute stomp, removed insigna, camped at graveyard, RBG tactics in random, PERFECT comunication, ive seen russians moving before our team even made the call to where they were going to, and by following them i found what they were about to do and luckily i saved all cds and timewarp just for that occasion, becasue ofc they always have the right teamcomps for the right bg, 2 disci 1 guardian and 1 ele mid in eye of the storm, so much random bg there right ?

idc w/e ur gonna post trying to prove, i play enough bg to know when something is wrong, and russians in normal bg are wrong.
i could stay here ALL DAY posting screenshots. of won bgs always top dmg, always top kills, even top objective, and then, screenshots of russians stomping us, every single time.
im completely disgusted with russian to the point that if i meet one in team with me in pve, i tell leader, kick him, or kick me, im not playing with russians. bunch of cheaters


This is ridiculous and complete absurdity what you say! How stupid you need to be to blame the Russians that we play is not fair, it is especially funny to hear about cheats. Do you have Europeans no brain? There are only a couple of adequate comments here and that’s all. Russians, like Europeans, also leave with bg and pve if they start losing. All your accusations as propaganda on television that the Russians are to blame for everything. Do you have adequate people at all? Turn on your brain already!



I see no reason to even discuss what they are writing about in this topic, because everything is just idiocy and xenophobia.

And for those who have not seen good Russian pvp players, I would like to remind you the WoW Arena World Championship at Blizzcon 2014. The Bleached Bones team became the winner. The team included a player from Russia - Lagyna.

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Ive seen some weird cyrillic raids tho… Whole raid was heavily undergeared, I mean people with 90k hp? Even I am below average with my gear…Of course alliance stomped them. Havent met those super-russians yet, maybe I wont with my honor rank of 30? The main problem why alliance loses vs russians is, that at the same moment people check their opponents, they afk out. Rest, who run to objectives, spread out while russians stay together. No teamwork, no communication, crappy or close to no healing cause more people to afk and at that moment, me too, really cba. Giving the russians a taste of their own medicine feels good tho. If people fight, ferociously, its a clear win.

Do you have any evidence to support that?

But seriously, this is some kind of insanity, that the guys from “Mythbusters” are already needed here so that they can refute this myth.

there can’t be any evidence, even gms said so, no way to tell cheaters apart from normal players, but when you play thousands bgs and do lot of pvp, u see a pattern on how random bgs re plyed, and how russian ply them like they are an RBG team.
take Warsong for example, lly and horde don’t meet mid, they try to flank eachother’s last players, and the team who gets the most is the one controlling mid just after, if 4 go for the flag, u know 6 are mid, and 9v6 is almost a guranteed win
when you play against russians, they NEVER flank, they 10man go straight for the teamfight, and thats almost always gonna be win, becasue they always have healers, most of them are overgeared in the premades ive seen, and they outnumber us.becasue one of us maybe a stealther went for berserk and the fight always happen on the enemy berserk, meaning thats already -1 player, count 1 that went brb or was slow at getting out of base, and one that thinks he can go for the flag, and u know we are outnumbered, russians always 10man teamfight at theire berserking, never seen russian team splitting for 1 second at opener

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