Russian Premades in battlegrounds 2

No its not idiot, but yeah you kids these days grow up with the idea everything is racist.


Then you talk about attitude. :joy:

Dont worry, thousands lost to them in BG’s and want them out, you are not the first whining in the forums and not the last because that is not happening.

Get over yourself.

Its not attitude when its true :rofl:

The only truth here is a racist that got triggered when someone told him he is being racist.

L2P always works buddy, try it.

There is nothing L2P about this, some overgeared premade bashing randoms. Thats just sad, you probably cant deal with real challenge of bracket pvp so you go bash randoms. :rofl: :joy:

You are just scared you need to face other russians or premades and loose :rofl:
Also probably the reason why you are in random BGs instead of rated as you lack the skills for that, bashing randoms does not require skills.


What a joke you are and your thread. I am from Hungary, central europe. First learn some history and geography, Russia IS a european country despite it has large territories in asia. The most populated russian regions ARE in the european continent.

I play on alliance side, and I met with russian-horde premades all the time in PVP. Ally side loose every 9 match from 10, I got used to it. I just returned to WOW a few days ago, but I played it in BFA for long time. I have no problem they have premade team, why should I have a problem with it? It is an mmo… Get friends, get yourself a guild and use discord… Voila… Why should Blizzard punish them, just because they are russians? I would rather play with them all the time than with people like you…


What a stupid idea… further fragmant the servers and the playerbase… Get yourself a guild, a pvp team and communicate with each other… Why does it bother you that your opponents in the other team talks russian, german, or any other language. Who the f cares?

If you don’t play in an organized group but your opponent do, than you will loose most likely, even if your opponent talks, russian, mandarin or farsi…


Dont make me laugh, only reason these premades are formed is they know they get the randoms to bash. They dont want a challenge otherwise they would join rated BGs. They want the easy stuff so they farm randoms.

Premades should have their own que so they face premades.


Love the cries of “racist” and other such nonsense, but if you’re going to go there, explain Russian culture and this need you guys seem to have to completely overgear for certain content then mindlessly farm honor for months/years on end.
I don’t understand.

When you face off against teams were even the mages have 675k hp and the rogues kill you with seconds left on the kidney with 30k gushing wounds crit per tick, they’ve obviously farmed Mythic+ and Mythic raids to get such gear. They can’t be checked on Armory because no-one understands your language, or have cyrillic keyboards.

Why is this “fun” for you? What compels you to think that queuing against random Euro teams when you’re so overgeared is somehow Pro PvP? Methinks you’re compensating for something. We see Russia behaving in similar ways on the World stage. As I said, must be a cultural thing and I think I cna speak for a lot of others in saying, I wish you’d keep your “CULTURE” to yourself.


A cultural thing? They dare to cooperate in an MMO, they play in a team, how dare they playing together and having fun! :open_mouth: No fun for russians! You are a joke man… so pathetic…

You are a disgrace, if I were for Blizz, I would give you a perm ban just for this comment.


Don’t be such a snowflake. I don’t see Euro teams engaging in this behaviour, so it’s not much of a logical leap to think it must be something to do with your group mentality when you only see your lot doing it.

You still haven’t answered my question: How is joining random bg’s in ilvl 480+ gear in organised groups and stomping pug Euro players fun exactly? Why do you do it? Surely if you want a better challenge you should play rated?

As for forum bans, you should look to your own insulting and harassing comments before lecturing others on appropriate forum behaviour.


Who the hell do you think you are to question what’s fun for other people? You are crying like a baby because they have better gear and play as an organized team, in a team based PVP… OMG

You are free to farm out your equipment from M+ dungeons, you are free to create or join to a PVP guild. Do it, and stop whining…

I die a hundred times in PVP, and I accept that I am a noob, do it in solo and in bad gear at the moment. Maybe later I can be better. But what you are doing here is disgusting. There will always be a player and a team that has better gear then you, and more organized by you. There is always a winner in PVP…

How dare they enjoy winning matches!!! I imagine you do pvp without armor at all to make it fair and easy for your opponents? Or no? You do pvp in your best available armors and weapons? But the russians can not do that little snowflake… only you.

Whatever. Your entire paragraph just demonstrates my point. Strange people…


I am not russian, I am hungarian and I wrote it above. You are either a troll or a braindead idiot.

Every time I saw one of these threads I think that maybe the author is actually a Russian guy baiting.

For everyone who starts these threads for real: stop complaining. If you want to solve the issue of premades, you can, there are multiple ways: join a community and queue in a party, or, say, play both sides and choose the side which has more premades in the current season. Yes, it would have been great if Blizzard separated premades from soloers. But that won’t happen. So you have to solve the issue by yourself. If you aren’t willing to solve the issue by yourself, well, you can complain, but your complaints are kind of empty. They won’t change a thing, that’s for sure.

Better cyrillic than trash letters aka ù ô Ø ï

Hello, Gaarrøsh

There are many EU premade bg communities

I think this is another topic with l2p issue.

Looks so racist

Eu realms are full of premade communities.